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Rapoport: Hints that Bills Are Likely to Keep Tyrod Taylor

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Agree with you about the contract. They have the chance to walk away, and that looks like what they'll do.


But I have to disagree with what you're saying about Tyrod's productivity. After you account for Tyrod's fewer chances than normal, you're still left with a poor pass game.


He had a 6.9 YPA. And a QB's YPA isn't punished for lower numbers of attempts. Tyrod had a 6.9 YPA this year. YPA is a measure of passing efficiency and Tyrod was 26th in the league.


He was 20th in passer rating, another stat which is not hurt by a lower number of attempts.


Tyrod has two real strengths, his ability to run and his refusal to turn the ball over. And those are both great. But our passing game was simply below average.


I don't know where you are getting your stats from but......


Completion percentage - ranked 19

YDS/A 21



And he accomplished that without having Sammy Watkins half the year.


Got my stats from ESPN here and here.


The problems at receiver this year are why (I think) his stats were lower than 2015 where he ranked....


Completion percentage 17

Yds/A 5



Those stats also came from ESPN here and here.


I'd say it is pretty obvious that Tyrod is actually an average to above average quarterback based on his stats.


Certainly not the bottom feeder that some here try to paint him as being.

Edited by PolishDave
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who was the mvp?



their defense was .2 points per game worse than us. the difference was 3 wins...2 vs us and 1 vs jets. ajay single handedly dominated those games(well with his oline). our defense completely lost it

That and the gimmick qb who couldn't score on 29th ranked defense. Yes.



Adios Taylorheads. Gotta run.

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Dude. When guys are trolling the best possible thing you can do is ignore them. If you keep feeding trolls they keep coming back.

30th in passing. You're the troll Let give him 30 mil because we are emotional and he played one good game to end the season. Just forget about the Balt/Pitt/Oak/Ne2/Mia/Bengals games. They won't happen again huh ?

who was the mvp? just answer it

Cam newton last year. Matt Ryan this year. Edited by Ryan L Billz
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30th in passing. You're the troll Let give him 30 mil because we are emotional and he played one good game to end the season. Just forget about the Balt/Pitt/Oak/Ne2/Mia/Bengals games. They won't happen again huh ?

Cam newton last year. Matt Ryan this year.


you really are a troll man

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30th in passing. You're the troll Let give him 30 mil because we are emotional and he played one good game to end the season. Just forget about the Balt/Pitt/Oak/Ne2/Mia/Bengals games. They won't happen again huh ?

Cam newton last year. Matt Ryan this year.

They had the fewest passing attempts in the NFL. He is not responsible for the play selection.

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I mean, I guess - but he had put some bad tape out there by mid-season and it wasn't all because of the scrub WRs he was playing with - he was missing open reads all over the field. I agree he improved by the end of the year but still, seems to me the better approach would've been to wait.


I suppose it's possible that his agent effectively told the Bills "it's now or never" in August and if so, Ty has bigger balls than I thought...


I don't know if Tyrod's agent said it's now or never.........I think the Bills just knew that if he went out and played like they thought he could he might be worth $25M+ plus per year on the open market......and franchising is only a one year solution and they wanted a chance at 3 years at not only a 40% discount but a much shorter commitment. And the Gilmore thing......I'm sure they expected 16 games of great football from him and wanted that much cheaper CB franchise tag to be available for him.


But a few points:


1) Yes Tyrod was missing reads........but that was in good part due to the way defenses adapted to him this year. They attacked more and disguised coverages. That actually began in preseason and was VERY noticeable versus 2015 where Tyrod was basically allowed to stand in the pocket unmolested for 4-5 seconds on the regular.


It worked..........kinda'. It created some bad looks on the All-22 and more "sacks" and killed some drives. But it didn't result in turnovers and ULTIMATELY he made plays to a tune that consistently put franchise QB type points on the board. So it made him less effective but it wasn't necessarily THAT effective on the scoreboard.


2) Do you recall the Seattle game where the media was gushing over Tyrod because they thought it was a breakthrough performance?


There was never anything to that notion.......it was neither a break thru or an anomaly.


The Seahawks just don't make significant changes to their defensive gameplan for ANYBODY.


So the looks were honest and he subsequently made fairly accurate and decisive throws that beat the coverage.


