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Trump and Russia

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Better to have saved time and energy and said "We Got Nuthin'"


"The NSA analysis does not draw conclusions about whether the interference had any effect on the election’s outcome and concedes that much remains unknown about the extent of the hackers’ accomplishments. However, the report raises the possibility that Russian hacking may have breached at least some elements of the voting system, with disconcertingly uncertain results."


That's the key from the article. That and the Intercept also burned their source (unintentionally it seems?).

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"The NSA analysis does not draw conclusions about whether the interference had any effect on the election’s outcome and concedes that much remains unknown about the extent of the hackers’ accomplishments. However, the report raises the possibility that Russian hacking may have breached at least some elements of the voting system, with disconcertingly uncertain results."


That's the key from the article. That and the Intercept also burned their source (unintentionally it seems?).


The NSA certainly wouldn't say one way or the other and the Intercept can forget about getting any other credible sources.

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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The NSA certainly wouldn't say one way or the other and the Intercept can forget getting any other credible sources.


The burning of the source is (to me) the more interesting angle simply due to Greenwald and the Intercept's history.


The actual document that was leaked shows us what's been known for some time without offering any conclusions. That it leaks two days before MR is set to testify, to me, is at least interesting.

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"Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation's security and undermines public faith in government..."


Public faith? Bawahaha! You gotta be joking.


When has this administration been so worried about undermining public faith in gov't? I will give them the national security thing.


Or yeah, it's not campaign time. Now we all gotta have faith and do our best George Michael. Nice try, that faith has been throughly shat all over. Scorch earth, win @ all costs games tend to do that.

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"The NSA analysis does not draw conclusions about whether the interference had any effect on the election’s outcome and concedes that much remains unknown about the extent of the hackers’ accomplishments. However, the report raises the possibility that Russian hacking may have breached at least some elements of the voting system, with disconcertingly uncertain results."


That's the key from the article. That and the Intercept also burned their source (unintentionally it seems?).

If the NSA found out the election system was somehow hacked by the Russians and swung the election (highly unlikely), would they even tell us?

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If the NSA found out the election system was somehow hacked by the Russians and swung the election (highly unlikely), would they even tell us?


No. You know the old joke - "NSA" stands for "No Such Agency." I'm surprised they came down so hard on this leak, since it confirms its validity (again, ironic given the anniversary of today).


I doubt they'd ever find out anyway. The NSA isn't responsible for domestic cybersecurity - they have the skills (since penetrating other peoples' communication systems is their mission), but domestic cybersecurity is so far outside their mission that they would either never do it, or never admit to it as they'd be in deep **** if they did.

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Better to have saved time and energy and said "We Got Nuthin'"

Or maybe Trump won by a total foreign attack on our election system? This story just keeps getting deeper. Trump trying to obstruct the very justice of this investigation is suspicious to say the least.

Hope they crucify this woman.

Choir boys will be choir boys

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You know I've never put anyone on ignore, so I'm not sure how. But I think the time's come for me to ignore this walking piece of ****.


You'll be surprised at the instant reduction of idiocy once you do.

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You know I've never put anyone on ignore, so I'm not sure how. But I think the time's come for me to ignore this walking piece of ****.


Upper right corner. Click on your user name. In the dropdown, click on "Manage Ignore Prefs" and input his username in the field at the bottom.


While it's a big help, Chef still pretty much responds to everything he types, so you don't really have him on ignore unless you add Chef as well.


I once had a thread where one page was almostly exclusively Exiled and gator having a conversation with each other. It was funny seeing a whole page of...


"This post is hidden..."


"This post is hidden..."


"This post is hidden..."


"This post is hidden..."


"This post is hidden..."

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Upper right corner. Click on your user name. In the dropdown, click on "Manage Ignore Prefs" and input his username in the field at the bottom.


While it's a big help, Chef still pretty much responds to everything he types, so you don't really have him on ignore unless you add Chef as well.


I once had a thread where one page was almostly exclusively Exiled and gator having a conversation with each other. It was funny seeing a whole page of...


"This post is hidden..."


"This post is hidden..."


"This post is hidden..."


"This post is hidden..."


"This post is hidden..."



Not that he will give a rodent's posterior, but I have been considering putting Chef on ignore, his constant asking Gator questions that he knows we'll never be answered, is more useless than gator's posts themselves.





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