/dev/null Posted January 23, 2017 Posted January 23, 2017 yeah hillary totally blew it. So which one is it? Was Hiliary the most qualified capable person to ever run for President or did she run a terrible campaign against an unpopular reality TV personality? Because if she was the most qualified capable person to ever run for President, the 2016 campaign showed her skills as an executive and leader were clearly lacking
Alaska Darin Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 i dont condone how it was acquired Why not? It's exactly the kind of thing we've been doing to other countries for decades. It's how the game is played in the real world. A big part of being successful is being able to keep your sensitive information a secret. Your "most qualified candidate ever" is literally the worst leader of an information security organization in the history of the world.
Nanker Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Why not? It's exactly the kind of thing we've been doing to other countries for decades. It's how the game is played in the real world. A big part of being successful is being able to keep your sensitive information a secret. Your "most qualified candidate ever" is literally the worst leader of an information security organization in the history of the world. "Why aren't I 50 points ahead at this point, you might ask?!"
GaryPinC Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Why not? It's exactly the kind of thing we've been doing to other countries for decades. It's how the game is played in the real world. A big part of being successful is being able to keep your sensitive information a secret. Your "most qualified candidate ever" is literally the worst leader of an information security organization in the history of the world. Hey, but c'mon. She is probably the "most qualified candidate ever" to run a government pay-for-play scheme. Your average Haitian is still wondering exactly where all their humanitarian donations went.
frostbitmic Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I'll be really disappointed if eliminating isis in a month was an alternate fact.
Boatdrinks Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 (edited) I did.........Trump was the lesser of two evils. . Agreed. I personally even did something I thought I would never do, vote for someone who is ( at least claims to be) pro -life. But I did. Trump was the lesser of the two evils for me, that's how bad Hillary Clinton is. Edited January 24, 2017 by Boatdrinks
Prickly Pete Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 (edited) Agreed. I personally even did something I thought I would never do, vote for someone who is ( at least claims to be) pro -life. But I did. Trump was the lesser of the two evils for me, that's how bad Hillary Clinton is. Trump wants nothing to do with the issue of abortion. He was forced to take some kind of position, and because he was running as a Republican, took on a half-assed "pro-life" position, and moved on. The hubbub when he said that violators of abortion laws would face some kind of punishment was way overblown. For once, Trump was caught flat footed, needed to answer that direct question, and fumbled out a vague answer. Of course, if there was any way interpret his words as "an attack on women", the media was ready to roll with it. He isn't going to pursue it strongly, only throw the religious right a few small bones (lol) for their support. Edited January 24, 2017 by HoF Watkins
IDBillzFan Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Trump wants nothing to do with the issue of abortion.Then it's a good thing this wasn't one of his first executive orders. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/d8ba985d-b2e7-3a4b-b3f2-71678b9302c8/ss_trump-executive-order.html I'm not arguing the merits of what he did. I'm just explaining why some people would argue that he's totally anti-abortion.
ExiledInIllinois Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Then it's a good thing this wasn't one of his first executive orders. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/d8ba985d-b2e7-3a4b-b3f2-71678b9302c8/ss_trump-executive-order.html I'm not arguing the merits of what he did. I'm just explaining why some people would argue that he's totally anti-abortion. Formality. A partisan thing dating back to Reagan. Every Repub prez. (Bush II) reinstated it. Every Dem (Clinton, Obama) rescinded the policy. Executive order "tit 4 tat" on going pen duel.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Why not? It's exactly the kind of thing we've been doing to other countries for decades. It's how the game is played in the real world. A big part of being successful is being able to keep your sensitive information a secret. Your "most qualified candidate ever" is literally the worst leader of an information security organization in the history of the world. You can't really say that until we know if the other side was hacked as well. Perhaps they were but their info was not released. We do know that the NSA was hacked, CIA was hacked and many, many other organizations with high security were hacked, so just picking on Hillary for that is myopic.
Nanker Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Who eats the cookie? Gary? Or Nanker? Gator? Sorry boys. Trump created the alternate facts. Glad you feel so happy ignoring them. Fake News Warning!
B-Large Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Trump still citing mass illegal voting for losing the popular vote.... more of those Trump Facts.... he's certainly entertaining
meazza Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Trump still citing mass illegal voting for losing the popular vote.... more of those Trump Facts.... he's certainly entertaining This guy will nuke a country if they piss him off.
