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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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Let me ask you this - What the hell were Americans expecting when they voted for this guy? Did they think he was going to just change once he became president? Policy wise, his tweets and interviews do more damage than good. For some Trumpsters who are fed up with the liberal media and crooked politicians, they appreciate a president that fights back even in the most juvenile of ways.


Trump is doing exactly what the voters wanted him to do; Disrupt Washington, expose the media bias, and generally be entertaining as he makes fun of liberals losing their $c%h#. Also, staying on twitter while letting others govern is a bonus. No one actually wanted the guy to make policy, at best, he drains the swamp. At worst, he does nothing (and has done nothing since his inauguration but tweet).

Edited by unbillievable
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You still don't get it, do you? Again, what action has he taken that is actually wrong?

I'm not screaming for his head. I'm not calling for impeachment. I've said many times in this forum that many liberals are acting crazy and stupid. I've conceded that the media is garbage. I'm not grinding any axe. I'm not pushing any agenda. I just pointed out that his behavior is terrible. It constantly surprises me that anyone would tolerate it. I don't think that's even a controversial stance.


All this pushback. THAT'S what I don't get.


Please(!) Show me something that I've said that is false or dubious or disingenuous. You and some others keep assigning to me beliefs and positions and affiliations to groups that are not accurate.

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They don't call it the "terrible twos" for nothing.


A mature adult would realize that his/her Party of choice is going to lose about half the election in his/her lifetime.


Some losses will be a bit more bitter than others.


But it's time to move on, unless there really is nothing else going on in their lives.

Edited by row_33
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A mature adult would realize that his/her Party of choice is going to lose about half the election in his/her lifetime.


Some losses will be a bit more bitter than others.


But it's time to move on, unless there really is nothing else going on in their lives.


Mature adults do.


We just don't hear from them...because they're mature, and don't harp on it. It's the apocalyptic toddlers we hear from.

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His attacks the media because he is afraid of it. No transparency in this administration, secretive, won't hold press conferences and only does interviews with puff ball Fox News


I honestly feel you're just looking up left wing talking points and pasting them to here. The media is throwing darts at him like no president I've ever seen in my lifetime. That's saying a lot considering we've had Nixon and GW as president. There have been many presidents that have tried to maintain a low profile with the press. Given Trump's amazing ability to continuously shoot himself in the foot when doing interviews along with the media's insatiable appetite to try and bring down this administration, I think laying low and only doing interviews that won't try and trap you is the smart play.

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Trump is doing exactly what the voters wanted him to do; Disrupt Washington, expose the media bias, and generally be entertaining as he makes fun of liberals losing their $c%h#. Also, staying on twitter while letting others govern is a bonus. No one actually wanted the guy to make policy, at best, he drains the swamp. At worst, he does nothing (and has done nothing since his inauguration but tweet).


Draining the swam was one reason they voted for him. Bringing back manufacturing jobs, securing the border, SCOTUS picks, and repealing Obamacare are just as important so I'm going to disagree with you that they don't want him to do anything policy wise.

Tom Hanks said something similar. I'm glad my two of my favorite actors didn't pull a Meryl Streep.

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I honestly feel you're just looking up left wing talking points and pasting them to here.


You know those posts in the comments sections that write stuff like, "My brother just bought a new Land Rover with cash and makes $8000 a week! Ask me how!"


This is how they earn the Land Rover payments. They get orders from some left wing nut in CA and told to copy/paste their nonsense everywhere they can. He probably is truly a Bills fan making extra cash, but this is why you've seen Tiberius and baskin inadvertantly copy/paste the exact same posts.


He forgets how he's logged in and screws up every once in a while.

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I'm not screaming for his head. I'm not calling for impeachment. I've said many times in this forum that many liberals are acting crazy and stupid. I've conceded that the media is garbage. I'm not grinding any axe. I'm not pushing any agenda. I just pointed out that his behavior is terrible. It constantly surprises me that anyone would tolerate it. I don't think that's even a controversial stance.


All this pushback. THAT'S what I don't get.


Please(!) Show me something that I've said that is false or dubious or disingenuous. You and some others keep assigning to me beliefs and positions and affiliations to groups that are not accurate.

Please show me where I am assigning beliefs and positions that are not accurate. I've been trying to get you to tell me what Trump has done that is wrong and you keep avoiding the question. Again, what has he actually done that is wrong?

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You know those posts in the comments sections that write stuff like, "My brother just bought a new Land Rover with cash and makes $8000 a week! Ask me how!"


This is how they earn the Land Rover payments. They get orders from some left wing nut in CA and told to copy/paste their nonsense everywhere they can. He probably is truly a Bills fan making extra cash, but this is why you've seen Tiberius and baskin inadvertantly copy/paste the exact same posts.


He forgets how he's logged in and screws up every once in a while.

Is this true? I always thought those comments were just a scam.

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The only thing more embarrassing than Trump would be losing a presidential election to him. :lol:

Its' also more embarrassing that otherwise presumably intelligent people are backing this guy, for no decent reason. Maybe embarrassing isn't the right word...shameful is probably more accurate.

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