Benjamin Franklin Posted March 5, 2017 Author Posted March 5, 2017 NO. Pray tell whadda he say? Tell us! Tell us! Tell us! I kid. WGAF? Twitter is for twats. Strangely, I care what our commander in chief says.
meazza Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 And color Meazza invisible. He is busy looking for the next thing to whine about. These guys just throw accusations at the wall every day, and they keep getting refuted. If this had been a "Trump supporter", we would never hear the end of it. I'm on vacation.
Magox Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 Strangely, I care what our commander in chief says. Hypocrites from the left and hypocrites from the right are two sides of the same coin.
PastaJoe Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 Ted and Heidi Cruz are having dinner at the White House today with Trump. The main course must be swallowing their pride.
GG Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 Ted and Heidi Cruz are having dinner at the White House today with Trump. The main course must be swallowing their pride. It's not like trump offered Cruz the Secretary of State job to keep him under close wraps.
Peezy Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 So now we earned this because you don't have the proper moral compass to vote for the lesser of two evils?
B-Man Posted March 14, 2017 Posted March 14, 2017 Hey........................remember that "Most Transparent Ever" Administration that we used to have ABC NewsVerified account @ABC 3h3 hours ago In Obama's final year, US gov't spent a record $36M in legal costs defending refusal to turn over records under FOIA Retweets 463 Likes 350
Nanker Posted March 14, 2017 Posted March 14, 2017 Hey........................remember that "Most Transparent Ever" Administration that we used to have Well, some of us could see right through them, so I guess they were in a sense "transparent".
/dev/null Posted March 15, 2017 Posted March 15, 2017 Well, some of us could see right through them, so I guess they were in a sense "transparent". Of course the Obama Administration was transparent. If their skin was any thinner they'd have a reservoir tip
PastaJoe Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 From one of the people Trump appears to depend on for his "facts". Sean Hannity implied that the federal judge in Hawaii who put a hold on President Donald Trump’s travel ban may have shared marijuana and “a little blow” with former President Barack Obama. Further, he suggested U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson should recuse himself because of it. “This judge who issued the travel ban ruling is an Obama law school classmate,” Hannity said on his radio show Thursday. “Maybe he should have recused himself from the case. Just a maybe? Were they best friends in Hawaii? Were they part of the Choom Gang, smoking pot and hanging out and doing a little bit of weed and maybe even a little blow?” Media Matters, which posted audio of the comments, notes that right-wing media have been pushing a conspiracy theory that Obama was involved in stopping Trump’s travel ban. Obama admitted to smoking marijuana in his youth in his book Dreams of My Father. The “Choom Gang” is a reference to a nickname Obama and some of his pot-smoking friends in Hawaii called themselves, according to David Maraniss’ biography, Barack Obama: The Story. There is no indication that Watson was part of it, nor did Hannity indicate why that would be cause for recusal since Obama is not a party to the lawsuit over the travel ban. Watson was nominated to the U.S. District Court in 2012 by Obama. The two both graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991, along with Judge Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. So if as Hannity implies, just being a classmate of Obama is cause enough for someone to recuse themself from the travel ban case, will he make a similar request of Gorsuch if the case comes before him in the Supreme Court?
DC Tom Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 From one of the people Trump appears to depend on for his "facts". Sean Hannity implied that the federal judge in Hawaii who put a hold on President Donald Trump’s travel ban may have shared marijuana and “a little blow” with former President Barack Obama. Further, he suggested U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson should recuse himself because of it. “This judge who issued the travel ban ruling is an Obama law school classmate,” Hannity said on his radio show Thursday. “Maybe he should have recused himself from the case. Just a maybe? Were they best friends in Hawaii? Were they part of the Choom Gang, smoking pot and hanging out and doing a little bit of weed and maybe even a little blow?” Media Matters, which posted audio of the comments, notes that right-wing media have been pushing a conspiracy theory that Obama was involved in stopping Trump’s travel ban. Obama admitted to smoking marijuana in his youth in his book Dreams of My Father. The “Choom Gang” is a reference to a nickname Obama and some of his pot-smoking friends in Hawaii called themselves, according to David Maraniss’ biography, Barack Obama: The Story. There is no indication that Watson was part of it, nor did Hannity indicate why that would be cause for recusal since Obama is not a party to the lawsuit over the travel ban. Watson was nominated to the U.S. District Court in 2012 by Obama. The two both graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991, along with Judge Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. So if as Hannity implies, just being a classmate of Obama is cause enough for someone to recuse themself from the travel ban case, will he make a similar request of Gorsuch if the case comes before him in the Supreme Court? Of course he won't. Who gives a ****? Hannity's insane.
grinreaper Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 Of course he won't. Who gives a ****? Hannity's insane. Hannity has more right to question Judge Derrick Watson's impartiality than Harry Reid had to question Mitt Romney's taxes. Harry Reid was an elected official who set out to lie for the benefit of his party. Hannity is a political commentator/entertainer who commented on something that could be true, could be false.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 Hey, we are sorry for lying President POS ®
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 This is funny WH posts article that attacks them but has has satirical headline
Doc Brown Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 Hey, we are sorry for lying President POS ® He really needs to stop watching cable news and rely on his intelligence reports. Of course, that's like asking a 3 year old to stay still for an hour at church.
