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No we don't. This self importance nonsense is one of the reasons we are so disliked

You're (i.e. Obama foreign policy) like the kid that wants to stop the bully by giving up his lunch money....he'll just ask for more the next day.

It did? How do you figure?

3 words: !@#$ing Mustard Gas

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Good to know you think he's going to follow through on every stupid thing that comes out of his mouth. You should probably hold your breath

I don't necessarily do. I just know that out of all of the major things he said on the campaign trail, the Wall, the suspension of immigration, etc, he's followed through on quite a bit.


What is the logic to thinking he won't follow through on what he says about the ME? Rightly or wrongly, I don't think he's reneged on many of his major promises.

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You lefties have gone full retard, you know that? It's like you missed the past eight years of a president talking 'stupidly' about all the things he was going to do, but never got around to doing.


Wait. Let me guess. He only didn't get to them because the GOP obstructed him, right? :lol:


Oh, yeah! The need to be liked! The Sally Fields Foreign Policy Plan.


Worked like a charm the last eight years, amirite?

Feel free to pivot everything back to the left.


I'm simply stating that I would prefer my president not have a constant flow of nonsense coming from his mouth/twitter feed.


Ok, now you can reply with- but, but, Obama. Ha, ha, meltdown...

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And send troops to Mexico, attack Iran?


You don't think its stupid if we follow through and takes Iraq's oil? No, that is stupid. Although, I'm sure DT Tom will say its ok, because Obama filled up his gas tank last year

Hey retard, I never said what I thought about the actual promises. Just that he's been following through with the majority of them.

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When the !@#$ did I ever mention Obama? You guys are losing it


You didn't.




And if you truly came to this side of the message board because you were upset about the president spouting off about promises he'll never keep, you WOULD have mentioned Obama.


A lot.


For the past eight years.


But no. Trump is the problem.



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You're (i.e. Obama foreign policy) like the kid that wants to stop the bully by giving up his lunch money....he'll just ask for more the next day.

3 words: !@#$ing Mustard Gas

Obama actually had Syria ship its chemical weapons out and he was praised by Israel. Did you know that?

Hey retard, I never said what I thought about the actual promises. Just that he's been following through with the majority of them.


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Feel free to pivot everything back to the left.


I'm simply stating that I would prefer my president not have a constant flow of nonsense coming from his mouth/twitter feed.


Ok, now you can reply with- but, but, Obama. Ha, ha, meltdown...

Then why do you do it?

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I seem to recall a liberal proverb that went something like this for eight years:


Because of the failed policies of the Bush administration....

We can do this.

Do what? Put a crazy person in charge of our military?


And you know he wants us to get attacked. He is trying to push buttons. He did say he wants us to take Iraq's oil.

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Your post above indicated we are not liked overseas because of something Trump did in the last 14 days

I didn't realize America leading by example materialized in the last 14 days

I seem to recall a liberal proverb that went something like this for eight years:


Because of the failed policies of the Bush administration....

We can do this.

I think that was Confucius

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No, because Obama or something


No one is on your case for criticizing Trump.


We're on your case for criticizing Trump, but NOT having criticized the last president for doing the exact same things.


To turn a phrase the left LOVED to use the last eight years..."Where was your anger when Obama was doing this?"

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No one is on your case for criticizing Trump.


We're on your case for criticizing Trump, but NOT having criticized the last president for doing the exact same things.


To turn a phrase the left LOVED to use the last eight years..."Where was your anger when Obama was doing this?"

Obama tried to extort Mexico? I thought Obama made a deal with Iran? Get a clue

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