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Trump and Russia

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Says Gator's second biggest fan.


Some of us want more from the board. They don't hurt my feelings. Ignore just makes the board better.

Half of the time when I read one of your posts I think that you think that you are looking down on us. Almost like sniping at us from the balcony. You never post much that has any substance because you try to stay above the fray and out of harms way. If you are going to be an arrogant prick be a hard one that at least has a point of view not a soft one that, as you know, is pretty useless.

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Half of the time when I read one of your posts I think that you think that you are looking down on us. Almost like sniping at us from the balcony. You never post much that has any substance because you try to stay above the fray and out of harms way. If you are going to be an arrogant prick be a hard one that at least has a point of view not a soft one that, as you know, is pretty useless.


Did you just ask for a hard prick?

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I have six individuals on ignore, all trolls and those whom are easily baited by them, and my board experience has drastically improved.


Well, if there's one good thing that's come of engaging gatorman...

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You have the megaphone they're wearing the dresses. ;)


That may be, but at least we've stopped biting every time he lowers his hook into the water. Honestly, I was embarrassed when I realized how often I had been manipulated by that worthless twat.


Then again, maybe one day you'll make him see reason.

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And sniffing around the all important software project that handles the American Samoan absentee ballots. No wonder Nancy Pelosi is screaming like her tit got caught in a ringer. Next thing you know, the Russians would be emailing the Samoans with propaganda that suggests that their minimum wage has been kept lower because Madam Stretch has effectively cut that particular population out of the US minimum wage standard... because it would cost her buddies at Starkist a significant amount of money to run their company that's based there.

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She did it to "resist Trump."


This could get interesting if people like this start popping out of the woodwork while throwing maximum +10 years in prison to the wind.


You crazy Millennials, always copying what has been done in past. Gotta hand it to the Echoes, they are showing some cojones if they can keep it up


The "Trumpster Nightmare" with a Richie Cunningham/Happy Days twist:



Rats are fleeing, turning on each other.



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Throw the book at Ms. "Winner." Make an example of her.


Too bad for her her info doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Hopefully it was worth it to her.

Her government was hiding the fact that a foreign power attempted to hack our election and she exposed that. Why should she be in jail?

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Her government was hiding the fact that a foreign power attempted to hack our election and she exposed that. Why should she be in jail?


I don't know. Because it's against the law?


And you realize the previous administration was the one that was truly hiding it, right?

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I don't know. Because it's against the law?


And you realize the previous administration was the one that was truly hiding it, right?

But "throw the book" at her? And my God, you guys are so programmed to say, "But Obama did it" that you say it when it doesn't even really apply.

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This came out yesterday:


The Intercept's response to the DOJ's allegations:


On June 5 The Intercept published a story about a top-secret NSA document that was provided to us completely anonymously. Shortly after the article was posted, the Justice Department announced the arrest of Reality Leigh Winner, a 25-year-old government contractor in Augusta, Georgia, for transmitting defense information under the Espionage Act. Although we have no knowledge of the identity of the person who provided us with the document, the U.S. government has told news organizations that Winner was that individual.

While the FBI’s allegations against Winner have been made public through the release of an affidavit and search warrant, which were unsealed at the government’s request, it is important to keep in mind that these documents contain unproven assertions and speculation designed to serve the government’s agenda and as such warrant skepticism. Winner faces allegations that have not been proven. The same is true of the FBI’s claims about how it came to arrest Winner.

We take this matter with the utmost seriousness. However, because of the continued investigation, we will make no further comment on it at this time.


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