3) Regarding the WR talent.........yeah the CFL quality receivers the Bills were marching out at midseason were getting open.......but sometimes they were poorly attended by defenses because they were intentionally funneling Tyrod's throws to the wrong area with disguised coverage.


Other times they were open because they had so much time to GET open. The reason a guy like Justin Hunter is a fringe NFL player is because he can't get open quickly. If you have a statuesque QB in the pocket you can't have receivers that take 3-4 seconds to get open. But given time FAST guys can get open even if they aren't quick.


So a fair amount of the missed looks with Tyrod were opportunities that only exist in the offense because Tyrod was there in the first place.


There is a prevailing belief among some here that "Brian Hoyer" could have made those throws........but he doesn't get those looks. He gets hit in the pocket and throws interceptions on plays that Tyrod would throw the ball away or get out of the pocket and make a big play.

Edited by #BADOL
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I don't know if Tyrod's agent said it's now or never.........I think the Bills just knew that if he went out and played like they thought he could he might be worth $25M+ plus per year on the open market......and franchising is only a one year solution and they wanted a chance at 3 years at not only a 40% discount but a much shorter commitment. And the Gilmore thing......I'm sure they expected 16 games of great football from him and wanted that much cheaper CB franchise tag to be available for him.


But a few points:


1) Yes Tyrod was missing reads........but that was in good part due to the way defenses adapted to him this year. They attacked more and disguised coverages. That actually began in preseason and was VERY noticeable versus 2015 where Tyrod was basically allowed to stand in the pocket unmolested for 4-5 seconds on the regular.


It worked..........kinda'. It created some bad looks on the All-22 and more "sacks" and killed some drives. But it didn't result in turnovers and ULTIMATELY he made plays to a tune that consistently put franchise QB type points on the board. So it made him less effective but it wasn't necessarily THAT effective on the scoreboard.


2) Do you recall the Seattle game where the media was gushing over Tyrod because they thought it was a breakthrough performance?


There was never anything to that notion.......it was neither a break thru or an anomaly.


The Seahawks just don't make significant changes to their defensive gameplan for ANYBODY.


So the looks were honest and he subsequently made fairly accurate and decisive throws that beat the coverage.


3) Regarding the WR talent.........yeah the CFL quality receivers the Bills were marching out at midseason were getting open.......but sometimes they were poorly attended by defenses because they were intentionally funneling Tyrod's throws to the wrong area with disguised coverage.


Other times they were open because they had so much time to GET open. The reason a guy like Justin Hunter is a fringe NFL player is because he can't get open quickly. If you have a statuesque QB in the pocket you can't have receivers that take 3-4 seconds to get open. But given time FAST guys can get open even if they aren't quick.


So a fair amount of the missed looks with Tyrod were opportunities that only exist in the offense because Tyrod was there in the first place.


There is a prevailing belief among some here that "Brian Hoyer" could have made those throws........but he doesn't get those looks. He gets hit in the pocket and throws interceptions on plays that Tyrod would throw the ball away or get out of the pocket and make a big play.

This is where we start getting to a part where folks talk out of both sides of their mouth. Yeah the WR group was stinky this year. But TT's greatest skill is the fact that he buys enough time to utilize them due to his athletic ability no? So why in the world does he need more receiving help?


It sounds a lot like an argument to keep TT while also attempting to make excuses for him. All in the same breath. Keep TT because he buys enough time make Hunter look good. But TT needs more help at WR instead of a guy like Hunter.


Not to mention his startling inability to put the ball in a place where any WR can get RAC. By and large, that's what the most talented WR's in this league are paid for. If TT can't use it, why bother?

Edited by FireChan
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He does the opposite of diffusing the defense. They regularly play eight in the box. They made stopping the run game the priority and mostly still couldn't do it. They were playing the run and hoping Tyrod would pass.


How do Gillislee and Karlos Williams do so well? Because they're change of pace backs and teams are mostly preparing for McCoy, There's a history of this. Freddy always always outperformed Marshawn in YPA when he was backing him up. It's a pretty consistent phenomenon. But what mostly helped them is what mostly helped McCoy. Last year Shady was having health problems and this year he was mostly healthy.


And lo and behold, running in Roman's excellent run scheme behind excellent run blockers produced excellent results.



If you don't think that the most mobile QB in the NFL doesn't make defenses tentative then.......well......that explains the rest of your take.


