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PPP Trump Job Approval: One Month In



49 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you approve or disapprove Trump's job performance?

    • Approve
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Keeping it simple with this poll question.


Do you approve or disapprove Trump's job performance so far?


Feel free to expand on your answer in a post. For example, is how your feeling about him now different or the same as before the election? Are you happy with certain parts, and down on other parts of his performance? Etc.

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He doesn't have slow eyes and isn't afraid to throw over the middle. Haven't seen him throw the long ball yet. Not sure if his line will hold up under intense pressure the defenses will bring. They've already thrown a rash of blitzes at him and at least twice would have been sacked for a loss if it were real contact. [/vcarrucci]

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How can you not approve of the guy that sent Hill'ry down the road. Just as soon as George Soros decides to do something else with his money, the protests will fade out and the media will have to find another truncheon to use to hammer Trump.

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He's done ok from his to do list and been crap from assembling a team and getting a coherent message out. It's probably not in his nature to improve this but I hope he lets some of the grown-ups manage the messaging more in the coming months.


I also wish he'd focus more on GTD and stop getting so ruffled by his coverage.


First few months are rough so I can't judge yet. I can't stand the person of Trump but it's too early to judge whether he can get crap done and that's what matters more.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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He's done ok from his to do list and been crap from assembling a team and getting a coherent message out. It's probably not in his nature to improve this but I hope he lets some of the grown-ups manage the messaging more in the coming months.


I also wish he'd focus more on GTD and stop getting so ruffled by his coverage.


First few months are rough so I can't judge yet. I can't stand the person of Trump but it's too early to judge whether he can get crap done and that's what matters more.

the crap of assembling his team is a partisan screw job that will continue with whoever is next. Knowing the filibuster is gone the minority party can only use the nontraditional weapons and press to smear anyone. This happened to Flynn, devos, etc. 10 yrs ago they'd have had no problem. Oddly, someone like Mattis can get in rather clean but it is the political machine that attacks education and the state dept.


And personal opinion of that state dept system was that it was so entrenched with political lifers and special interests and all sorts of corruption from decades of overstepping that by the time the IC jumped in on the attack it was over.


Again, all this needs to do is show what we should have learned before Obama !@#$ed us. The president is too damn powerful

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hes going to fail in epic flaming fashion bc hes a dumb egomaniac completely out of touch silver spoon dick of a man


so i guess relative to that yeah hes doing ok so far

this is about trump. Not Obama. And stop insisting your homosexual desires upon all men. That's rape. And its not cool.
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the crap of assembling his team is a partisan screw job that will continue with whoever is next. Knowing the filibuster is gone the minority party can only use the nontraditional weapons and press to smear anyone. This happened to Flynn, devos, etc. 10 yrs ago they'd have had no problem. Oddly, someone like Mattis can get in rather clean but it is the political machine that attacks education and the state dept.


And personal opinion of that state dept system was that it was so entrenched with political lifers and special interests and all sorts of corruption from decades of overstepping that by the time the IC jumped in on the attack it was over.


Again, all this needs to do is show what we should have learned before Obama !@#$ed us. The president is too damn powerful


There are 540+ appointments that get approved by congress...DT has yet to name over 500 of them....

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There are 540+ appointments that get approved by congress...DT has yet to name over 500 of them....

and yet, despite it being a month in with 500 folks not appointed we continue on and have not completely capsized as a country. Me thinks these appointments aint so vital.


We don't need that much government. And maybe, just maybe, all those bureaucratic positions are being purged out naturally as states and other more localized agencies take up the slack


This doesn't mean its happening but I'd bet if you looked back 100 years ago the number wasn't 500 positions by any means.


Plus, you have your friends, family and fellow retards so awfully !@#$ing up and attacking all things Trump the government is on constant damage control. And you and all your friends say "good.". Damn sad state of affairs when the party of big government now does anything it can to stop it.

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He gets my approval, mostly because of the Gorsuch nod, partly because he truly is keeping some key promises he made, but especially because he has the far left snowflakes schitting purple Twinkies every time he opens his mouth.


You flailing leftists make every morning Christmas morning. :lol:

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He gets my approval, mostly because of the Gorsuch nod, partly because he truly is keeping some key promises he made, but especially because he has the far left snowflakes schitting purple Twinkies every time he opens his mouth.


You flailing leftists make every morning Christmas morning. :lol:


Approve, for 100% of what you so eloquently stated, especially the purple Twinkies. The entertainment factor is off the charts.

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in your words. What exactly does this mean and why is it bad?

I require more than 140 characters, as wel

If Paul Ryan submits what's been reported as "the skinny budget", which is code for austerity, does Trump buckle?


Trump ran on an economic populist platform. He needs to remember he lost by 2.8 million votes, and his entire victory was based on a 78,500 margin in the states of WI, MI & PA.


Those people didn't sign up for economic austerity. They want to get to work building infrastructure and to rebuild the manufacturing sector of the American economy.


Trump must balance the deficit hawks and his constituents who voted for him to actually deliver on his campaign promises. It will take more than executive orders to make these people happy.

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If Paul Ryan submits what's been reported as "the skinny budget", which is code for austerity, does Trump buckle?


Trump ran on an economic populist platform. He needs to remember he lost by 2.8 million votes, and his entire victory was based on a 78,500 margin in the states of WI, MI & PA.


Those people didn't sign up for economic austerity. They want to get to work building infrastructure and to rebuild the manufacturing sector of the American economy.


Trump must balance the deficit hawks and his constituents who voted for him to actually deliver on his campaign promises. It will take more than executive orders to make these people happy.

so your entire [idiotic] belief is based on [the retarded] belief that Trump is accountable for Paul Ryan's submission of a budget? I totally [don't] understand this [doody]
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