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What EXACTLY, does the acronym HNIC stand for?

who are you?


And ask Barrack, its a term he coined about being the boss.

Did not GM already declare bankruptcy on its creditors? Wasn't their an economic emergency they were dealing with? Or did Obama's daughters own GM and the prez was mad because the creditors were getting rid of her.


Obfuscation again

malia has a small portfolio including $65k in kia

That's a biased stock ticker, so corrupt!

Fake news!


Didn't Nordstrom make announcement a few days ago, over weekend. Aren't markets closed? Why did Trump wait 3 days, middle of week to punch Nordstrom in the nose?


Okay... Correction, Nordstrom told Ivanka last month:





But... Stock is up and did break the Trump Tweet curse. Or did it???

Posted (edited)

My wife broke out a beautiful deep blue Ivanka Trump blouse today. It's really unique, of top quality and looks great. Just might go online tonight and buy another Ivanka item for Valentine's day.

Edited by keepthefaith

My wife broke out a beautiful deep blue Ivanka Trump blouse today. It's really unique, of top quality and looks great. Just might go online tonight and buy another Ivanka item for Valentine's day.

Wow... Deplorable and proud! LoL


I marvel at the honor and cringe @ my elitism!



What EXACTLY, does the acronym HNIC stand for?

I'm still waiting for you to hit the shift key and type in capitals to explain yourself.
why prosecute when the left is so better off persecuting her? Getting rid of any of the trump people is bad new for republicans as it just removes one less finger pointed.


Eventually, when the democrats run out of fingers they'll be left with a fist. And realize they're idiots with a handfulof tTiberius


who are you?


And ask Barrack, its a term he coined about being the boss.

malia has a small portfolio including $65k in kia


This is a picture of Barry and the real HNIC.




Could be, but the responsible thing for Kelly Alt Conjob to do would be to resign.


Punish her!!! Punish her!!! Make her wear the scarlet letter "N" for Nazi!!!


Best. Meltdown. Ever.


Keep 'em coming, snowflakes! :lol:


Could be, but the responsible thing for Kelly Alt Conjob to do would be to resign.

the responsible thing for you to do would be to bit your lip and swallow.


just go away blowjob.


Could be, but the responsible thing for Kelly Alt Conjob to do would be to resign.

Ya know, if Conway gets a slap on the wrist for this fine. Every member of the media that spends page space and bandwidth each day on the petty stuff like this is wasting time and making a fool of themselves to people who are focused like a laser beam on the big issues we face. Entitlement and health care cost/fiscal responsibility/debt, national; security, stopping illegal immigration, growing the economy/wages/jobs. These are the biggies. The rest is just noise. !@#$ing dems are an embarrassment right now and can't win on policy.

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