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Trump and Russia

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I have a question for those on the left here. If there is no Russian/Trump connection smoking gun then what?


I've said from the start the Dems should just let the Russia investigation play out and stop blaming their loss on Russia. It appears the corporate Democrats will continue with the usual bs "when they go low we go high" message along with calling everybody on the right racists, bigots, homophobes, etc...


A grass movement needs to happen on the left needs to happen like the Tea Party did on the right in '09. Luckily, with Trump's approval ratings in the upper 30's, an unpopular health care bill, and him continuing to show he is in over his head as president there's a lot of energy on the left. A progressive platform (single payer, pro union, raise minimum wage, higher taxes on big businesses and the wealthy, regulate Wall Street, pro environmental policies, improving public schools (especially inner city) with federal money, etc.).


I've always been a more moderate democrat but realize politicians who push for a progressive platform is the only way the Democrats can retake the House in 2018. I doubt it's going to happen though.

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Uh, you'll probably get your links tomorrow after Comey is done testifying. There will be a lot of them and they will say polar opposites. The links will come from people on this board who you've come to expect to post them.

Edited by snafu
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It appears the corporate Democrats will continue with the usual bs "when they go low we go high" message along with calling everybody on the right racists, bigots, homophobes, etc...


That's a chop block. 15 yards for a personal foul. Edited by reddogblitz
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4 years of Trump craziness, 2-3 Supreme Court Picks, and an increased gap between the rich and the poor. Thanks Hillary.


Nobody increased the gap between the rich and the poor like Barry did. In fact, he should be embarrassed how much his policies hurt the black communities. But no one will speak out on it because, 'y'know, racism or something.


Meanwhile, who earned a million dollars last year? Bernie Freaking Sanders.

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Nobody increased the gap between the rich and the poor like Barry did. In fact, he should be embarrassed how much his policies hurt the black communities. But no one will speak out on it because, 'y'know, racism or something.


Meanwhile, who earned a million dollars last year? Bernie Freaking Sanders.

Barack also deported 2,5000,000 people in 8 years. Human rights groups dubbed him Deporter in Chief, but Trump ...

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Nobody increased the gap between the rich and the poor like Barry did. In fact, he should be embarrassed how much his policies hurt the black communities. But no one will speak out on it because, 'y'know, racism or something.


Meanwhile, who earned a million dollars last year? Bernie Freaking Sanders.


Well, we'll see how trickle down economics works out for them.


Barack also deported 2,5000,000 people in 8 years. Human rights groups dubbed him Deporter in Chief, but Trump ...


25 million is a lot of people. Isn't the Deporter in Chief thing because they actually started counted people that they caught trying to cross the border. One of the few policies of Trump's I like is cracking down on immigration and his Muslim ban from Middle Eastern countries. Wish he would add Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

Edited by Doc Brown
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So you think Bill asked Lynch to not investigate Hillary (zero evidence) but Trump didn't pressure Comey to not investigate Flynn (evidence)?


Come on. I'm not saying you have to like Hillary, but there's no way you can give Trump a free pass here. He clearly pressured Comey to drop the investigation, and that crosses the line of an independent FBI. Not maybe a legal line as I said, but Trump is a hazardous president.


The left will make more of this than exists, have no fear, but this is still bad by any measure.

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Am I alone in, although interested in political theory and action, not giving a care at all about this media hoopla nonsense today?


I'll pick up 15 seconds of HOPEFULLY useful info from a summary.

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Am I alone in, although interested in political theory and action, not giving a care at all about this media hoopla nonsense today?


I'll pick up 15 seconds of HOPEFULLY useful info from a summary.


It's political theater. I don't particularly care...it's not telling me much I didn't already know (e.g. Trump's an egomaniacal liar.)


The summaries are going to be useless; writers/editors will cherry-pick whatever suits their preconceived notions and report that.

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Empty boasting found in a real estate tycoon?


Oh mommy, hide me, how could this ever happen???


This will be the biggest performance of cover their ass that ever existed.


This isn't 6 people in jail getting hush money over a break-in, trying to get the CIA or FBI to impede the CIA or FBI's work...

this isn't the Dems getting all sniffy over rightfully arming the Contras.

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It's political theater. I don't particularly care...it's not telling me much I didn't already know (e.g. Trump's an egomaniacal liar.)


The summaries are going to be useless; writers/editors will cherry-pick whatever suits their preconceived notions and report that.



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So you think Bill asked Lynch to not investigate Hillary (zero evidence) but Trump didn't pressure Comey to not investigate Flynn (evidence)?


I have no idea what Bill asked Lynch. You are assuming that because I consider myself a conservative, I must have thought that.


You'd be wrong. It was stupid and it looks embarrassingly bad for everyone, but nowhere did you see me calling for action to be taken beyond "Don't vote for HIllary because she's a money-laundering pig with no morals."




Just because...



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Cripes... Not sure where to put this... All over this Trump polluted clusterphuck of a board:




"Your President is not a crook!"


Shades of Nixon... But they learned that @ least the Trumpster should NOT say this. Because then, he'd actually be caught being a liar.


Hate to break it y'all. OUR Prez. IS a liar... Ultimate politicians always are. Show me a real estate dude that isn't.


Oh well... Live and learn Deplorables and figure out where you are going in life.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Cripes... Not sure where to put this... All over this Trump polluted clusterphuck of a board:




"Your President is not a crook!"


Shades of Nixon... But they learned that @ least the Trumpster should NOT say this. Because then, he'd actually be caught being a liar.


Hate to break it y'all. OUR Prez. IS a liar... Ultimate politicians always are. Show me a real estate dude that isn't.


Oh well... Live and learn Deplorables and figure out where you are going in life.

I think the real story is still his connection/or not to Russia. No one will even really remember lies, obstruction of justice or anything if they turn up evidence he is compromised by a foreign power and has been acting on it.

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