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Trump and Russia

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At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Putin himself was either there, or tied-in by conference call... This just gets worse and worse.

I still don't think the Russia thing is a big deal, but one thing continues to be a constant. This administration has been horrible at how they've handled the constant darts the media is throwing at them. At least the Clinton's during Whitewater didn't constantly shoot themselves in the foot.

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These are wonderful people!



"After the law passed, the Russians fought back, hard. The counterattacks against the Magnitsky Act and Browder were numerous and ranged from savage to absurd.


One of the first moves was to ban Western adoptions of Russian children, which was one of the few moves Russia could make that didn't involve imperiling their own financial interests. The move had life-threatening consequences for abandoned Russian children with diseases like Down Syndrome and spina bifida, who might otherwise have been adopted by foreigners with means. As one U.S. official told the Daily Beast last year, the Russian messaging was, "You repeal Magnitsky and we'll let go of the kids."


Browder put it another way. "Banning adoptions was especially cruel because what they were essentially saying is, 'We're going to hurt kids because we don't care, and you do,'" he says."





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No asswipe, I did this thing called "Google".






Where There’s Smoke, There’s Leftism.





And here is some more thoughts on today's SNOPES post (that I put in the Media thread, but it fits here also)


"An in-depth analysis of the false allegations and misleading claims made against the 45th President since his inauguration."

At Snopes!


Broadly speaking, most of the falsehoods levelled against Trump fall into one or more of four categories, each of them drawing from and feeding into four
public personas
inhabited by the President. They are:


• Donald Trump: International Embarrassment

• Trump the Tyrant

• Donald Trump: Bully baby

• Trump the Buffoon.


Some of these claims are downright fake... But the rest... provide a fascinating insight into the tactics and preoccupations of the broad anti-Trump movement.... Generally speaking, we discovered that they are characterized and driven by four types of errors of thought:


• Alarmism

• A lack of historical context or awareness

• Cherry-picking of evidence (especially visual evidence)

• A failure to adhere to Occam’s Razor — the common-sense understanding that the simplest explanation for an event or behavior is the most likely.





Much detail at the link.



Edited by B-Man
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Yeah yeah, let us know the results. Maybe you won't be such a b itch if it grows a little.

Listen, you told another poster here to choke on your dick. I was mocking you for your uncouthness. Your gay remarks make me believe that there's probably some fire behind that smoke and before I get to feeling uncomfortable because of it, you should just quit talking dick. This is not a site to make those kinds of connections. If you want some guy to choke on your dick I suggest that you go to a club where they wear chaps and do a lot of sashaying.

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Listen, you told another poster here to choke on your dick. I was mocking you for your uncouthness. Your gay remarks make me believe that there's probably some fire behind that smoke and before I get to feeling uncomfortable because of it, you should just quit talking dick. This is not a site to make those kinds of connections. If you want some guy to choke on your dick I suggest that you go to a club where they wear chaps and do a lot of sashaying.

Haha jesus christ I bet you are a real hoot at parties. Do you have any guy friends left outside of the internet world? Us millennials say way worse to each other. So eat a dick and relax. Edited by gatorbait
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Oh good. A hacker, what will the other people that attended turn out to be, convicted money launderers and accused assassins?



The alleged former Soviet intelligence officer who attended the now-infamous meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and other top campaign officials last June was previously accused in federal and state courts of orchestrating an international hacking conspiracy.

Rinat Akhmetshin told the Associated Press on Friday he accompanied Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya to the June 9, 2016, meeting with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort. Trump’s attorney confirmed Akhmetshin’s attendance in a statement.



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Haha jesus christ I bet you are a real hoot at parties. Do you have any guy friends left outside of the internet world? Us millennials say way worse to each other. So eat a dick and relax.

I don't think you quite get it here. This is not a place to hook up. Eating a dick might be relaxing for you but I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of posters here would find that more than a little uncomfortable. I suggest that you learn how to use Google and find yourself a more appropriate site to discuss your gayness.

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Pot meet kettle. With all due respect, choke on my dick.

that's not very respectful. my feelings are hurt


and the big difference between he and i, i know i just stir the pot, piss people off and !@#$ with people whilst knowing nothing.


