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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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Remember this people: It doesn't much matter what Trump says, it matters what he does.

Well, first of all, yes it does matter what he says. He's the POTUS. Also, what does Donald Trump do at all, other than say things. It's not like he's known for doing manual labor. His whole shtick is TELLING other people what to do. The only thing he's known for doing with this little hands is signing stuff and grabbing *****.

Edited by Cugalabanza
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Why are you so hot about it? You should be happy. Things are turning out very well for you. It's a Boyst62 world, Charlie Brown.

a)he never said that

B) he never and it has shown, worked with Putin

3) Obama told Putin on mic after he won the next election he was going to help russia. And no one cared.


The media is out to get trump and his admin. Poor Spicer is !@#$ed more ways than a democrat at a Klan rally

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a)he never said that

B) he never and it has shown, worked with Putin

3) Obama told Putin on mic after he won the next election he was going to help russia. And no one cared.


The media is out to get trump and his admin. Poor Spicer is !@#$ed more ways than a democrat at a Klan rally

Forget it Jeff. Trump's his own worst enemy except for the 20,000 members of the MSM who spew vile hateful epitaphs at him, and his family. The looney lefties just eat that up as much as they say the right eats up Fox News stories. Just one of those azzholes probably started the whole Russia/Trump collusion red herring just to !@#$ him over, and the echo chamber on the Left has done its useful idiot job of just going batshit crazy over it and anything else having to do with him.


For the record, Minka is a turd, and Joe Scarborough is as well. Talk about a RINO.

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a)he never said that

B) he never and it has shown, worked with Putin

3) Obama told Putin on mic after he won the next election he was going to help russia. And no one cared.


The media is out to get trump and his admin. Poor Spicer is !@#$ed more ways than a democrat at a Klan rally

a) Ok, I conceded that

B) Remains to be seen, but yes, innocent until proven guilty.

3) "Helping Russia" is not a bad thing necessarily. The question is, helping Russia do what exactly...


I'm not interested in trying to defend the media. There are certainly some good journalists, but the majority of network news is clearly pretty bad. It's a circus of ratings, sensationalized hot button BS, etc... there is no question. But if you look at Trump's own words, just in his tweets, it's a portrait of a seriously unhinged person. He's an emotionally wounded little fourth grader. And that's dangerous.

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Forget it Jeff. Trump's his own worst enemy except for the 20,000 members of the MSM who spew vile hateful epitaphs at him, and his family. The looney lefties just eat that up as much as they say the right eats up Fox News stories. Just one of those azzholes probably started the whole Russia/Trump collusion red herring just to !@#$ him over, and the echo chamber on the Left has done its useful idiot job of just going batshit crazy over it and anything else having to do with him.


For the record, Minka is a turd, and Joe Scarborough is as well. Talk about a RINO.

yes. Understood. But these partisan polical cult followers are abhorrent. Cuga means well but he does not know the outcome of his meaning and follows blindly.


Trump is a lousy businessman, a self promoting doof and a baffling moron either so smart he is clever or he is always in his own way.


But I'll never find a day wishing he lost and thay is because of the democrats. The cat was In the bag, that kitty should have won. But she is a disgusting person far more deplorable than trump


The hypocrosy of the media and world is overwhelming. Im not happy trump is president but i can live with it. Why can't these butthurt snowflakes? Why are they so full of **** to see that a majority of this country doesn't care about them?

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Trump being Trump





Republican lawmakers on Thursday swiftly rebuked President Donald Trump for crudely claiming that "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski was “bleeding badly from a face-lift,” saying such tweets are beneath the office of the president.


In a two-part tweet, Trump said he “heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore).” He then went on to hit Brzezinski: “how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came … to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

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For the record, Minka is a turd, and Joe Scarborough is as well. Talk about a RINO.


Scarborough is more than a turd.




...But the MSM won't talk about that story.


Not many do. Happened just a few months before 9/11. A lot of things got lost in the shuffle (for good reason - though this one is tragic). :beer:

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Trump being Trump





Republican lawmakers on Thursday swiftly rebuked President Donald Trump for crudely claiming that "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski was “bleeding badly from a face-lift,” saying such tweets are beneath the office of the president.


In a two-part tweet, Trump said he “heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore).” He then went on to hit Brzezinski: “how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came … to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”


Trump's an a$$hole who has no idea what he's doing. That's been long established. Democrats have to ask themselves how the hell we lost to his guy and Republicans need to ask themselves how the hell did this guy win our primaries doing everything possible to stop him. The answer is corruption by the "two" parties.

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Why do you always weave a Homeland character into every post?


I don't. This isn't fiction. This happened.


No one covered it then, no one cares about it now. When someone is murdered they deserve to be remembered, not forgotten just because their killer is a congressman or a talk show host.

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