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Vote comes soon...............looks like the dems are going to double down on extremism......... :lol:




ROGER SIMON: “Is there a twisted confluence between accusing Donald Trump of non-existent anti-Semitism and ignoring Keith Ellison’s years of actually enabling the same?”

Yes but Dems have nowhere else to go politically than to the extreme left. Trump has committed a theft of sorts by stealing the working man/woman vote and may also grab more of the African American vote if he and Carson and Congress get something done to help urban areas economically.


Good news and bad news


The bad news is, the Democrats elected a bat schitt crazy Leftist to chair the party

The good news is, the Democrats elected the least bat schitt crazy Leftist of the bunch to chair the party


Good news and bad news


The bad news is, the Democrats elected a bat schitt crazy Leftist to chair the party

The good news is, the Democrats elected the least bat schitt crazy Leftist of the bunch to chair the party


I'd consider the results to be opposite - nothing would help their national meltdown/marginalization like putting someone like Ellison in charge of the party would.


Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who has just been named Chairman of the DNC. I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!



Democrats on the other hand are not so happy. The hashtag #DemExit was trending on Twitter shortly after news broke that Perez was the next DNC Chair as Democrats expressed their outrage.


Elite Members Celebrate Successfully Forcing Through #DNCChair



Tom Perez is to the right of Trump on trade, he backed TPP. Hell from what I've seen he and Eric "Too Big to jail" Holder are to the right of Trump on Wall Street. Perez has no idea to "out Populist" Trump. He will rely on the tired PC outrage approach. You don't take on Trump with conventional political tactics.


s8xmWAvU_bigger.jpg VoxVerified account@voxdotcom Feb 26

Keith Ellison’s supporters say Israel attacks helped sink his DNC bid


See.................it was the Jooooooooooo's fault.

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