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lmao. great pic


for real, think about it: thats actually a super racist joke. if it were on the other side ppl would call for your banning. but this way its literally nothing. kinda super whack when you let it roll around in your mind a bit

how the !@#$ is it racist? We have ozy here and no one wants him banned. Only one person has ever been banned for PPP
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its a racial stereotype. in todays definition of racism that would be right down the heart of the plate if it were black. i agree, we make WAY too many things 'racist', but in this case its a blatant double standard that we dont view it as such just bc its white

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its a racial stereotype. in todays definition of racism that would be right down the heart of the plate if it were black. i agree, we make WAY too many things 'racist', but in this case its a blatant double standard that we dont view it as such just bc its white

it is about white people. It can't be racist.
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Had no idea that guy Milo was a pedophilia activist. Sounds like he's all for lowering the age of consent dramatically. The Republicans really are moving to the middle.

Go crazy !! "A note for idiots".



Edited by Ryan L Billz
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man idk whats true with that yet but holy cow if thats a smear piece edited to make him look bad that would really cement the reality the hard left liberalism has gone full gestapo. wow


getting really super bad on the left but hard to believe anybody would go that far. ok not all that hard to believe but shocking nonetheless

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man idk whats true with that yet but holy cow if thats a smear piece edited to make him look bad that would really cement the reality the hard left liberalism has gone full gestapo. wow


getting really super bad on the left but hard to believe anybody would go that far. ok not all that hard to believe but shocking nonetheless


Given the current state of affairs, I'm not shocked at all. The thing I don't get is that Trump sets himself up as an easy target, yet his detractors bypass the obvious criticisms and just go absolutely bat%$#@ crazy. Milo has stood up for Trump since the beginning, so he's made himself a target now too. What's made it worse for him is that he's an openly gay immigrant, both of which are qualities the left considers to be exclusively within their domain. They can't afford to have someone like Milo preaching against them, so they're loading up every trebuchet they can find with a mountain of crap and pelting him with everything they've got.

Edited by Azalin
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Had no idea that guy Milo was a pedophilia activist. Sounds like he's all for lowering the age of consent dramatically. The Republicans really are moving to the middle.


Well, if he went to Pedophile Island with Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, that would be moving way to the left, no?


And hey...Milo is a hack, and any thinking person knows he no more represents Republicans than Elizabeth Warren represents Democrats.

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Had no idea that guy Milo was a pedophilia activist. Sounds like he's all for lowering the age of consent dramatically. The Republicans really are moving to the middle.

what kind of idiot states #fake news without even a link to discuss the retardedness. Roman Polanski and Bill Cosby endorsed Hillary. Must mean Hillary rapes women with drugs. Right?
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Well, if he went to Pedophile Island with Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, that would be moving way to the left, no?


And hey...Milo is a hack, and any thinking person knows he no more represents Republicans than Elizabeth Warren represents Democrats.

He's a kooky fag who loves laughing at the Ben Franklins and Tiberius's of the world.

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what little ive heard from milo he mixes excellent points with loads of crap. he is definitely correct about political correctness being absolutely out of fkg control. hes definitely right about free speech. and hes correct about the leftward lurch weve experienced the last decade has produced a far leftist gestapo mindset that infiltrated too far into the mainstream


hes also partially correct about muslim extremism, but that kind of standard now so he doesnt break any new ground. and he goes way too far in terms of broadbrushing arabs and a trumpian view of immigration imo


the bigger question is what the fk makes ppl turn into that which they allege to hate? liberalism was mostly sane and reasonable when the country lurched right after 9/11. that cycle it was the neocons that became too central in american psyche and conservatism became nationalistic and paranoid. now its the liberals that are losing their fkg minds and have become the same kind of repressive dicks that the neocons were. and now the conservatives are the ones mostly talking sense, at least on the most of the topics i mentioned


why do we have to whipsaw back and forth like that? now that 'conservatism' is back in full control theres absolutely not doubt they are going to fk things up royally. its already started. at the same time they are making sense on these counter hyper-liberalism arguments, they are laying the foundation to blow ѕhit all the fk up. you can see it coming clear as day. but aint gonna be nothing to stop them anyway


i agree with huey freeman. he says every nigga knows niggas are crazy. in this case niggas means all you ppl. just churning the crazy back and forth like fkg lunatics. holy cow

Edited by Meathead
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He's a kooky fag who loves laughing at the Ben Franklins and Tiberius's of the world.


Milo is actually offensive in a Lena Dunham kind of way, and I tune him out at all opportunities.


I was more interested in the unbelievably lazy thinking that suggests "as goes Milo, so goes the Republican party."


It's particularly ironic having gator-like analogy coming from the person who wishes everyone would ignore gator because of his moronic posts.

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