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Trump and Russia

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FINALLY: Evidence of Trump/RUSSIA collusion............and it's from the Center for American Progress so you now that it's the unbiased, unvarnished Truth.......... :lol:

Progressive "think tank" Center for American Progress (CAP) will release a 50-page report detailing the Trump presidential campaign's collusion with RUSSIA.

“We're ... trying to convey that it’s time to stop beating around the bush on Trump’s collusion with Russia. There is a mountain of evidence that Trump and his associates colluded with RUSSIA and it’s time to start saying so,” Adam Jentleson, a senior strategic adviser for CAP, told BuzzFeed.

“We think it’s time to be a lot more forward-leading because the evidence is overwhelming.”

CAP is planning to present the 50-page report to “key offices” in Congress, the report said.

Key offices, yo........... :w00t:

Maybe 26, basky, gator and the rest, can break out their "Big if true" or " This is the straw that leads to impeachment" cliches

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Not much choice with veto proof votes for it in both the House and Senate.



BREAKING: Trump has signed Russia sanctions legislation, White House official says https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-02/president-trump-signs-russia-sanctions-bill-white-house-official-says



I'm surprised the big signing ceremony wasn't televised..



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DR: You have one source that you tout as definitive. It's certainly not a source I've reviewed in any detail, but it's also not a source and story that any news outlet of any credibility is picking up on. If the US Intel community manipulated the data as you say, that would be a huge story, and any news outlet would be eager to publish it.


From a philosophical perspective, you claim to possess many answers known to no one except your cabal and endless "deep" conspiratorial insights that we've shown in this thread to be embarrassingly wrong (Hyperspace Research Institute as one of your prior definitive sources), I doubt them. That's how you and all your conspiracies sound. So I'll wait to read more about this "definitive" proof.


Please don't respond. You can do something better with your time.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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DR: You have one source that you tout as definitive. It's certainly not a source I've reviewed in any detail, but it's also not a source and story that any news outlet of any credibility is picking up on. If the US Intel community manipulated the data as you say, that would be a huge story, and any news outlet would be eager to publish it.


From a philosophical perspective, you claim to possess many answers known to no one except your cabal and endless "deep" conspiratorial insights that we've shown in this thread to be embarrassingly wrong (Hyperspace Research Institute as one of your prior definitive sources), I doubt them. That's how you and all your conspiracies sound. So I'll wait to read more about this "definitive" proof.


Please don't respond. You can do something better with your time. You already made your case in 25 OC-like posts.


Of course your didn't review it. You've spent months on here saying it's the only evidence you needed. Why bother looking deeper?

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Of course your didn't review it. You've spent months on here saying it's the only evidence you needed. Why bother looking deeper?


Sigh. You posted your missive in two places and keep linking back to it. Take a look at who's responded besides the crickets.


I don't, believe it or not, look to your sources as my primary read. And when you linked to a particularly easy one to dismantle, dismantle I did, in an embarrassing fashion for you. And you were so ground to dust you couldn't even respond.


So I don't take your word. That doesn't mean I don't think you've got a certain brightness in your brain, but I don't trust you.


If this story percolates upwards, it will be worthy of attention. If not, you can call it definitive evidence of a vast conspiracy.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Sigh. You posted your missive in two places and keep linking back to it. Take a look at who's responded besides the crickets.


I don't, believe it or not, look to your sources as my primary read. And when you linked to a particularly easy one to dismantle, dismantle I did, in an embarrassing fashion for you. And you were so ground to dust you couldn't even respond.


So I don't take your word. That doesn't mean I don't think you've got a certain brightness in your brain, but I don't trust you.


If this story percolates upwards, it will be worthy of attention. If not, you can call it definitive evidence of a vast conspiracy.


I keep posting back to it because it's important. It's 100% verifiable proof that we have all been lied to since January 6th by the very same people you're deferring to as being "experts". I'm not asking you to take my word, that's why I'm presenting evidence. That's how that works...


