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Trump and Russia

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Ask Harry Reid.


I understand your point, but the take away is that the bill WAS considered, WAS debated, WAS amended by the minority party, and ALLOWED to go through the congressional process. Contrast that to today's senate which seeks to conduct this business in the absence of any consideration and debate. The senate has been weakened. And that's a shame moving forward.


There's that name again. Ever wonder why long-standing Senate rules are eviscerated and his name is smack center in it?

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Wrong about what? Certainly not the congressional record I spoke of. Check it out. Or not. If you're not willing to be edified, so be it.


If calling one ignorant is name calling, grow a thicker skin. And who the phuck are you anyway, the great defender of PPP virtue? Gimme a phucking break. PPP has a reputation as a cess pool because it's exactly that and has been for a while now.


And I've read enough of your insults to plenty of others here and in other forums at TBD to know you are a hypocrite of the highest order. Be the change you want to see. In the meantime, ignore my posts.

I don't see change happening. I great those whom I enjoy laughing at or with as just that. Fodder.


I'm not the defender of PPP. Its toned down a lot. But the oft vacuum of ideas is stale and I actually learn from the arguments here. Not the topic at hand generally but the ability to research a topic which strikes a fancy.


There are no virtues or anything special here. Its the cricky internet!


Name calling means nothing. Those who inflate a label are insecure

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Meanwhile.............back at the Trump / Russia thread



The Big Collusion Narrative Keeps Melting Down
by David French

After two days and almost six hours of high-stakes public testimony, I’m struck by the total lack of any compelling claims supporting the “big” collusion narrative, that Russia conspired with Trump or Trump officials to “hack” election.


While we certainly aren’t privy to all the relevant information or all the relevant testimony, nothing that James Comey said last week or that Jeff Sessions said today (much less any of the questions directed his way) contained so much as a meaningful hint that the Committee was on the verge of uncovering the political scandal of the century.


Rather, the focus keeps shifting to much narrower questions regarding Trump’s decision to fire James Comey — questions that are important but far less historically consequential than any claim that a president or his attorney general are traitors to their country.


Here’s where we stand:


1. Not only is there no evidence that Trump personally colluded with Russians or ordered anyone to collude with Russians, there’s now evidence that he hasn’t been under personal investigation by the FBI.


2. There is absolutely zero available evidence that Jeff Sessions colluded with the Russians.


3. Similarly, there is so far no evidence that even Trump’s more unsavory aides – men like Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn — colluded to influence the election


4. To the extent that there is evidence of wrongdoing connected with a foreign power, it deals not with the election itself but rather with Flynn’s alleged failures to disclose foreign payments and contacts. Millions of American believe the worst about their current president, claims every bit as toxic in their own way as “truther” smears against George Bush or “birther” smears against Barack Obama.


The Trump collusion narrative has gotten a far wider and more respectable hearing than either of the two conspiracy theories that plagued the Bush and Obama administrations. Truth is truth, and it’s important for responsible people to not just understand and respond to actual evidence — no matter where it leads — but also acknowledge its absence. And so far the absence of evidence points to Trump’s innocence of some of the worst allegations ever leveled against an American president or his senior team.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/448616/big-collusion-narrative-keeps-melting-down

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Ask Harry Reid.


I understand your point, but the take away is that the bill WAS considered, WAS debated, WAS amended by the minority party, and ALLOWED to go through the congressional process. Contrast that to today's senate which seeks to conduct this business in the absence of any consideration and debate. The senate has been weakened. And that's a shame moving forward.


More that the minority party was permitted to suggest amendments. The three that made the floor were shot down on straight party lines.


There were, on the other hand, a couple hundred or so amendments from Democrats that were packaged into an omnibus amendment and rammed through. That's...not a fair debate.

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More that the minority party was permitted to suggest amendments. The three that made the floor were shot down on straight party lines.


There were, on the other hand, a couple hundred or so amendments from Democrats that were packaged into an omnibus amendment and rammed through. That's...not a fair debate.

So, now we're qualifying the "fairness" of the debate?


For the last time, contrast the process in '09/'10 to the process today. That's the point. The current body won't even allow an unfair debate.


Super-majorities and inevitable outcomes for one party or another have occurred previously but the process was respected. Can't say the same in this age of nuclear options. The senate has been permanently altered moving forward and that is a bad thing for our country. It's a shame.

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There's that name again. Ever wonder why long-standing Senate rules are eviscerated and his name is smack center in it?

Harry Reid was reckless and it was predictable that his actions would result in what we see today. I wonder how far back we have to go to quantify tit for tat politics.

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The FBI should focus on better cyber security . The election is over Trump won , now get something done. This partisan fighting is getting the country nowhere.


On the contrary, a lot of people I know are totally wrapped up in proving Trump is a KGB agent.

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Harry Reid was reckless and it was predictable that his actions would result in what we see today. I wonder how far back we have to go to quantify tit for tat politics.


In the modern era? Starts with Newt, really.

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Another good one! The Kazoo helmut look never grows old.


Recognizing a (somewhat) obscure Bills reference shows what a good fan (and poster) you are.


Just a mild rebuke.................it's the Gazoo helmet.




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Recognizing a (somewhat) obscure Bills reference shows what a good fan (and poster) you are.


Just a mild rebuke.................it's the Gazoo helmet.




Worst character addition ever. Even as a young kid I thought it was stupid.

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