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We Are All Green Now!


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The funniest thing is that after two weeks of Trump, THIS is the story the left has decided to coalesce around.



Yes, THIS and, stupid boarder walls, Putin and pee, nativist economics, helper skelter foreign policy, Trumps business empire and how it is part of his presidency, health care, women's rights, the Constitution, all his other lies, but ya, aside from all this other things, the lie about a massacre that never took place

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Yes, THIS and, stupid boarder walls, Putin and pee, nativist economics, helper skelter foreign policy, Trumps business empire and how it is part of his presidency, health care, women's rights, the Constitution, all his other lies, but ya, aside from all this other things, the lie about a massacre that never took place

Are you sure you're not Duckdog? I really don't want to lamb baste you because of what it might do to your self of steam, but c'mon man, use English.

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Stopped a massacre? So lies continue!


Ha ha ha ha ha! You are truely a tool. Did you get a degree from Trump University or something?


I did as a matter of fact. And at TU we learned how to spell truly. The number one PPP tool calling others a tool is pretty damn funny.


So do you think Hillary is NOT a liar?

Yes, THIS and, stupid boarder walls, Putin and pee, nativist economics, helper skelter foreign policy, Trumps business empire and how it is part of his presidency, health care, women's rights, the Constitution, all his other lies, but ya, aside from all this other things, the lie about a massacre that never took place


And yet he still won! I'm sorry let me rephrase that. And yet Hillary still lost. :w00t:

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I did as a matter of fact. And at TU we learned how to spell truly. The number one PPP tool calling others a tool is pretty damn funny.


So do you think Hillary is NOT a liar?


And yet he still won! I'm sorry let me rephrase that. And yet Hillary still lost. :w00t:

I know all politicians lie, but Donald took that and ran with it, he did so well, actually, that TU grads actually think HRC lied more. Truely amazing how brainwashed people can be .


Yes, she lost, but you have failed to tell us why. You said I didn't know why as if you did know, so again n, why did she lose?


Always remember Bowling Green!

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I know all politicians lie, but Donald took that and ran with it, he did so well, actually, that TU grads actually think HRC lied more. Truely amazing how brainwashed people can be .


Yes, she lost, but you have failed to tell us why. You said I didn't know why as if you did know, so again n, why did she lose?


Always remember Bowling Green!


Oh I know exactly why she lost. However part of the healing process is for you to come to grips with it and figure it out for yourself.


Here have a seat on the couch. Tissues are over there. Now Gatorboy why do you think she lost?

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Of the 31 states that have declared their opposition to taking in Syrian refugees, one state, Kentucky, has a specific reason to be wary of the background check process: previously two Iraqi refugees who settled in Bowling Green turned out to be al Qaeda-linked terrorists with the blood of American soldiers on their hands, an ABC News investigation found. Both pleaded guilty to terror-connected charges after trying to acquire heavy weapons while in America’s heartland.

The 2013 ABC News investigation also revealed that several dozen other suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some who were believed to have targeted U.S. troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the U.S. as Iraq and Afghanistan War refugees, among the tens of thousands of innocent immigrants.

The Obama administration insists now that Syrian refugees are subjected to intense vetting before they’re allowed to settle in the U.S. and that a vast majority of the millions of refugees the U.S. has resettled since the 1970s are normal, peaceful people, but the program has had serious security problems before. In 2009, a flaw in background screening of Iraqi refugees allowed the two al Qaeda-linked terrorists to settle in Bowling Green and led to a temporary suspension of the refugee program, officials told ABC News in a 2013 investigation.



The two men, Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, were caught on surveillance video in 2010 in a storage locker in Kentucky handling heavy weapons, including a Russian-made machine gun and a Stinger missile launcher, which the FBI said the men thought would be smuggled to insurgents in Iraq.

An FBI agent assigned to the sting operation that eventually nabbed Alwan and Hammadi told ABC News for its original report that Alwan had bragged to an informant about killing American soldiers in Iraq.

"He said he had them 'for lunch and dinner,'" FBI Louisville Supervisory Special Agent Tim Beam told ABC News in 2013.

Some officials have claimed publicly that the suspects intended to attack a U.S. military post in Kentucky, but FBI officials told ABC News the men only discussed using a bomb to kill a U.S. Army captain they had known in Iraq but did not take any action toward killing him.

Alwan had been arrested in Kirkuk, Iraq in 2006 and confessed during questioning that he was an insurgent, according to the U.S. military and the FBI, which obtained a tape of the interrogation during the government’s 2011 investigation. But he had been released by Kurdish authorities, the tape ended up in a U.S. military database that was never accessed by refugees screening officials, and in 2009 Alwan applied as a refugee to the U.S. He was allowed to move to Bowling Green, home to a refugee program that’s successfully resettled thousands of desperate, peaceful people.

The FBI caught back up to Alwan after receiving a intelligence tip about him and concocted a sting operation in which Alwan would be led to believe the weapons he was obtaining would be shipped to al Qaeda-Iraq, which eventually renamed itself the "Islamic State," or ISIS. The FBI strung Alwan and his accomplice, Hammadi, along, with then-FBI Director Robert Mueller personally briefing President Obama on the case, until investigators were able to determine there were no other co-conspirators, at which point the two were arrested. Both Iraqis pleaded guilty to terror-connected charges and received multi-decade sentences.

"We need to take this as a case study and draw the right lessons from it, and not just high-five over this," said retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero, who headed the military's Joint IED Defeat Organization until May 2012. "How did a person who we detained in Iraq -- linked to an IED attack, we had his fingerprints in our government system -- how did he walk into America in 2009?"

In the wake of the Kentucky case, the U.S. halted the refugee program for Iraqis for six months, a fact the Obama administration did not disclose to Congress at the time, officials told ABC News in the 2013 investigation.

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hey now, I had to use one a couple times recently when my washing machine was on the fritz.


one trip to the laundromat cost almost as much as the part to fix it (lid switch)

Yeah but did you mention it on a message board as if it was no biggie?

Gator getting laundry money



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The funniest thing is that after two weeks of Trump, THIS is the story the left has decided to coalesce around.


Maybe that's the Trump strategy. Say and do so many crazy things the left turns themselves in knots because they can't decide what's the most outrageous.


Clearly he's still not playing by their rules and it's pissing them off to no end.

Lol, ok then! I'm off to the laundry mat, have a good one there Rhino


If I recall, this is the same genius who coined the TBDism "air born".

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Maybe that's the Trump strategy. Say and do so many crazy things the left turns themselves in knots because they can't decide what's the most outrageous.


Clearly he's still not playing by their rules and it's pissing them off to no end.


If I recall, this is the same genius who coined the TBDism "air born".

Or maybe "wear with all".

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Don't you get bedbugs at the laundromat?


I think Aladdin flew Jazmine around on a laundry mat.


There is a laundromat next to an ATM machine I used sometimes. Looking at that place bed bugs are the least of your worries. For me it's getting murdered pulling cash out of the machine.

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