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To each his own but his wife had a lot of money. You'd think instead of blowing it ALL on booze he might spring for another shirt.

Lol he made billions from millions. He literally bought the company his father in law use to be the CEO of. (He bought it in the 70's) and the man is still making a crap load of money today.


I wish I sounded that good when drunk. Hell that was very coherent for drunk in your 70s!

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To each his own but his wife had a lot of money. You'd think instead of blowing it ALL on booze he might spring for another shirt.



Im sure that man had a lot of coke and stripper parties too. The Good Life.

Good for him. Still having fun in his mid-70's.


Its encouraging.

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Lol he made billions from millions. He literally bought the company his father in law use to be the CEO of. (He bought it in the 70's) and the man is still making a crap load of money today.


I wish I sounded that good when drunk. Hell that was very coherent for drunk in your 70s!



You remember taking great umbrage when I called him a drunk.........2 weeks ago? Bad timing.

Yea he blew it all on a few drinks.

Well, he can't seem to afford another shirt. It's the same one every time. He even wore it to his murdering TE's trial.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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You remember taking great umbrage when I called him a drunk.........2 weeks ago? Bad timing.


Well, he can't seem to afford another shirt. It's the same one every time. He even wore it to his murdering TE's trial.

You do know there is a difference between be drunk and being as you were implying an alcoholic. There is nothing wrong getting hammered enjoying the game esp since you don't drive home.

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You do know there is a difference between be drunk and being as you were implying an alcoholic. There is nothing wrong getting hammered enjoying the game esp since you don't drive home.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Lush.

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You do know there is a difference between be drunk and being as you were implying an alcoholic. There is nothing wrong getting hammered enjoying the game esp since you don't drive home.



He has a speech to give in front of millions of viewers and he is bombed....again. And he has so little class he just has to try to get in a little dig at Goodell for punishing their repeated cheating. Where was Bon Jersey the other day?

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Funniest thing about that video (OK, next to Kraft's smashed speech) is Bellicheat's look when being handed that small-ass trophy. He has no use for it.


And, for the record, should I live to be in my 70's (I admit the chances are exceedingly small), I expect to sound way better than Kraft, in any situation.

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Lol he made billions from millions. He literally bought the company his father in law use to be the CEO of. (He bought it in the 70's) and the man is still making a crap load of money today.


I wish I sounded that good when drunk. Hell that was very coherent for drunk in your 70s!

He made a crap load of $$$ all right. Sure had some "business sense"... But it is all good, no worries... THANX RALPH! While I was ripping off my future team, you were bankrolling them! They sucked back then anyway!


What I am getting @ is Kraft is on record for ripping off the Sullivan's back in the day. He'd use to sneak 8 or 9 people in to Sullivan Stadium under 6 season tickets. Hey... It's how Pats** fans are groomed!


But... It is all okay... Ralph had to bail the Sullivan's out by giving them $$$.


Once a cheat, always a cheat... Think he'd let you sneak more people in today?




How the crook like to justify it. It was just Ralph's $$$ keeping New England in New England while Krafty the Clown was ripping them off. How they like to justify the cheating "The New England Way" "...They knew all the tricks..." I guess it started early:


"Unlikely Dynasty


Robert Kraft has used business sense and a fans blind faith to turn the once-laughable New England Patriots into one of the richest franchises in sports.

For Robert Kraft it all started in 1971 on the cold, hard metal benches of a sad-sack football stadium in Foxboro, Mass. Section 217, row 23, seats one through six, says the Boston-born businessman, who would bundle up his four boys and a few of their friends to watch the Patriots lose another game on Sunday afternoons. They would squeeze eight or nine butts into his six season-ticket seats.


We were fans; we knew all the tricks, says Kraft, 64. It hardly mattered how many people sneaked in: The Patriots never sold out Foxboro (then called Sullivan Stadium) and lost hundreds of games on the field and millions of dollars off of it. I used to sit on those benches and dream about what I would do if I owned the team, he says..."


They lost millions off it because fans like you were ripping them off.


He should learn to keep his drunken trap shut in the internet age. Was he lit up when he did this Forbes piece?

Haters gonna hate.

Good reason to hate. MY, maybe OURS was bankrolling them.


It is okay to hate where it is warranted.

Funniest thing about that video (OK, next to Kraft's smashed speech) is Bellicheat's look when being handed that small-ass trophy. He has no use for it.


And, for the record, should I live to be in my 70's (I admit the chances are exceedingly small), I expect to sound way better than Kraft, in any situation.

LoL... NFL is getting cheap w/the hardware... Like WTF!!! Some 7 year old press their Erector Set into service to build that trophy! WOW! One time I side w/the head Cheat!

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