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Trump and Russia

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Haha whatever dude, get your coloring book and go to your safe space and suck your thumb.


How is that russia scandal working out so far!


How much $$$ are the USA tax payers NOT paying because of the Paris pullout?


Looney left spewing make believe again, does it ever stop!

I am by far not a snowflake, no safe place needed.


One of the things I like about Trump is the enviro & industry agenda. It supports my daily work.

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The president heads the executive branch of the federal government, which has absolutely nothing to do with representing the American people. They serve us, but do not represent us. We are represented by the House of Representatives. The Senate represents the interest of each of the 50 states.

Thanks for the civics lesson. Not necessary, but appreciated none the less.


I'll just leave it at this: there are micro and macro levels of representation.

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Thanks for the civics lesson. Not necessary, but appreciated none the less.


I'll just leave it at this: there are micro and macro levels of representation.


Yeah, they're called "local," "state," and "federal."

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Thanks for the civics lesson. Not necessary, but appreciated none the less.



No thanks necessary. I'm always glad to clear up simple misconceptions that fall within my humble sphere of knowledge.

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Yeah, they're called "local," "state," and "federal."

I think I already indicated exactly that in my previous response to you. I understand the finer point you and Azalin are making here, but to suggest the president doesn't represent the American people is misguided.

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I think I already indicated exactly that in my previous response to you. I understand the finer point you and Azalin are making here, but to suggest the president doesn't represent the American people is misguided.

I think you guys are arguing semantics over the difference between national and local interests. At some point, there is a disconnect between representing Me vs Us. I think (sorry if I'm assuming) that Azalin believes the President is not his representative, but everyone's. Although I'm curious to know where that line is drawn.


I've never thought of it that way, but you guys bring up a good point about the actual impact of politicians; especially the difference between elected and appointed officials. If an elected official appoints a cabinet, did the voters choose them both as representatives since we knew they came as a set?

Edited by unbillievable
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I think when they said "represent", they meant this:


"More than anyone else, the President symbolizes the country its people and its beliefs. In this role, a President performs many ceremonial duties, such as receiving foreign dignitaries, throwing the first baseball of the season, and walking on red carpets while waving to crowds. These actions are not trivial. Strong Presidents must exude confidence, not just in themselves, but in the American people as well. The best ones have had an intangible charisma that engendered public confidence."


This President does not engender public confidence. Trump is all time low. Like that wasn't predicted during the campaign. Trump is showing that he is unprepared to lead and lacks the qualifications, like that wasn't predicted too.


What a mess. But 46%, if legit, which is debatable, wanted him. Now we are stuck with the raging scandals, dumpster fire of a presidency. Hey! But it is everybody else's fault... Stop picking on poor Donald!


Yeah. This is the first time in my lifetime I actually worry about what a president traveling abroad. I wish they'd just let Pence take over and Trump can give a rally once a month or something and spend the rest of the time golfing.

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I think you guys are arguing semantics over the difference between national and local interests. At some point, there is a disconnect between representing Me vs Us. I think (sorry if I'm assuming) that Azalin believes the President is not his representative, but everyone's. Although I'm curious to know where that line is drawn.


I've never thought of it that way, but you guys bring up a good point about the actual impact of politicians; especially the difference between elected and appointed officials. If an elected official appoints a cabinet, did the voters choose them both as representatives since we knew they came as a set?

The President is the figurehead representitive of the Government, not the people.
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I think (sorry if I'm assuming) that Azalin believes the President is not his representative, but everyone's. Although I'm curious to know where that line is drawn.



Just for the sake of accuracy, I do not view the president as anyone's representative, but rather the person who oversees the entire executive branch, the federal layer that bonds all fifty states into a union.


The two people that act as representatives for the interests of the state where I reside are Ted Cruz and John Cornyn.


The only representative at the federal level that I have is Lamar Smith.

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Yeah. This is the first time in my lifetime I actually worry about what a president traveling abroad. I wish they'd just let Pence take over and Trump can give a rally once a month or something and spend the rest of the time golfing.


I wouldn't worry about if it I were you. If we can survive the awkward embarrassment of a John Kerry/James Taylor song in France, we can survive Trump.

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The President is the figurehead representitive of the Government, not the people.


He's the executive. He executes. Specifically, he executes the laws and policies of the federal government. Those are defined by the people, indirectly as represented by Congress.


The President's job isn't supposed to be to represent my interests. It's supposed to be to do what he's told to by the people that DO represent my interests (save on the international stage, where he represents the interests of the country, not me.)

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The President is the figurehead representitive of the Government, not the people.


I don't believe this is true, otherwise, the president would be picked by the government, (like a prime minister) and not elected by the people. (and no, you can't use the electoral college as an excuse.)


I know people are saying that he represents the country as a whole, but that just means he executes the will of our combined interests.

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I don't believe this is true, otherwise, the president would be picked by the government, (like a prime minister) and not elected by the people. (and no, you can't use the electoral college as an excuse.)


Yes, you can. The EC is exactly why the people don't elect the president. Rather, he's chosen by the states.


That is the ENTIRE point of the electoral college.

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Yes, you can. The EC is exactly why the people don't elect the president. Rather, he's chosen by the states.


That is the ENTIRE point of the electoral college.

sure, but isn't the EC supposed to represent the will of the people (on the whole)?

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i disagree.


each state has a certain amount of electoral votes based upon, essentially, their population.

Each state has the authority to allocate their votes as they will, to recall electors; and electors aren't compelled to vote by the federal government, or by the people.

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