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saw this on a Fins Board


Pack up all your things and go

Still more to go, I'm singing though

Bye bye Jaybird


Why did you take that stupid sack

Decisions made, were made on crack

Bye Bye Jaybird


No more starters that last half a season

No more posts accusing me of treason


It's 3rd and 5 and really tight

So throw for 4 with all your might

Jaybird, BYE BYE!


Chambers open to the right

It's been picked off, a common plight

Bye Bye Jaybird


He is wide open you stupid F#%$

a wobbly duck, you really suck

Bye Bye Jaybird


No more to have to live through this whole pretense

And no more passes thrown right to the defense


So no more fans are forced to flee

10 INT from our QB

Jaybird BYE BYE


We know it now you were a fake

So much so that we wanted Blake

Bye Bye Jaybird


You got replaced by some 3rd string

And I will bet it really stings

Bye Bye Jaybird


Some here can love. excuse and understand Jay

And what a load of bull sh-- they did hand me


Five years that we have lived this blight

But now has come that magic night

Jaybird, BYE BYE!


I know you're all sad to see him go, but I for one love it that he's gone. I'm not saying Feely is the answer, but it's a step in the right decision.

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