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Good to hear. Do you remember in the 60s and 70s when people were actually assassinated by the system? People like you refuse to believe the world is actually more informed now than ever, with more rights than ever. Keep thinking government tanks are going to roll down your street anytime now, and big brother gives a **** about surveiling average citizens like you and I. Drink a beer and enjoy your life man. Most people have enough real crap to worry about, not this BS.


OMG you type the stupidest **** I've ever read.

You're lucky Deranged takes time to be patient with you.



The "Z" in NAZI is for "Socialist", just like Bernie Sanders


How Socialism Ruined My Country

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OMG you type the stupidest **** I've ever read.

You're lucky Deranged takes time to be patient with you.



The "Z" in NAZI is for "Socialist", just like Bernie Sanders


How Socialism Ruined My Country

Any dip **** moron who thinks the socialist countries in Europe have any resemblance to Nazi Germany need to get out more.
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People who spoke out, or were a threat to the government were taken out. The radio, newspapers and select few tv stations were much more edited and controlled by the system. We were experimented on and controlled much more than now.


The bolded is blatantly false. If you truly have done the reading you say, you'd know this.

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The bolded is blatantly false. If you truly have done the reading you say, you'd know this.

Do me a favor, open this link and open the different subtabs at the bottom to educate yourself.



If you want me to show you a list of all the people who were assassinated in the 20th century because the system saw them as a threat, I will after work when I have more time.

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Do me a favor, open this link and open the different subtabs at the bottom to educate yourself.




First, wiki is a terrible source.


Second, you call me a conspiracy theorist and assume I'm unaware of these projects?


If you think these practices have stopped you need to read better sources.

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First, wiki is a terrible source.


Second, you call me a conspiracy theorist and assume I'm unaware of these projects?


If you think these practices have stopped you need to read better sources.

It's not the best but those are all true, people could learn from it. You are aware of those dozens of experiments, and have the nerve to say we weren't experimented on? My opinion is that the government controlled more in relation to everything back then, disagree with me all you want. I don't care.


The Internet and smart phones are relatively new, people have access to a wealth of information for the first time at their fingertips. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the government doesn't like that.

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It's not the best but those are all true, people could learn from it. You are aware of those dozens of experiments, and have the nerve to say we weren't experimented on?



Your reading comprehension needs work. I didn't say we weren't controlled/experimented on. I said your claim that we were controlled more back in the 60s and 70s is false.


My opinion is that the government controlled more in relation to everything back then, disagree with me all you want. I don't care.


This is false. Demonstrably so.


And I know you don't care about facts. You've proven that quite efficiently in your 183 posts to date.

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Your reading comprehension needs work. I didn't say we weren't controlled/experimented on. I said your claim that we were controlled more back in the 60s and 70s is false.



This is false. Demonstrably so.


And I know you don't care about facts. You've proven that quite efficiently in your 183 posts to date.

Excellent post. Way to offer nothing more than your opinion to back up your side of the argument.


Who could vote, who could get married, who could use what restaurants and facilities. The government had their hands on everything back then, and absolutely controlled what the family dynamic was supposed to do and be like. Spying and wiretapping are nothing new. What worries me the most now, is how they can compress and store vast amounts of information on us. They didn't have the capability to do that in the old days.

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Excellent post. Way to offer nothing more than your opinion to back up your side of the argument.


Who could vote, who could get married, who could use what restaurants and facilities. Spying and wiretapping are nothing new. What worries me the most now, is how they can compress and store vast amounts of information on us. They didn't have the capability to do that in the old days.

[This is an automated response.]


You're an idiot.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.9.

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See? It's your go-to move.

I admit when I'm wrong and will go with whatever the irrefutable evidence and proof tell me. You haven't offered anything but your opinion either. "That's demonstrably false" "that's your go to move" "you need to work on your reading comprehension" blah blah blah


For !@#$s sake you can't even offer proof about aliens to get more than a couple of people to believe you.


You guys can take all the shots you want at me. I don't care what a bunch of limp dicks think and I am not going anywhere.

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Where there's smoke......there's farts.


Humor is subjective.


Apparently so. It appears to be difficult as well.


FBI investigations, people resigning, Putin having people whacked, Flynn seeking immunity and this is just the beginning. I'm enjoying this, it's like reading a crime novel.


People were screaming lock her up over emails and a private server, but refuse to think there might be something here. Now that is funny. Mike Flynn also publicly said people who get immunity are usually guilty of a crime. Nothing to see here!


Unlike you, people are refraining from jumping to conclusions.


Like I care what a conspiracy theorist thinks. Fake news is a problem when republicans read more of it on Facebook than real news. Then use their tainted beliefs to elect an incompetent person to lead the country. I didn't come here to make friends, that's what the real world is for. I like getting under your and other people's skin. I have been lurking on this board since crayonz was trolling people. It's enjoyable to me to see people get so serious about **** that won't even affect their daily lives. I'm going to protect myself with guns/gold and continue to live my life. Trump can do whatever the !@#$ he wants and I'll be okay.


You may as well believe conspiracy theorists, as you're willing to base your arguments and positions on unsubstantiated reports.


And I'll tell you this: you only get under people's skin because you relentlessly engage in rumor and speculation and attempt to present it as fact. That's not argument or debate - that's meltdown. If you've lurked here for as long as you have and haven't figured that much out, then your golf bag is missing a few clubs.

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Apparently so. It appears to be difficult as well.



Unlike you, people are refraining from jumping to conclusions.



You may as well believe conspiracy theorists, as you're willing to base your arguments and positions on unsubstantiated reports.


And I'll tell you this: you only get under people's skin because you relentlessly engage in rumor and speculation and attempt to present it as fact. That's not argument or debate - that's meltdown. If you've lurked here for as long as you have and haven't figured that much out, then your golf bag is missing a few clubs.

What rumor is that Azz? That there's smoke and maybe something there? You are the one that is saying I am making claims, I'm not speculating anything. I say "I think" and "in my opinion" all the time. Plus, I am one of the only people around here who can admit when they are wrong. I lurked on the stadium wall for over a decade. I haven't started checking PPP until recently.
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I admit when I'm wrong and will go with whatever the irrefutable evidence and proof tell me.


:lol: Which is why your go-to source is !@#$ing wiki and you've spent the past few days treating every bit of rumor and innuendo as if it were fact.



You haven't offered anything but your opinion either.


I have years of posting here offering much more than my opinion.

What I'm not interested in doing is holding your hand and guiding you to information when you've made it abundantly clear you have no interest in having a conversation. You're here to argue.


For !@#$s sake you can't even offer proof about aliens to get more than a couple of people to believe you.





You guys can take all the shots you want at me. I don't care what a bunch of limp dicks think and I am not going anywhere.



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