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2 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


Eh, just have Michael Bay direct it. Overdo it with explosions. and no one will care about the laborious plot.


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2 hours ago, Koko78 said:


Eh, just have Michael Bay direct it. Overdo it with explosions. and no one will care about the laborious plot.

What about Greg's journalistic integrity and Pulitzer Prize? A few million bucks can't make up for losing those things. 0:)

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41 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

My guess is Greg's research started out as a movie plot but will have to be a mini series if that. There are too many characters involved to do this story justice in a couple of hours.  Unless it's fictionalized it'll be a tough sell to LaLaLand deciders, so I think Greg is considering a book first if he isn't able to sell this as a mini series. Or I could be fullofshit.


Greg's got enough here for two or three season run

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I have oscillated between fictionalizing this (for my own safety/financial benefits) and keeping it non fiction and just an expose piece. Goal is still the latter, though it doesn't rule out the former happening later down the line. In order for me to finish the non fiction side well, I need to lock in one (maybe two) more interviews with some of the bigger fish. That's in the process of being set up... I'll know in a few weeks if it's a go.

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1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

My guess is Greg's research started out as a movie plot but will have to be a mini series if that. There are too many characters involved to do this story justice in a couple of hours.  Unless it's fictionalized it'll be a tough sell to LaLaLand deciders, so I think Greg is considering a book first if he isn't able to sell this as a mini series. Or I could be fullofshit.


Did it ever occur to anyone that we're in The Matrix, and Greg is scripting it?

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39 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


Did it ever occur to anyone that we're in The Matrix, and Greg is scripting it?


If that were the case shouldn't have the Bills won a superbowl by now?

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22 minutes ago, Azalin said:


If that were the case shouldn't have the Bills won a superbowl by now?


The fact that they haven't shows the lengths he'll go to to hide his involvement.  It PROVES we're living in the Matrix!

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On 5/23/2018 at 11:36 AM, DC Tom said:


I want to see you call a Marine Officer a "squid."  


I'll even start a GoFundMe for the dental reconstruction work you'll need afterwards.

A Marine the same age as me? You go right ahead. I flattened plenty of Marines(or, more likely, falsely claimed to be). Or, I could just flatten you. 


Besides, nobody who knows what they are talking about would ever call a Marine a Squid. This is why: you will always be just a guy who reads books about military history, and will never be respected as somebody who actually knows something about the job itself.


Mostly because: you've completely missed the point, yet again. Re-read what I wrote, especially the parts about it's "never mean-spirited", it requires "wit", and we "sometimes do it to remind that all of us care about a guy". You missed that, which is the main point I was making, which again reinforces: you don't belong.

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On 5/23/2018 at 12:30 PM, 3rdnlng said:

How about breaking his hands instead so he can't type?

Hah! Either of you little girls are welcome to try, any time. Although, I highly doubt, just like most leftists, you will be able to handle the unintended consequences of your stupid plan.


Buddy, there is a trail of broken bodies behind me so long that I have to be reminded of most of them. I see people I haven't seen in a long time, and they start telling stories that I have forgotten about: the time I crushed 3 guys alone, the time I fought the 6' 8'' dude(just got reminded of this) that ended with him crying and begging me to stop, etc. I've been fighting since 1st grade, and I just crushed a guy in a bar a few weeks ago. Experience + constant fight training, and many fights, since 1st grade == devastating win after win, for decades.


So do yourself a favor: stick to contributing...whatever it is you contribute here. Don't join the club of those who learned the "Don't F with OC" rule the hard way.


You wanna break my balls verbally, do your best, and I'll laugh if you do it well. You get physical? You get broken.

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On 5/25/2018 at 7:20 PM, MakeBuffaloGreatAgain said:

I’m new to this side of the message board. But I’m not gonna back down from sh*t. I really wasn’t sure what you called me, so I assumed it was an insult. And if it was, ok, let’s have it. If not, my bad. 


You’re right that I should get to know this place first, but passionate is what passionate does. Maybe we can clank beers in the future, and maybe we are destined to skin knuckles. I guess time will tell. 

Here's a hint: you should be happy, because you're sort of getting initiated by the hands-down biggest curmudgeon on this board.


Here's another: we all already knew what you said before you said it. We know why you said it. Thus, your post has no value. You taking up reading time that posters here would rather spend learning something we didn't know, or gaining from an insightful take/new twist on what we already know. 


