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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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Whether Melania holds his hand walking down the stairs?


Can you blame her? The man takes TWO scoops of ice cream at dinner! That's, like, an impeachable treasonous offense or something!

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ALT CNN HEADLINE: Our sources don’t know if this is true or not, but please click because RUSSIA




How the fake news is made, continued…

Step 1 — Tweet something with an explosive allegation in the headline:

Russians discussed having potentially "derogatory" info about Trump and associates during campaign, sources tell CNN


Step 2 — bury the fact that the headline is total BS:

But the sources, privy to the descriptions of the communications written by US intelligence, cautioned the Russian claims to one another “could have been exaggerated or even made up” as part of a disinformation campaign that the Russians did during the election.

Step 3 — Enjoy the traffic as other verified tweeps share the article without reading:


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Deviation from the left's narrative will not be permitted


THE NEW YORK TIMES FIRES ITS PUBLIC EDITOR FOR RESISTING THE RESISTANCE: Liz Spayd “did her best to be even-handed in the eleven months she held the job,” Kyle Smith writes at NRO. “The angry Left could not forgive this:”


She noted, for instance, in an elementary insight, that a false statement, even one uttered by a person you hate, even a president you hate, is not automatically a “lie.” If you don’t know your false statement is false, it isn’t a lie, and journalists aren’t mind-readers.


In a column entitled “Why Readers See the Times as Liberal,” she noted that many a liberal and centrist acolyte of the Times told her that they were seeking other outlets for balance. “A paper whose journalism appeals to only half the country has a dangerously severed public mission,” she said.

That such a statement is now considered “controversial” does not reflect well on the media.




Of course, one reason why readers see the Times as “liberal” (read: leftist) is that its first Public Editor told them just that in 2004.


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Banner day for NBC News.

Mickey White added,

MediaiteVerified account @Mediaite
MSNBC Anchor's Response to London Terror Attack: Could Police Be 'Overreacting?http://mediaite.com/a/oimxj
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Edited by B-Man
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“The FAKE MSM is working so hard trying to get me not to use Social Media. They hate that I can get the honest and unfiltered message out,” the president wrote on Twitter Tuesday morning. “Sorry folks, but if I would have relied on the Fake News of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, washpost or nytimes, I would have had ZERO chance winning WH.”


Ya right "Mr. President" They love your moronic tweets!



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Maybe if we all just put him on ignore.


Nah...he's too much fun. I mean, just yesterday he tweeted all the statements the Supreme Court needs to justify every lower court ruling against is travel "not a ban" ban. I'd have hated to miss that.


I don't want to ignore him. In fact, I want him here...his brand of unfiltered idiocy fits PPP perfectly.

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Nah...he's too much fun. I mean, just yesterday he tweeted all the statements the Supreme Court needs to justify every lower court ruling against is travel "not a ban" ban. I'd have hated to miss that.


I don't want to ignore him. In fact, I want him here...his brand of unfiltered idiocy fits PPP perfectly.


Were you still talking about Trump or did you digress to Gator in your last remark?

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Were you still talking about Trump or did you digress to Gator in your last remark?


Every consider that maybe they're one and the same?


Greg, put that through your conspiracy theory engine... :bag:

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