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I worked one time for a guy who got rich and decided he was going to become a developer. He was very confident of his abilities (after all he was rich) - he was just like Trump - he was seemingly incapable of telling the truth about the simplest things. Hey - what was the weather like last week - innocuous...he couldn't tell it straight. Funny part was people just followed him - after all he was rich - he must have some superior intellect and strategy to what comes out of his mouth - because he is rich and pompous and we can't keep up with his intellect...he is so far ahead of the curve....


He was not good at developing and thought he could intermingle funding and everything he did would be a success....he was literally run out of town. People who did deals with him finally realized the truth - everything that came out of his mouth was a lie - he had no magic strategy or abilities...and doing business with him was not profitable.


Take 2


No ****, sherlock. There's no shortage of critical opinion of trump on these pages.


Yet, Hillary still couldn't beat him.

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No ****, sherlock. There's no shortage of critical opinion of trump on these pages.


Yet, Hillary still couldn't beat him.


Hey Holmes...try to get the point before you fall back on sucking the teat of Hillary bashing...


Read it again....the point isn't about Trump - but rather how people were so willing to follow a rich pompous ass who couldn't say anything straight about anything....because they though he was sooo smart


I would add this...There came a moment with people who did business with him where they finally realized that everything...everything...the guy said was a lie,,,, its been a lie all along...



Hey Holmes...try to get the point before you fall back on sucking the teat of Hillary bashing...


Read it again....the point isn't about Trump - but rather how people were so willing to follow a rich pompous ass who couldn't say anything straight about anything....because they though he was sooo smart


I would add this...There came a moment with people who did business with him where they finally realized that everything...everything...the guy said was a lie,,,, its been a lie all along...


Again, no ****.


This has been written and warned about trump for the last 18 months. There's a reason there isn't a single bank that will fund his real estate developments and why he went full bore into licensing.



Hey Holmes...try to get the point before you fall back on sucking the teat of Hillary bashing...


Read it again....the point isn't about Trump - but rather how people were so willing to follow a rich pompous ass who couldn't say anything straight about anything....because they though he was sooo smart


I would add this...There came a moment with people who did business with him where they finally realized that everything...everything...the guy said was a lie,,,, its been a lie all along...


Do you not understand that most people here are not Trump supporters?



I worked one time for a guy who got rich and decided he was going to become a developer. He was very confident of his abilities (after all he was rich) - he was just like Trump - he was seemingly incapable of telling the truth about the simplest things. Hey - what was the weather like last week - innocuous...he couldn't tell it straight. Funny part was people just followed him - after all he was rich - he must have some superior intellect and strategy to what comes out of his mouth - because he is rich and pompous and we can't keep up with his intellect...he is so far ahead of the curve....


He was not good at developing and thought he could intermingle funding and everything he did would be a success....he was literally run out of town. People who did deals with him finally realized the truth - everything that came out of his mouth was a lie - he had no magic strategy or abilities...and doing business with him was not profitable.


Take 2


I worked one time for a woman who insisted that she be treated special because she was a woman. After all, she was a woman -- just like Hillary -- but she was seemingly incapable of telling the truth about the simplest things. And if you ever challenged her, she reminded you that as a woman she did not need to put up with your behavior. She had a ridiculously high turnover rate in her department, and every time someone would leave,they would tell stories about what a horrible ogre she was.


This woman genuinely could not understand why everyone didn't love her. As such, she went on to lie about pretty much everything that went wrong under her leadership. She hid emails and made up stories about why people were leaving her department.


After about 10 years of this, the company finally realized that regardless of gender, she was was such a horrible representation of their company that that actually hired an orange monkey to do her job, and everyone was willing to give the orange monkey a chance simply because she was such a flawed leader.


True story. Take 2.




4 things President Trump did in the past 24 hours that should terrify Dems


No. 1: He ordered a hiring freeze on Federal workers: politi.co/2jWwhdl

No. 2 He angered immigration hawks by not immediately undoing President Obama’s executive amnesty:

nationalreview.com/corner/444157/trump-going-cancel-daca-or-not …

No. 3: Trump met with unions and the unions are ready to work with the Trump administration:

And No. 4: Praise of President Trump on trade from … Bernie Sanders:


Proof positive that Trump is more of an "anti-establishment" candidate.

