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Ice bowl 67

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Not sure about the most severe winter because those last 8 months back there. The worst storm would be 77 of course but I do remember being out partying as a senior in high school (79) an it was -50 wind chill. I don't ever want to experience that crap again.

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Not sure about the most severe winter because those last 8 months back there. The worst storm would be 77 of course but I do remember being out partying as a senior in high school (79) an it was -50 wind chill. I don't ever want to experience that crap again.


Advice: You should stay on the left coast.

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I left in ''77 for college. That storm was one hell of a send off. It may have been colder, or deeper in other years, but that topped my winters there. But losing a home game because your stadium is buried in snow must have been something!

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I love hearing the 77 stories. Meanwhile down here in NC we've had one storm all winter. It knocked out the power for maybe 45 minutes and my d-bag neighbor (from Connecticut) was complaining, calling that the worst case scenario for a winter storm.

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I love hearing the 77 stories. Meanwhile down here in NC we've had one storm all winter. It knocked out the power for maybe 45 minutes and my d-bag neighbor (from Connecticut) was complaining, calling that the worst case scenario for a winter storm.

Ouch...been a mild winter so far in the Buffalo area, no power outages at all...

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Down here in Horseheads the 93 blizzard was biggest of my adult life. 30-40 inches of snow and high winds created crazy drifts. I remember in the morning when I got up and my dachshund Ralphie wanted to go out. I open the back drapes and look at the sliding glass door and the snow is 1/2 way up it, that dog looked at me like WTF get shoveling I got to go!

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Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. As a matter of fact we're considering relocating the the right coast.


Better get out before California succeeds from the union. You will be put on the trump list To not enter the USA
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you know me...my advice is to to get that hell out of the Bay area stat!


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. Dude it the fuggin' Bay Area. We were sitting on the couch Sunday and the wife asked "so what are we doing today?" I said "let's go to Sonoma and eat some cheese then to Napa for some wine." And that's what we did. World class baby!!!

Better get out before California succeeds from the union. You will be put on the trump list To not enter the USA


I ain't no Muslim. You've heard it's a Muslim ban right? :wacko:

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Which year was it when the Cheektowaga area got around 7 feet between Christmas Eve and Christmas? I know it was early 2000s. We were leaving my aunt's house in Cheektowaga right around the time that storm started. I almost never remember the specifics of storms if they don't fall on a memorable date like that one.

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In everyone's lifetime what is the worst winter you guys have ever seen in the area you live in? What is the coldest and most snow you have seen? The worst winter here was easily 2013-2014, we got dumped on with 94 inches of snow for the whole season but also we had subzero temps every night from Late November almost till Late March! To add to the misery we had a snowfall in April that year and we still had chunks of ice left on the shoreline tell May! The second was 1995-96 that year we had 77.5 inches of snow, not nearly as much as 2014 but we had the most brutal artic blasts that year even worse then 2014. 2014 had way more days below zero but in 1996 when it got cold, it got really cold. In early February of that year it got down to 27 below zero without the windchill in Green Bay! Also the winter started in early November and it wouldnt give up till early May! I remember my cousin got married that year in Late April and we had an inch of snow that day. Then April 30th we had another inch of snow so the winter was super long and never ending! I also remember to the north of us in Upper Michigan in Sault Ste Marie they got hit with a 60 inches of snow in one snowfall in early December of 1995 and they had to call in the national guard! I wasnt alive to remember the winters of the Late 70s but my Dad tells me he lived in Minnesota at the time and he said they were brutal! How bout everyone else?

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