As for MG and Karlos production...............like I said, 250+ carries and 18 rushing TD's can't be discounted by nonsense about how "that's the way it always is"........like FireChans take that about one good season Powell had as a reserve when the other 5 years his production was POOR as a reserve. I guess it's not a consistent phenomenon for Bilal. :lol:


You got a good look at what happens to the Bills run game in the finale against the Jets this year where NY defenders went thru the Bills OL like a hot knife and stopped the Bills run game in the backfield......injuring Shady and bottling up Gillislee......on the way to the QB.


That's the way most defensive fronts are built now....upfield and attacking...and Tyrod is a nightmare for those DC's........especially when he has playmakers at WR because he's a tremendous deep ball thrower making it hard to play safeties up to incorporate a true "8 in the box".


Even when they have 7 in the box one of them is usually a flat footed spy hoping to prevent Tyrod from breaking contain.


This makes the Bills relatively slow developing run game SO MUCH more effective........allowing lineman to get into blocks with momentum and angles against less disruptive, reactionary DL and LB's.

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If you don't think that the most mobile QB in the NFL doesn't make defenses tentative then.......well......that explains the rest of your take.


As for MG and Karlos production...............like I said, 250+ carries and 18 rushing TD's can't be discounted by nonsense about how "that's the way it always is"........like FireChans take that about one good season Powell had as a reserve when the other 5 years his production was POOR as a reserve. I guess it's not a consistent phenomenon for Bilal. :lol:


You got a good look at what happens to the Bills run game in the finale against the Jets this year where NY defenders went thru the Bills OL like a hot knife and stopped the Bills run game in the backfield......injuring Shady and bottling up Gillislee......on the way to the QB.


That's the way most defensive fronts are built now....upfield and attacking...and Tyrod is a nightmare for those DC's........especially when he has playmakers at WR because he's a tremendous deep ball thrower making it hard to play safeties up to incorporate a true "8 in the box".


Even when they have 7 in the box one of them is usually a flat footed spy hoping to prevent Tyrod from breaking contain.


This makes the Bills relatively slow developing run game SO MUCH more effective........allowing lineman to get into blocks with momentum and angles against less disruptive, reactionary DL and LB's.

Because there isn't an RB you keep propping up that only had a good YPC for 1 season. :rolleyes:

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Boobie over Fred in 2014. Crowell over Duke Johnson in 2014.


Andre Ellington in 2013. Montee Ball in 2013. Spiller over Fred in 2013.


I could continue but I don't see the point.


You don't see the point because you are factually incorrect. I provided you a link with 2016 statistics of the YPC leaders and in over 85% the cases the starting RB's have a higher YPC avg than the backups, with one of the few exceptions being Gillilslee

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You don't see the point because you are factually incorrect. I provided you a link with 2016 statistics of the YPC leaders and in over 85% the cases the starting RB's have a higher YPC avg than the backups, with one of the few exceptions being Gillilslee

Ah, there's the problem. When I said regularly, I meant it was a regular phenomenon. I did not intend to imply >50% of backups out carry the starters. Just that any given year, there are usually a handful that do so.

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This is where we start getting to a part where folks talk out of both sides of their mouth. Yeah the WR group was stinky this year. But TT's greatest skill is the fact that he buys enough time to utilize them due to his athletic ability no? So why in the world does he need more receiving help?


It sounds a lot like an argument to keep TT while also attempting to make excuses for him. All in the same breath. Keep TT because he buys enough time make Hunter look good. But TT needs more help at WR instead of a guy like Hunter.


Not to mention his startling inability to put the ball in a place where any WR can get RAC. By and large, that's what the most talented WR's in this league are paid for. If TT can't use it, why bother?


First of all........I think I'd be more worried about my take if I was willing to dismiss combined first team All Pro level production out of MG and Karlos as "the way it always is" or overlook the fact that most QB's would have been KILLED by having Mills at RT.


If you can write those facts off you've not exactly narrowed it down to cause and effect. :flirt:


Second, TT doesn't NEED more receiving help.........yeah two healthy, legitimate top 4-5 depth chart quality WR's seems reasonable to request :lol: ........but he has proven he can get by with bad ones too.


And bad pass blocking OL as well.


He was very productive this year.........he protects the football and tacks on about an extra 1,000+ rushing yards to the offense between his own and his impact on the teams RB's production over a pocket passer and that leads to A LOT of touchdowns for the offense.