B-Man Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 (edited) 4 things President Trump did in the past 24 hours that should terrify Dems No. 1: He ordered a hiring freeze on Federal workers: politi.co/2jWwhdl No. 2 He angered immigration hawks by not immediately undoing President Obama’s executive amnesty: nationalreview.com/corner/444157/trump-going-cancel-daca-or-not … No. 3: Trump met with unions and the unions are ready to work with the Trump administration: And No. 4: Praise of President Trump on trade from … Bernie Sanders: Proof positive that Trump is more of an "anti-establishment" candidate. He certainly never was a Conservative, which the majority of us here knew..........only the simple Gators of the world still laughingly point out when Trump does something that the left considers "un Republican" wow, big surprise. Edited January 24, 2017 by B-Man
Meathead Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 You can't really say that until we know if the other side was hacked as well. Perhaps they were but their info was not released. We do know that the NSA was hacked, CIA was hacked and many, many other organizations with high security were hacked, so just picking on Hillary for that is myopic. the dnc was hacked for obvious reasons. im glad that info came out but there was a direct and enormous benefit to the russians for helping donald win if youre the russians who do you want to go up against for at least four years, a very brilliant and internationally experienced seasoned politician or an insecure blowhard buffoon? helping swing that election was a major major coup for the russians. they got what they wanted and kudos are deserved, even if it does put us in an awful bind going forward
TH3 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Trump still citing mass illegal voting for losing the popular vote.... more of those Trump Facts.... he's certainly entertaining I worked one time for a guy who got rich and decided he was going to become a developer. He was very confident of his abilities (after all he was rich) - he was just like Trump - he was seemingly incapable of telling the truth about the simplest things. Hey - what was the weather like last week - innocuous...he couldn't tell it straight. Funny part was people just followed him - after all he was rich - he must have some superior intellect and strategy to what comes out of his mouth - because he is rich and pompous and we can't keep up with his intellect...he is so far ahead of the curve.... He was not good at developing and thought he could intermingle funding and everything he did would be a success....he was literally run out of town. People who did deals with him finally realized the truth - everything that came out of his mouth was a lie - he had no magic strategy or abilities...and doing business with him was not profitable. Take 2
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 the dnc was hacked for obvious reasons. im glad that info came out but there was a direct and enormous benefit to the russians for helping donald win if youre the russians who do you want to go up against for at least four years, a very brilliant and internationally experienced seasoned politician or an insecure blowhard buffoon? helping swing that election was a major major coup for the russians. they got what they wanted and kudos are deserved, even if it does put us in an awful bind going forward Begs the question, why did Comey do what he did?
Meathead Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I worked one time for a guy who got rich and decided he was going to become a developer. He was very confident of his abilities (after all he was rich) - he was just like Trump - he was seemingly incapable of telling the truth about the simplest things. Hey - what was the weather like last week - innocuous...he couldn't tell it straight. Funny part was people just followed him - after all he was rich - he must have some superior intellect and strategy to what comes out of his mouth - because he is rich and pompous and we can't keep up with his intellect...he is so far ahead of the curve.... He was not good at developing and thought he could intermingle funding and everything he did would be a success....he was literally run out of town. People who did deals with him finally realized the truth - everything that came out of his mouth was a lie - he had no magic strategy or abilities...and doing business with him was not profitable. Take 2 this is honestly what i definitely see happing with donald. its what i saw happening from the moment he decided to run, which is why i thought he would never make it but there is a serious mental disease that is the worship of money like a god thats going on here. if you hand a bonafide idiot a billion dollars they will instantly become worthy of adulation in the eyes of millions. and yes they will follow that idiot off the precipice as a result that certainly seems very likely where we are heading now Begs the question, why did Comey do what he did? i havent figured that out yet im leaning to believe he was just trying to cover himself after what he expected would be a hillary victory. if he hadnt done what he did he would be accused of bias in her favor idk. thats the best i got. i hate to believe that he could have been motivated by party politics. but that poison runs deep so who knows
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 this is honestly what i definitely see happing with donald. its what i saw happening from the moment he decided to run, which is why i thought he would never make it but there is a serious mental disease that is the worship of money like a god thats going on here. if you hand a bonafide idiot a billion dollars they will instantly become worthy of adulation in the eyes of millions. and yes they will follow that idiot off the precipice as a result that certainly seems very likely where we are heading now i havent figured that out yet im leaning to believe he was just trying to cover himself after what he expected would be a hillary victory. if he hadnt done what he did he would be accused of bias in her favor idk. thats the best i got. i hate to believe that he could have been motivated by party politics. but that poison runs deep so who knows I'm not sure it is the money. Conservatives are just so full of hate they will run after the person that says things that make Liberals call them out. Trump knows how to make the right enemies and his followers do not care a fig for his competence or sanity, as long as the left thinks he is incompetent or insane, they love him
Meathead Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 i wouldnt go that far conservatives are obviously relieved the liberal dominance didnt come to pass as predicted. so am i actually, jus tnot in this way. they would have been in a world of political hurt if hillary had won, so now they are dancing with the giddy excitement of a man in the chair who just recieved a last second call from the governor the hateful bias you describe exists on both side. i tend to squelch that out bc its never going to go completely away and hopefully doesnt dominate any of our political standards for too long. maybe im too idealistic but i think smart ppl in the middle are the ones who usually straighted these things out with thier moderate views and voting to combat the majority of dumbasses in the electorate most people just love to love money. its sick but its true. donald is the iconic representation of that so he gets magically transformed into a diety of sorts unfortunately in this cycle we had two other huge elements that conspired to push him over the top. one of course was the russians. the other was the unfair demonization of white people as the new all encompassing evil thats wrong with america. ive been a civil rights activist my whole life and all we did was shift the racists from the white side to the black/enabling whites side. we made white universally racist at a time when white have actually FINALLY made the proper transition away from racism. the 'deplorables' were rightfully tired of being painted with that racist brush for the last decade and decided donald was their man to push back with the pendulum is going to have to swing back now and like always its going to go too far. sadly that means we are going to see a resurgence of white racism. but if blacks hadnt pushed that too far and convinced enabling whites to help them, we would be in this mess but thats what people always do when they get a little too much influence - they rig the system against the other side. in this case we had blacks and enabling whites rigging the system against a demographic that still represents a massive chunk of the electorate. i saw it coming but nobody listened. and now we have the donald as our reward. fkg great job people
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