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Bills Hire Gill Byrd as Secondary Coach

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Yep. Bringing Jairus Byrd back on a reasonably cheap deal is not a bad idea.


As long as clause in contract allows Bills to cut him without veteran salary guarantee for rest of season if he develops planters fasciitis fakeitis.

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I dislike Jairus as much as anyone. I still believe that his PF was mostly made up and that the advice came from his father who was an advocate of "Me first" in the contract negotiations, but please don't lump us all in with you and others who can't let things go and are unable to differentiate different situations from each other.. Also, consider that doesn't have any meaning in relation to his ability to coach the position.



His agent Eugene Parker was the guy pressing the issue of holding out and the plantar fascitis.


He had clamped onto the incompetent Bills front office like a tick at that point.


Specifically had bent Russ over real hard in the Jason Peters negotiations after Russ tried to negotiate in the media.......... resulting in a HOF LT being traded for Eric Wood. :thumbdown:


But you know........I'm being all "Buffalo media" by bringing up mistakes of the past. B-)

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Only because of his son and our history with him. No one is commenting on Gill as a coach. Guilt by association.


I dislike Jairus as much as anyone. I still believe that his PF was mostly made up and that the advice came from his father who was an advocate of "Me first" in the contract negotiations, but please don't lump us all in with you and others who can't let things go and are unable to differentiate different situations from each other.. Also, consider that doesn't have any meaning in relation to his ability to coach the position.


I believe plenzmd1 is one of Jarius's advisers. If his father recommended he hold out with planters fakeitis then he should not be signed as a coach and his son on roster for it is a conflict of interest.



His agent Eugene Parker was the guy pressing the issue of holding out and the plantar fascitis.


He had clamped onto the incompetent Bills front office like a tick at that point.


Specifically had bent Russ over real hard in the Jason Peters negotiations after Russ tried to negotiate in the media.......... resulting in a HOF LT being traded for Eric Wood. :thumbdown:


But you know........I'm being all "Buffalo media" by bringing up mistakes of the past. B-)


And I am glad (yes I said that) that Parker is dead and can only give advice as via speaking with a medium.


And of course BADOL left out facts that Parker would leverage one player's contract against another player's contract when he represented both of them, a clear conflict of interest.

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I believe plenzmd1 is one of Jarius's advisers. If his father recommended he hold out with planters fakeitis then he should not be signed as a coach and his son on roster for it is a conflict of interest.


And I am glad (yes I said that) that Parker is dead and can only give advice as via speaking with a medium.


And of course BADOL left out facts that Parker would leverage one player's contract against another player's contract when he represented both of them, a clear conflict of interest.


Yep he was awful for the Bills.


Fuct us good.


Marv let him in the door with his "oh you wanna' leave......ok we'll let you go or trade you somewhere better" attitude........that kinda' weakness is like blood in the water to a shark like Ol' Eugene.


And once Eugene saw Marvin's weakness it was nerd-name on nerd-name violence!


He thoroughly punctured Russ though.....ouch.

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Yes, it's possible that two people advocate the same thing at the same time. It's like you're already reading at a 3rd grade level.



No it's just utter, baseless speculation to blame Gill Byrd.


Parker had already used this tactic on the Bills with Jason Peters........I guess you missed that. :lol:

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