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Trump and Russia

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2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Consider if MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPO and Politico spent month detailing how Trump was abusing the FISA courts and surveillance state to spy on democratic opponents in the upcoming midterms... 


My God, Bob in Michigan would be standing on his weed stash screaming to the world about... well, Russia, I'm sure. :rolleyes:


Even you must know not to crush one's meds.   lol


Maybe those news agencies will do just what you claim someday.  Maybe you are on to something.  Maybe you are right and there should never have been a Trump investigation.  Carry on with your investigation.  Time will reveal more and hopefully that includes the truth.


I reserve the right to go back to not responding to you now.    :)

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Just now, Bob in Mich said:


Even you must know not to crush one's meds.   lol


Maybe those news agencies will do just what you claim someday.  Maybe you are on to something.  Maybe you are right and there should never have been a Trump investigation.  Carry on with your investigation.  Time will reveal more and hopefully that includes the truth.


I reserve the right to go back to not responding to you now.    :)


Make sure you log in every single day in case DR asks you a question. 

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1 minute ago, Bob in Mich said:


Even you must know not to crush one's meds.   lol


Maybe those news agencies will do just what you claim someday.  Maybe you are on to something.  Maybe you are right and there should never have been a Trump investigation.  Carry on with your investigation.  Time will reveal more and hopefully that includes the truth.


I reserve the right to go back to not responding to you now.    :)


The fact you won't even acknowledge your own hypocrisy on this issue, or even consider sources and information that butts against your preformed conclusions shows you're not interested in an honest debate. You're interested in spewing ignorance you've absorbed from half listening to the news for the past year. 


You're only about 8 months behind the MSM curve on this story - and they're only about 8 months behind the curve of the actual story themselves. So keep on keeping on. It's working wonders for you.

Just now, garybusey said:


Make sure you log in every single day in case DR asks you a question. 


!@#$ off, coward. You run away from any question posed to you. Don't cop out saying you were gone. You tried to make a slam, missed, and when pressed back you ran away. Why? 

Image result for because you got no balls gif

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3 minutes ago, garybusey said:

When DR doesn't get his way it's time to verbally attack and post memes. 


Up next is his posse with more attacks and memes.


Has nothing to do with getting my way or not. On this board, you're expected to back up your posts with sources - or short of that - basic logic and rationality. You do neither. Instead you fling insults devoid of humor or fact then, when asked to explain your reasoning, you run away because... ?



Why was that again? .... 


Oh, right:


Image result for you have no balls gif


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DR, like you suggested I went back and reviewed this thread - well, spot reviewed would be more accurate due to the length.  Your debate with me is similar to debates you have had with a few others.  These seem to follow a pattern. 


People respond to some post in this thread and find themselves being confronted by you or some Trump lawyer wannabe to show proof of Trump's misdeeds.  Many of us have cited the same known facts.  Generally we state much is still unknown and that time and/or the Mueller report will tell us more. 


At this point, you jump up and down and post some facts interlaced with some logical flaws.  You claim that your tale is undeniable truth, get angry, and then claim the poster is a fool for not thinking for themselves.  What you seem to be overlooking is that all of us that doubt your theory are in fact thinking for ourselves. 


Do you honestly not see the logical leaps that you make?  For example you claim, 'Don Jr has not been charged with perjury so nothing illegal happened at Trump Tower and no lies were told.'  Please, tell me you can see that you have made a leap there.


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45 minutes ago, garybusey said:

When DR doesn't get his way it's time to verbally attack and post memes. 


Up next is his posse with more attacks and memes.

Это ваш долг, товарищ, чтобы думать из мешка и использовать ваши убеждения робость на благо правительства. Не, под любым обрезанием покататься (или ездить) мои товарищи товарища, Недальний носорог. Его отряд здесь защитит его от ваших злых попыток привести его ниже. Теперь, ебать покинуть и пойти сидеть за детским столом или рупор или любой другой вы можете назвать его.

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41 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Has nothing to do with getting my way or not. On this board, you're expected to back up your posts with sources - or short of that - basic logic and rationality. You do neither. Instead you fling insults devoid of humor or fact then, when asked to explain your reasoning, you run away because... ?



Why was that again? .... 


Oh, right:


Image result for you have no balls gif


That's bull ****.  As if Kevin Spacey would ever draw pictures of children without genitals.

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13 minutes ago, garybusey said:


Raincheck. I'm busy trying to regrow my balls.

You can stop licking them now. That's just an old wives tale and doesn't work. I can tell you I did hear a rumor about an old timer who purchased some kind of red sauce from the Duckdog store in Corry, PA that had great success in actually growing a pair.

5 minutes ago, row_33 said:

Великий подвиг силы произошел, когда, будучи раненым в бою, он смог нести свою лошадь на плечи обратно в лагерь.

If he was wounded in battle he should have ridden the horse back rather than carried him. This shows why punctuation is important, even in Russian.

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43 minutes ago, Bob in Mich said:

DR, like you suggested I went back and reviewed this thread - well, spot reviewed would be more accurate due to the length.  Your debate with me is similar to debates you have had with a few others.  These seem to follow a pattern. 


People respond to some post in this thread and find themselves being confronted by you or some Trump lawyer wannabe to show proof of Trump's misdeeds.  Many of us have cited the same known facts.  Generally we state much is still unknown and that time and/or the Mueller report will tell us more. 


At this point, you jump up and down and post some facts interlaced with some logical flaws.  You claim that your tale is undeniable truth, get angry, and then claim the poster is a fool for not thinking for themselves.  What you seem to be overlooking is that all of us that doubt your theory are in fact thinking for ourselves. 


Do you honestly not see the logical leaps that you make?  For example you claim, 'Don Jr has not been charged with perjury so nothing illegal happened at Trump Tower and no lies were told.'  Please, tell me you can see that you have made a leap there.


If someone has been cleared of wrong doing by the investigative body charged with investigating them for wrong doing, in a political environment where it would be advantageous to charge them with just about anything they can make stick, even legal fiction like "process crimes", it's fairly safe to say they didn't do anything wrong.

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1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

If someone has been cleared of wrong doing by the investigative body charged with investigating them for wrong doing, in a political environment where it would be advantageous to charge them with just about anything they can make stick, even legal fiction like "process crimes", it's fairly safe to say they didn't do anything wrong.


C'mon genius.  You honestly claim that you see no holes in DR's tale?  Try being honest


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