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Trump and Russia

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Like I said, the respective capabilities of the other 14 aren't the big takeaway here. For whatever reason, they saw fit to sign on to the conclusions reached by the "big three". And I don't share the idea that they are just incapable idiots unable to discern good intel when shared by other superior intelligence gathering agencies.


When I contrast it to the WMD intel, my only concern is that it would be ignored in the same fashion. There was unanimity among the agencies back then, too.


They saw fit because they had no real choice. They had no capacity to judge the intel. It probably wasn't even shared with them, just the conclusions.


And you're misrepresenting the WMD intel...but then, you're not alone, either. You should read some of the **** from the Iraqi side of that equation...it'd be funny, if the outcome wasn't so tragic.

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It's been Soviet/Russian policy to try and disrupt US -German relations since at least 1945, and before even. Looks like Putin has really achived success with his Trump puppet as Germany now says it can't rely on US anymore, Trump refuses to affirm Article Five and has even demand payments from NATO countries. Sad

If I were the Chancellor of Germany I think I would have written off the USA as a friend when they were caught hacking my cell phone.

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If I were the Chancellor of Germany I think I would have written off the USA as a friend when they were caught hacking my cell phone.


If you were Chancellor of Germany you'd know that's no big deal because everyone spies on everyone, including allies.

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But why should we care if HE did it? He won a Nobel Peace Prize but not being a Bush. [/bF]

We should be more concerned about the current administration and how they can't seem to disentangle themselves from the slimy traps thrown in their way and/or shake off the MSM who smell the blood in a vacuum and won't let go until they get apoplexy.

Edited by Nanker
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I said it on Friday, Bash and CNN are pushing a story that's been known to be false for at least several weeks now.


It's a sign of desperation on the part of not just CNN, but whoever Bash's "sources" are in CIA.


CNN has to say BREAKING NEWS!!!!! at least 6 times an hour, so it's pretty thin gruel about 99% of the time.

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Um, what?


intel is rarely helpful ahead of the scenes.


it's missed all major attacks of war and terrorism, it's provided totally false info that has led to war.


sorry, GoBills808, you rely on what intel says.


Sorry... you rely on what CNN tells us intel says?

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