But I get it, BF. Why bother doing your own thinking and research when you can outsource it all to the MSM who have proven so reliable and honest. :rolleyes:


Remember this gem?



You don't get it boy blunder.


I've only EVER quoted the sources who have higher access than me (but not you amiright?). Neither of us knows 100% for sure if it happened. That's life.


I choose to believe the people with opposite motives, who had information access beyond ours, and who publicly reached the conclusion that there was hacking by the Russian government.


You choose to believe a limited public data set fueled by a back story of human squabbling in the intel community...to feed your narrative of a conspiracy whose motive is resuming the Cold War or at least the military industrial complex all to the benefit of your version of the Illuminati.


My conclusion is based on public record of statements by people who I can hope would know, backed by no personal motive. Your conclusion is backed with limited proof driven by your desire to unravel a conspiratorial story you yearn to believe.


If you read the sources and my post, you'll see it blows this entirely out of the water. It's proof the "publicly reached conclusion that there was hacking by the Russian government" was a lie. It's not speculation. It's not conspiracy. It's forensic evidence.


But I get it. You don't like to think for yourself. Unless if comes from official channels you won't believe it.


... Of course, if what I've been saying (for a year now) is true, you'll never see it in the MSM because they've spent 7 months repeating the lie. But details, amirite?

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The hyperspace research institute in St Thomas was one of your earlier sources, where you claimed a reknowned physicist published proof of futuristic technology hidden from us mere mortals.


So...you can see why I'm skeptical of your sources. As I said, I'll wait to see if it gets traction. I mean. You can't even get traction here. This exchange is the most interest anyone at PPP has shown in your most recent X-file.

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The hyperspace research institute in St Thomas was one of your earlier sources, where you claimed a reknowned physicist published proof of futuristic technology hidden from us mere mortals.


So...you can see why I'm skeptical of your sources. As I said, I'll wait to see if it gets traction. I mean. You can't even get traction here. This exchange is the most interest anyone at PPP has shown in your most recent X-file.


You still continue to miss the point about the bolded - but it's a secondary point.


You've admitted you haven't even read the post, or its sources, and yet you've already reached a conclusion about it.


That's just being dishonest. I get it though, I do. It's hard to realize you've been lied to, we all have been lied to. But if you actually have the courage of the convictions you claim to care about on this board, you shouldn't brush off information before you read it. Especially since what lies at the heart of this has nothing to do with Trump, the DNC, Hillary, or anything political.



Over the past few weeks, three pieces of evidence - real evidence, not evidence that relies on unnamed sources citing unnamed methods - have come to light that blow a huge hole in major portions of the "Russian collusion" story's main piece of evidence: The DNI report issued in January of this year.


Shockingly, much of this evidence has been ignored by the MSM and the loudest supporters of this narrative on this board - despite most of those same folks spending the past six months telling me I was wrong for raising these very same concerns...


Let's lay it out step by step.




This has never been about politics for me, and still isn't. I'm not defending Trump by pointing this out, I'm defending you.


The only hard evidence that's been offered to the American people about Russia "hacking/meddling" in our election by the USIC, the only evidence that wasn't couched in "unnamed sources citing unnamed methods", was the DNI report on January 6 of this year. That same report has been the foundation used to make this "Russian hacked the election" case in the media and on the Hill. On this very board it's been the piece of evidence offered by you, pasta, Ben et al to cap an argument that usually went something like: "I'm going to believe the USIC when they say Russia hacked because they know more than any of us."


Literally for SEVEN months this DNI report has been used to foment insurrection against this administration while simultaneously making everyone in the country certain that Russia is not only an adversary, but a hostile enemy who meddled in our free elections. You've even had various prestigious people over the past seven months describing that as an act of war by Russia... one that demands a response.


And now, through Open Source Intelligence, it has been proven - not speculated or "rumored" - but forensically proven that the evidence offered in the DNI itself was fabricated and altered intentionally to mislead the American public into believing Russia was the culprit.