He certainly never was a Conservative, which the majority of us here knew..........only the simple Gators of the world still laughingly point out when Trump does something that the left considers "un Republican"

:lol: wow, big surprise.


Yup. The left wing nuts are so busy being hysterical they've failed to notice Trump is a lot more 'Bernie' than Hillary would have been. I have no idea if it will work or not, but Trump actually has an economic agenda he's been thinking about for 30 years. Contrast that with Hillary who's only agenda item for the last 30 years has been 'how to get me elected'.


And it's amazing how the media has been able to create the image of him as a social conservative completely out of whole cloth.


I have no idea if it will work or not, but Trump actually has an economic agenda he's been thinking about for 30 years.


this is about my only hope for a trump presidency. right now his protectionism looks like a sure fire disaster but im hoping he has some experienced tricks up his sleeve that will make it work


he better. right now it looks like hes playing right into the expected stooge role than both russia and china were hoping for. the disaster appears to be taking shape already but i will withhold my judgment until we see whether that particular long term emperor has any clothes or not



And it's amazing how the media has been able to create the image of him as a social conservative completely out of whole cloth.


I'm not sure they were very successful at that!


we made white universally racist at a time when white have actually FINALLY made the proper transition away from racism. the 'deplorables' were rightfully tired of being painted with that racist brush for the last decade and decided donald was their man to push back with


the pendulum is going to have to swing back now and like always its going to go too far. sadly that means we are going to see a resurgence of white racism. but if blacks hadnt pushed that too far and convinced enabling whites to help them, we would be in this mess

Refreshing to hear someone from the left admit that. Sad that the left wing response to the election has been to double down on the same rhetoric.


But you are off the mark in thinking that people consider Trump a diety. Yes his wealth has always been the root of his celebrity, but he didn't win because he was rich (although that's obviously a prerequisite to running), he was elected because he was the only candidate with balls. He was the only one willing to speak up about things that matter to people but that politicians refuse to discuss or address because of PC rules. He was the only candidate who didn't follow the same bullsh-- script that we get every four years. In short, he actually was a Hope and Change candidate rather than someone who pretended to be. And people knew it was genuine from him because he's been speaking his mind in the public eye for decades.


im not from the left


trumps victory was indeed based a lot on being an outsider. the dysfunction and gridlock in congress has reached destructive and unacceptable levels and desperately needed a reset


but that wasnt what got the sea of disaffected whites to swamp the polling places. it was being called the deplorables like this was still 1970


black racism and the whites that enabled them got us the buffoon that is donald


im not from the left


trumps victory was indeed based a lot on being an outsider. the dysfunction and gridlock in congress has reached destructive and unacceptable levels and desperately needed a reset


but that wasnt what got the sea of disaffected whites to swamp the polling places. it was being called the deplorables like this was still 1970


black racism and the whites that enabled them got us the buffoon that is donald


One key point that you (and everyone else, for that matter) consistently miss: not that many people voted for either candidate. The base of support for each is narrow, and hyper-partisan.


Rather, a great many votes were case against candidates. This election was more a referendum on who was more execrable than anything else.



This election was more a referendum on who was more execrable than anything else.


at best that was a wash. as much as both were despised i would still guess that donald would edge her out in a most hated contest


it was the culturally acceptable racist broadbushing of conservative whites that drove them infuriated (for good reason) to the polls



at best that was a wash. as much as both were despised i would still guess that donald would edge her out in a most hated contest


it was the culturally acceptable racist broadbushing of conservative whites that drove them infuriated (for good reason) to the polls

Where's Chef Jim to ask his Jeopardy question?

Posted (edited)

Where's Chef Jim to ask his Jeopardy question?

I think he's probably busy making money. Hopefully from dumazzes that still don't know why Hillary lost the election.

Edited by Nanker
Posted (edited)

Then it's a good thing this wasn't one of his first executive orders.




I'm not arguing the merits of what he did. I'm just explaining why some people would argue that he's totally anti-abortion.


this...a small bone

Formality. A partisan thing dating back to Reagan. Every Repub prez. (Bush II) reinstated it. Every Dem (Clinton, Obama) rescinded the policy.


Executive order "tit 4 tat" on going pen duel.

Edited by HoF Watkins


Anyone who would write that Hillary Clinton is the single most qualified Presidential candidate in the history of forever is a leftist.


Perhaps he meant single most despised Presidential candidate in history. I don't think there's much debate on that one.

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