The reference to gatorman == he posts tiresome liberal talking points we already know, many are debunked, and NONE of his work is his. He is the worst(best?) sort of parrot, because he often misinterprets/doesn't understand what he parrots...which often leads to hilarity for us. Gatorman couldn't explain Keynesian Economics if his life depended on it, yet, he will run around screaming "consumer spending GOOD!"...because he heard it on TV.


If you can avoid that, you'll be just fine. You've already had a better-than-average start by standing your ground, somewhat, with DC_Tom. There are a lot of abject kittys here who don't have the balls to take him on, because they don't have the intellect, so they have become his little gang of toadies. 


As you can see: I don't have that problem, and I kick his ass around this board when he needs it.

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2 hours ago, OCinBuffalo said:

Hah! Either of you little girls are welcome to try, any time. Although, I highly doubt, just like most leftists, you will be able to handle the unintended consequences of your stupid plan.


Buddy, there is a trail of broken bodies behind me so long that I have to be reminded of most of them. I see people I haven't seen in a long time, and they start telling stories that I have forgotten about: the time I crushed 3 guys alone, the time I fought the 6' 8'' dude(just got reminded of this) that ended with him crying and begging me to stop, etc. I've been fighting since 1st grade, and I just crushed a guy in a bar a few weeks ago. Experience + constant fight training, and many fights, since 1st grade == devastating win after win, for decades.


So do yourself a favor: stick to contributing...whatever it is you contribute here. Don't join the club of those who learned the "Don't F with OC" rule the hard way.


You wanna break my balls verbally, do your best, and I'll laugh if you do it well. You get physical? You get broken.

Do you mind signing a waiver?

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3 hours ago, OCinBuffalo said:

Here's a hint: you should be happy, because you're sort of getting initiated by the hands-down biggest curmudgeon on this board.


Here's another: we all already knew what you said before you said it. We know why you said it. Thus, your post has no value. You taking up reading time that posters here would rather spend learning something we didn't know, or gaining from an insightful take/new twist on what we already know. 


The reference to gatorman == he posts tiresome liberal talking points we already know, many are debunked, and NONE of his work is his. He is the worst(best?) sort of parrot, because he often misinterprets/doesn't understand what he parrots...which often leads to hilarity for us. Gatorman couldn't explain Keynesian Economics if his life depended on it, yet, he will run around screaming "consumer spending GOOD!"...because he heard it on TV.


If you can avoid that, you'll be just fine. You've already had a better-than-average start by standing your ground, somewhat, with DC_Tom. There are a lot of abject kittys here who don't have the balls to take him on, because they don't have the intellect, so they have become his little gang of toadies. 


As you can see: I don't have that problem, and I kick his ass around this board when he needs it.

This is comical.


Cult of personality **** right here.  Well done.

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Michael Hayden calls BS on James Clapper

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden can’t stand President Trump. Lots of good people can’t.


But Hayden is intellectually honest enough to reject James Clapper’s claim that there’s “no doubt” Russian meddling swung the election in favor of Trump. Hayden says it’s “unknowable” whether the Russians influenced the election to that extent.


He also criticized Clapper for making his claim. “We should stop talking about it,” Hayden admonished. “Donald Trump is the president.”


As I showed here, Clapper himself admitted that he lacks the “skill sets” to assess the impact of Russian activity on the election. He said this under questioning from Sen. Tom Cotton in January 2017. Now, a year and a half later, he’s making just that assessment with certainty.


Clapper and John Brennan are behaving disgracefully to the detriment of the intelligence agencies they once headed. Hayden, though he shares their anti-Trump sentiment, is probably appalled.




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10 hours ago, OCinBuffalo said:

... Buddy, there is a trail of broken bodies behind me so long that I have to be reminded of most of them. I see people I haven't seen in a long time, and they start telling stories that I have forgotten about: the time I crushed 3 guys alone, the time I fought the 6' 8'' dude (just got reminded of this) that ended with him crying and begging me to stop, etc. I've been fighting since 1st grade, and I just crushed a guy in a bar a few weeks ago. Experience + constant fight training, and many fights, since 1st grade == devastating win after win, for decades.


It was Comey, wasn't it?

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9 hours ago, OCinBuffalo said:

As you can see: I don't have that problem, and I kick his ass around this board when he needs it.


 :lol: I hadn't noticed.  I don't think anyone else noticed, either.


But it is a fascinating little world you're living in.

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