26cornerbtch, gaytorboy, 808, happydays and the new folks here are just annoying and know nothing. if you ask b-man to pontificate on the links he shares, he can. tiberius, gaytor, and all the others cannot. 26cornerblitz has yet to provide a single opinion to any matter that has any truth to it whatsoever. tiberius cannot answer simple questions and nothing more than a troll


this board used to be respectable, but folks like ya'll brought it down. i just come here to piss you guys off and give it right back to you. if this died down, i'd probably never post. just 1 year ago none of hte eccentric posters were here and this place was slightly better.


if folks like you and the ilk that is so similar stopped destroying these threads there could actually be godo discusion.


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Putin himself was either there, or tied-in by conference call... This just gets worse and worse.



my god people in this country are !@#$ing stupid.

So you had a link for that ready to go huh? Interesting.

see, this is why the board sucks now.


the board should not do what you do at asian truck stops to the lady boy. keep that there.


the board should be like what happens on an episode of andy griffith. you're barney. or cooter.

Listen, you told another poster here to choke on your dick. I was mocking you for your uncouthness. Your gay remarks make me believe that there's probably some fire behind that smoke and before I get to feeling uncomfortable because of it, you should just quit talking dick. This is not a site to make those kinds of connections. If you want some guy to choke on your dick I suggest that you go to a club where they wear chaps and do a lot of sashaying.

where there is smoke there must be fire. he's a polesmoker


drip, drip, drip [when he thinks of me]


see i can make it much better when i injust.

I don't think you quite get it here. This is not a place to hook up. Eating a dick might be relaxing for you but I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of posters here would find that more than a little uncomfortable. I suggest that you learn how to use Google and find yourself a more appropriate site to discuss your gayness.

he doesn't get it. he thinks you can just make fun and harass those who disagree with you.


i don't care if he disagrees with me or not - it is that he simply is an arrogant prick who doesn't even carry on a conversation, civil or not


Haha jesus christ I bet you are a real hoot at parties. Do you have any guy friends left outside of the internet world? Us millennials say way worse to each other. So eat a dick and relax.

actually, see, what he is bickering at you for is what you millennials call edgy. go back to 9gag or reddit with the edge.


your edgyness doesn't fit here. if you'd like to truly have the type of conversations youre desiring, 4chan.org has a pol board. come there, i'll continue to smack you around with names and facts. its a lot of fun

Edited by Boyst62
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I don't think you quite get it here. This is not a place to hook up. Eating a dick might be relaxing for you but I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of posters here would find that more than a little uncomfortable. I suggest that you learn how to use Google and find yourself a more appropriate site to discuss your gayness.

Good lord son. Reading your posts and insults makes me feel kind of bad for you. They couldn't be any more fuking boring and lame.


And for the record gays like me and boyst have grinder for hooking up, duh.

i'll continue to smack you around with names and facts. its a lot of fun

This is hilarious Edited by gatorbait
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Good lord son. Reading your posts and insults makes me feel kind of bad for you. They couldn't be any more fuking boring and lame.


And for the record gays like me and boyst have grinder for hooking up, duh.

This is hilarious

you're still here?

































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Good lord son. Reading your posts and insults makes me feel kind of bad for you. They couldn't be any more fuking boring and lame.


And for the record gays like me and boyst have grinder for hooking up, duh.

This is hilarious

See, you could have saved all this nonsense if you only asked Boyst to choke on your dick through "Grinder". This place is not about sex, gay or not. It was designed so that we could play Whack-A-Mole with you and your ilk.

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Same reason you still come here to post your rambling drivel, for kicks. I enjoy this schit, clearly.

yes, but the difference is i do not go and call others wrong or disagree with them when they are presenting the truth.

See, you could have saved all this nonsense if you only asked Boyst to choke on your dick through "Grinder". This place is not about sex, gay or not. It was designed so that we could play Whack-A-Mole with you and your ilk.

i prefer feeld

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See, you could have saved all this nonsense if you only asked Boyst to choke on your dick through "Grinder". This place is not about sex, gay or not. It was designed so that we could play Whack-A-Mole with you and your ilk.

You wouldn't know a joke if it dick slapped you in the head.

yes, but the difference is i do not go and call others wrong or disagree with them when they are presenting the truth.


i prefer feeld

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yes, but the difference is i do not go and call others wrong or disagree with them when they are presenting the truth.

i prefer feeld

If only people would talk, much of the world's strife could be reduced. You prefer a site for threesomes and gatorbait really likes dick. The answer is so simple I don't think I have to spell it out to you. Just you two figure it out elsewhere and by all means have fun!

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