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Trump and Russia

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39 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


Plus, when you get down to it, their purpose was to sow discord.  If manipulating an election were as cheap and easy as this, then Clinton would have done it - and won.


Russia didn't "hack" the election.  They "hacked" American society.  They still are.  

I hate replying to you because you are such a twisted clown, but the hacking question is still an open question. Hacking of election systems was discussed in the Mueller report. I will get to that in due course. It's a significant point in the question of if the election was stolen. 

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11 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

I hate replying to you because you are such a twisted clown, but the hacking question is still an open question. Hacking of election systems was discussed in the Mueller report. I will get to that in due course. It's a significant point in the question of if the election was stolen. 


Mueller punted the hacking question, his report does not confirm if happens. He qualifies it with a "possibly". It's possible it happened per Mueller. 


Per the evidence, it's unlikely to have been a hack. 


They cant swat down the hacking story without undercutting the ENTIRE Russian narrative they built. 


Enter Assange. 

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This is a key factor to keep in mind as the minions in the media begin to slink away from their two year campaign of "the dossier is accurate and verified!"


They KNEW AT THE TIME IT WAS BUNK. They knew and ran with it anyway - not because of patriotism or fear for national security, but because they were active participants in the coup. And some were paid handsomely for their sedition.



...Case in point: 


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This pushback seems awfully familiar. Kinda like what we saw happen when Trump tweeted Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. 


We saw how that turned out, Trump was right and the media/Obama administration was wrong/lying. 


Same here. GCHQ was deeply involved in the coup attempt. The evidence is compelling, their denial not as much.

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:



This pushback seems awfully familiar. Kinda like what we saw happen when Trump tweeted Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. 


We saw how that turned out, Trump was right and the media/Obama administration was wrong/lying. 


Same here. GCHQ was deeply involved in the coup attempt. The evidence is compelling, their denial not as much.


I hope May/QE2 are really smoothing Trump over about this. If GCHQ/UK Government was involved in the coup, it is an act of war, and should be treated as such.


Wouldn't surprise me if part of this official State Visit in July is to try to placate Trump so he doesn't retaliate against the UK.

Edited by Koko78
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20 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:



If the dossier is really a Russian disinformation op, then whomever accepted the “help” they got from it and then tried to use it against a political rival would be guilty of collusion/conspiracy.  People who are still pushing collusion/conspiracy can’t have it both ways. I wouldn’t want Ignatius as my lawyer if my real goal was the downfall of Trump and his orbit.  Using that as an escape hatch means either Trump is let off the hook (vis a vis the Trump Tower meeting — since that seems to remain as the only conspiracy nugget left that people point to in order to prove guilt) or it means that everyone else on the other side is going down with him. 





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In an interview on Friday, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida took it one step further, saying that Russian hackers not only accessed a Florida voting system, but were “in a position” to change voter roll data.

The report has sent Florida officials scurrying once again for specifics. Which county? Could there have been more than one?


They also attacked at least 12 other states, you know, swing states. 




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