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US spies reportedly keeping intelligence from Trump


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hence the use of the mental ignore feature


you cant engage blind partisanship bc you will never get anywhere. and lets be honest, most of what gets posted here is blind partisanship


its not based on logic and reason, its based on emotion and clanship. their objective is not to actually find a solution, or even to engage in legitimate debate. their only motivation is to 'win' for the sake of their clan. thus they will employ any tactic to avoid giving a millimeter of ground regardless of how accurate and legitimate your point is. and they certainly will never address any issue/question that doesnt benefit them directly and immediately


its a very rare individual that can actually discuss these kinds of things with a collective purpose and personal character to want to learn and grow and move the debate forward. you have to wait for those ppl to emerge, or wait for existing partisans to decide they want to actually debate instead of argue to 'win'


so yeah, you end up ignoring A LOT in the process until it gets there. if it ever does

We've waited so long for you to arrive. Will you stop the rise of the oceans and heal the planet too?

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We also totally missed anticipating the RNK invasion of South Korea in 1950

But we did oust Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and installed the Shah in '53

And we ousted Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz from power so United Fruit Company's land wouldn't be nationalized in '54

Who could forget 1960 in the Congo when we toppled Patrice Lumumba so Belgium could keep their business there

1961 was a good year in the Dominican Republic but a bad one for Rafael Trujillo who was assassinated

South Viet Nam's president Ngo Dinh Diem says, "Pho you Kennedy and your CIA". After he was executed in 1963 he's been silent on the matter

Brazil in '64 President Joao Goulart was leaning too far left so Humberto Castello Branco - army chief ousted him with a coup which LBJ authorized

Chile in '73 Nixon decided he could live without Salvador Allende so they backed General Augusto Pinochet


We have no bad players... only good players.

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