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Trump and Russia

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3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Today really isn't the day to try to go after me. But if you wish to ruin everyone else's day by driving the board down into another bout of me embarrassing you we can. 

you embarrassing me?? Ok Conspiracy theory boy, go for it! 


You are a  joke 

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You're right. You're beyond embarrassment because that would require you to have a functioning sense of right and wrong. You've proven - with your laughing at the deaths of American servicemen and Ambassadors and your blindly hypocritical ball sucking of known liars and perjurers who you spent 8 years of W's administration calling liars and hucksters - that you have no sense of right or wrong, and lack any discernible principles. 


You stand for nothing. You offer nothing to this board but an easy target everyone enjoys kicking around when they're bored. 

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Just now, Buffalo_Gal said:

PANDORA’S BOX: Trump/Russia May Expose Extent of “Five Eyes” Allied Spying

Sara Carter has been a real gem during this investigation.


She's been one of the few willing to dig into this before it was popular. 



Clapper trying his third attempt to reshape the narrative. 


Why does his story keep changing if he's a beacon of truth and honesty? 


Oh, wait. He's neither of those things. Something the partisans on the left should have known before hitching their narrative to his wagon.

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Damn, maybe Putin did hack the election 




2 hours ago

Read the Email Russian Hackers Used in Spear-Phishing Attack on Election Offices




Russian hackers sent emails impersonating an e-voting vendor to access voting officials’ computers days before the 2016 elections, according to an image of the email recently obtained by The Intercept. The malicious email, which appeared to be from the Tallahassee-based VR Systems, was sent from vrelections@gmail.com, an email address the NSA has identified as being created by Russian government hackers (although the version in the NSA database contained a period, written as vr.elections@gmail.com). If opened, the documents attached to the email would have “invisibly downloaded a malware package that could have provided the attacker with remote control over a target’s computer,” the Intercept writes. The real VR Systems alerted their clients quickly after the malicious e-mail was sent, but they cannot fully estimate the scope of the attack. 

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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Yes. You're a communist if you vote for the communist party. That's kind of how it works.

I'd have to disagree with this too. He voted for the candidate from the party. If I vote for the republican candidate or the Green Party candidate in the general election (as I have), it doesn't make me a member of either party.  I agree with your other qualifications, though, he is a liar and a traitor....

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1 minute ago, TPS said:

I'd have to disagree with this too. He voted for the candidate from the party. If I vote for the republican candidate or the Green Party candidate in the general election (as I have), it doesn't make me a member of eiher party.  I agree with your other qualifications, though, he is a liar and a traitor....




Totally fair - but I'd hold off on that verdict re Brennan's politics until all the dirt comes out. There's more to come on that front.

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7 minutes ago, TPS said:

I'd have to disagree with this too. He voted for the candidate from the party. If I vote for the republican candidate or the Green Party candidate in the general election (as I have), it doesn't make me a member of eiher party.  I agree with your other qualifications, though, he is a liar and a traitor....

I believe that to be a false equivalence.


In our Two Party false choice system, most individuals tend to "hold their nose" and pull the lever for one of the major party candidates either because they somewhat align with the individuals views, or as a vote against the other candidate because they view the person they voted for as "the lesser of two evils".


People casting ballots outside of the two major parties for fringe candidates (not a Ron Paul, or a Jill Stein, who were fairly mainstream) usually do so because they are closely aligned with the belief systems being espoused, having done their research.  This is especially true for individuals casting the same vote twice.


And bear in mind, we aren't talking about the Green Party, or the Libertarian Party.  We're talking about the Communist Party.

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7 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

I believe that to be a false equivalence.


In our Two Party false choice system, most individuals tend to "hold their nose" and pull the lever for one of the major party candidates either because they somewhat align with the individuals views, or as a vote against the other candidate because they view the person they voted for as "the lesser of two evils".


People casting ballots outside of the two major parties for fringe candidates (not a Ron Paul, or a Jill Stein, who were fairly mainstream) usually do so because they are closely aligned with the belief systems being espoused, having done their research.  This is especially true for individuals casting the same vote twice.


And bear in mind, we aren't talking about the Green Party, or the Libertarian Party.  We're talking about the Communist Party.


That's the thing - if he were just a private citizen, I'd say he was misguided when he cast those votes and never give it another thought. 


But he was CIA - not just IN CIA, he was D-CI. Communism and our constitution are not compatible on any level. CIA officers swear an oath to defend and protect the constitution against all enemies... based on how Brennan ran the Company, based on his strange ties to Russia (through Pakistan - that's a breadcrumb for anyone who wants to dig), based on his treasonous actions over the past year and change - I'm thinking it wasn't just a one-off (or two-off) vote. 

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:



You're right of course. I need to be better about it. :beer: 


Kyle Orton deflecting to Lee Smith?   There's got to be a bad Bills joke in there somewhere

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4 hours ago, GG said:


What do you mean it doesn't pay well?  I hear someone's neighbor earns enough to buy a Land Rover working from home for a few hours a week?

Hey, as a 5 Liter HSE LandRover Range Rover owner, I resent the implication. :ph34r:


1 hour ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

I believe that to be a false equivalence.


In our Two Party false choice system, most individuals tend to "hold their nose" and pull the lever for one of the major party candidates either because they somewhat align with the individuals views, or as a vote against the other candidate because they view the person they voted for as "the lesser of two evils".


People casting ballots outside of the two major parties for fringe candidates (not a Ron Paul, or a Jill Stein, who were fairly mainstream) usually do so because they are closely aligned with the belief systems being espoused, having done their research.  This is especially true for individuals casting the same vote twice.


And bear in mind, we aren't talking about the Green Party, or the Libertarian Party.  We're talking about the Communist Party.

Damn Straight. JEH must be turning over in his grave. 

1 hour ago, row_33 said:

It's amusing that people believe their one vote makes a difference in the overall scheme of things.



It’s not just a tenet of our form of representational democracy, it’s an ideal we hold dear. 

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Agreed, but I run into people that think their single ballot will be worth a lot more.


especially if they vote for a fringe candidate or  announce they refuse to vote on conscientious grounds



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1 hour ago, row_33 said:

Agreed, but I run into people that think their single ballot will be worth a lot more.


especially if they vote for a fringe candidate or  announce they refuse to vote on conscientious grounds




Tell it to the idiots in Florida who couldn't punch a hole in a piece of paper.

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22 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

I believe that to be a false equivalence.


In our Two Party false choice system, most individuals tend to "hold their nose" and pull the lever for one of the major party candidates either because they somewhat align with the individuals views, or as a vote against the other candidate because they view the person they voted for as "the lesser of two evils".


People casting ballots outside of the two major parties for fringe candidates (not a Ron Paul, or a Jill Stein, who were fairly mainstream) usually do so because they are closely aligned with the belief systems being espoused, having done their research.  This is especially true for individuals casting the same vote twice.


And bear in mind, we aren't talking about the Green Party, or the Libertarian Party.  We're talking about the Communist Party.

And we're talking about a guy who did this in college. He's an idiot now, so what do you think he was like back then? I know there are a few conservatives who claimed to be leftist/Marxists in their youth. That said, the communist bogeyman is dead. We're on to the evil Putin now, whatever he represents...

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