The reason I WANT more receiving talent is because the deep ball is the thing that makes him a difference maker as a passer. This year we hardly got to see it........bring it back and top 7 scoring offense can go much higher.

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30th in passing. You're the troll Let give him 30 mil because we are emotional and he played one good game to end the season. Just forget about the Balt/Pitt/Oak/Ne2/Mia/Bengals games. They won't happen again huh ?

Cam newton last year. Matt Ryan this year.

most of those games were early in the year and pitt was more of a defensive let down, tightwad got better and threw the ball differently in the second half of the year, i see next year looking alot more like the miami v2 game or seattle where we win w a better defense. And who is better than tightwad at this point?

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Because there isn't an RB you keep propping up that only had a good YPC for 1 season. :rolleyes:


I'm not propping it up........I actually watch the tape and see what is happening that creates these opportunities for guys like Karlos and MG.


They produced better than McCoy in 2015 because they followed the design of the play.......the effectiveness of which was greatly enhanced by the run-pass-run option that Tyrod presents.


It was clear LAST season.........but dismissed because of a small sample size.........so we look at the bigger sample size and it JUST KEEPS STACKIN'.......there is no "phenomenon".....and McCoy got into the act this year too.


It is what it is.......if you think that you can plug Brian Hoyer into this offense and average 5.5 ypc and 20 TD's over the course of about 350 carries........well then I guess Whaley is a genius for the brilliance of Mills, Miller and Groy. :lol:

Edited by #BADOL
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First of all........I think I'd be more worried about my take if I was willing to dismiss combined first team All Pro level production out of MG and Karlos as "the way it always is" or overlook the fact that most QB's would have been KILLED by having Mills at RT.


If you can write those facts off you've not exactly narrowed it down to cause and effect. :flirt:


Second, TT doesn't NEED more receiving help.........yeah two healthy, legitimate top 4-5 depth chart quality WR's seems reasonable to request :lol: ........but he has proven he can get by with bad ones too.


And bad pass blocking OL as well.


He was very productive this year.........he protects the football and tacks on about an extra 1,000+ rushing yards to the offense between his own and his impact on the teams RB's production over a pocket passer and that leads to A LOT of touchdowns for the offense.


The reason I WANT more receiving talent is because the deep ball is the thing that makes him a difference maker as a passer. This year we hardly got to see it........bring it back and top 7 scoring offense can go much higher.

Honestly though, Karlos had one good season of YPC just like Powell and yet my sample size is invalid but you get to count fat weed man? Nah.


I have to ask about your WR take. I've obviously followed your posts in the past. Have you not consistently asked for a wide-catch radius open when he's covered WR for TT?


If he's shown he can make do with a couple of JAGs at WR, and our offense is designed to pass 20 times or so a game and still put up points, why not use our very limited resources on a pass rusher, a position we are sorely lacking in with the departure/retirement of Mario Williams, and if I've understood you correctly, the second most important position in the NFL today?


I'm not propping it up........I actually watch the tape and see what is happening that creates these opportunities for guys like Karlos and MG.


They produced better than McCoy in 2015 because they followed the design of the play.......the effectiveness of which was greatly enhanced by the run-pass-run option that Tyrod presents.


It was clear LAST season.........but dismissed because of a small sample size.........so we look at the bigger sample size and it JUST KEEPS STACKIN'.......there is no "phenomenon".....and McCoy got into the act this year too.


It is what it is.......if you think that you can plug Brian Hoyer into this offense and average 5.5 ypc and 20 TD's over the course of about 350 carries........well then I guess Whaley is a genius for the brilliance of Mills, Miller and Groy. :lol:

Why couldn't Boom Herron and Boobie Dixon take advantage of TT's greatness?

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most of those games were early in the year and pitt was more of a defensive let down, tightwad got better and threw the ball differently in the second half of the year, i see next year looking alot more like the miami v2 game or seattle where we win w a better defense. And who is better than tightwad at this point?

The Pitt and Oakland games were in the second half and he was atrocious. The 70 yards passing through 3 qtrs vs Pitt ain't gonna get it done.


There's 20 other qb's that do it better. I'm out on the tightwad train. Hit the draft and get one that can see the whole field and make adjustments.

They had the fewest passing attempts in the NFL. He is not responsible for the play selection.


There's a reason for that no ? I mean he did start the season with a blistering 111 yard day.

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