That should be the !@#$ing leading headline in every outlet if we didn't have a media playing sides. The heads of three major Intelligence agencies actively colluded to undermine the national confidence in the integrity of the election as well as the incoming administration (two weeks before he was even sworn in). That's the story, or should be if you were in any way honest about this subject. This is the only story that has actual evidence to support its conclusion!


This isn't about Trump. It's not about the DNC. It's not about the GOP. It's about the USIC trying to set their own agenda and blatantly lying to the American people in order to do so. This is about the USIC boxing the political left into a corner where now they have to support military intervention if it can be sold as standing up to Putin. This is about the USIC creating a new big-bad to replace the jihadists who just aren't keeping the MiC's coffers as nicely stocked these days.


You're being played. By the very same people, not agencies - the very same people, who mislead us all into 16 years of war in the ME...

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Who needs evidence in the court of public opinion?


The USIC is well aware, for reasons that should be obvious, of this fundamental truth: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."


There's a reason why it took the NYT to correct the record on something that could be ascertained by reading the first few pages of the DNI itself. People don't believe the truth, they believe the first thing they hear. Especially when it's repeated by every talking head and pundit for seven months.

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The USIC is well aware, for reasons that should be obvious, of this fundamental truth: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."


There's a reason why it took the NYT to correct the record on something that could be ascertained by reading the first few pages of the DNI itself. People don't believe the truth, they believe the first thing they hear. Especially when it's repeated by every talking head and pundit for seven months.


Hell, the Times still insists Obama never wire-tapped Trump, even though they ran a story months earlier about Obama wiretapping Trump.

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The USIC is well aware, for reasons that should be obvious, of this fundamental truth: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."


There's a reason why it took the NYT to correct the record on something that could be ascertained by reading the first few pages of the DNI itself. People don't believe the truth, they believe the first thing they hear. Especially when it's repeated by every talking head and pundit for seven months.

Like Hannity and his Seth Rich Clinton murder tin foil hat story?


Seems Sean is all mum on the story line today.


Which truth do you believe here

The Boy Scouts called Donny saying it was the greatest speech or the Boy Scouts decried the political swing Donny took?


Yes people believe what they want to believe and often their blindness screws a lot of people over.

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Like Hannity and his Seth Rich Clinton murder tin foil hat story?


Seems Sean is all mum on the story line today.


Which truth do you believe here

The Boy Scouts called Donny saying it was the greatest speech or the Boy Scouts decried the political swing Donny took?


Yes people believe what they want to believe and often their blindness screws a lot of people over.


Who on earth sees Hannity that doesn't really want to?


I am held a torture hostage in airports with CNN turned up to a Spinal Tap 11 no matter where I turn.

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Who on earth sees Hannity that doesn't really want to?


I am held a torture hostage in airports with CNN turned up to a Spinal Tap 11 no matter where I turn.

This morning the tv at my gym locker room was on msnbc. Holy crap who watches that? It must be the worst "news" station on the planet.

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I didn't say I didn't read your source and I also didn't discredit it. I said that the sources you link to lack all credibility because you believe in all sorts of nonsense.


The bolded makes no sense. The sources aren't written by me, thus what I believe have no bearing on their veracity.


The sources speak for themselves and in fact, the sources linked in that post are all mainstream sources - with the one exception of Consortium, which is merely posting the Intel report rather than writing it themselves because no other outlet covers the VIPs (who have an impressive track record, including getting the WMD question right 14 years ago - and they were ignored by the MSM who had already made up their minds... just like now. Source: https://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2003/eirv30n18-20030509/eirv30n18-20030509_079-intelligence_vets_ask_probe_iraq.pdf).


Read the report. It's undeniable evidence that the DNI is seriously flawed in design, implementation, and contains falsified evidence designed to mislead the American public. Everyone who has been outraged by the "Russian meddled in our election" story should read it. Not so I can say "I told you so" but because it shows that it was our own USIC that lied to us, altered evidence, and pushed an agenda (Regime Change) that the American voters resoundingly voted against...


That's called a coup in most areas of the world. And it's a threat to us all, regardless of our political affiliation.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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