DC Tom Posted March 17, 2017 Posted March 17, 2017 He really needs to stop watching cable news and rely on his intelligence reports. Of course, that's like asking a 3 year old to stay still for an hour at church. It's probably like asking Trump to stay still for an hour at church, for that matter.
PastaJoe Posted March 23, 2017 Posted March 23, 2017 President Trump had a remarkable interview with Time magazine on March 22 about falsehoods, in which he repeated many false claims that have repeatedly been debunked. Here’s a round-up of his key misstatements. “Sweden. I make the statement, everyone goes crazy. The next day they have a massive riot, and death, and problems. … A day later they had a horrible, horrible riot in Sweden, and you saw what happened.” This is false. Trump at a rally on Feb. 11 made a reference to “what’s happening last night in Sweden,” confusing people in that country since nothing had happened. Trump then clarified in a tweet that his statement “was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants& Sweden.” Then two days later, riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood in the northern suburbs of the country’s capital, Stockholm. But no one died. “NATO, obsolete, because it doesn’t cover terrorism. They fixed that, and I said that the allies must pay. Nobody knew that they weren’t paying. I did. I figured it. … What I said about NATO was true, people aren’t paying their bills.” False on several levels. NATO has been involved in counterterrorism since 1980, and especially since the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. As for NATO’s financing, Trump apparently still does not understand how it works. NATO’s guideline, established in 2006, is that defense expenditures should amount to 2 percent of each country’s gross domestic product by 2024. In 2016, only four countries besides the United States met that standard, but NATO documents also show that defense spending has increased about 3 percent from 2015 to 2016. In any case, the money would not be going to the United States or even necessarily to NATO; this is money that countries would spend to bolster their own military. Trump’s timeline is off. Trump said in March 2016, three months before the June 23 vote on whether Britain should remain part of the European Union, that he thinks “Britain will separate from the EU. I think that maybe it’s time, especially in light of what’s happened with the craziness that is going on with immigration, with people pouring in all over the place I think that Britain will end up separating from the EU.” “Now remember this. When I said wiretapping, it was in quotes. Because a wiretapping is, you know today it is different than wire tapping. It is just a good description. But wiretapping was in quotes. What I’m talking about is surveillance.” Trump has invented a convenient excuse to cover up the fact that he accused the Obama administration of spying on him. In some tweets, he used quotes. But this is the key tweet: “How low has President Obama gone to tapp phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” “Here, headline, for the front page of the New York Times, ‘Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides.’ That’s a headline. Now they then dropped that headline, I never saw this until this morning. They then dropped that headline, and they used another headline without the word wiretap, but they did mean wiretap. Wiretapped data used in inquiry. Then changed after that, they probably didn’t like it. And they changed the title. They took the wiretap word out. … Front page, January 20th. Now in their second editions, they took it all down under the internet. They took that out. Ok? But that’s the way it is.” Trump is mixing up different headlines for the print and Internet editions. In print, the headline was: “Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides.” Online, the headline read: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.” The headlines were not changed as part of any stealth editing. In any case, the text of the New York Times article did not support in any way the claims made by Trump about Obama. Q: The claim that Muslims celebrated 9/11 in New Jersey… A: Well if you look at the reporter, he wrote the story in The Washington Post. This is yet another Four-Pinocchio claim that we have checked over and over. Trump claimed he saw on television thousands of Muslims cheer the collapse of the World Trade Center during the Sept. 11 attacks. There is no TV footage, no newspaper coverage, just scattered, unconfirmed reports of five or six people — not necessarily Muslim, probably teenagers — celebrating. There was a small reference buried deep in an article in The Post. When the reporter said it did not support Trump’s claim, Trump mocked his disability. Well, now if you take a look at the votes, when I say that, I mean mostly they register wrong, in other words, for the votes, they register incorrectly, and/or illegally. And they then vote. You have tremendous numbers of people. In fact I’m forming a committee on it.” We’ve repeatedly debunked this. There are instances of people illegally voting, but they are rare. The National Association of Secretaries of State said it did not know of “any evidence” backing up Trump’s claims.“ .“This just came out. This is a Politico story: Members of the Donald Trump Transition team possibly including Trump himself were under surveillance during the Obama administration following November’s election. House intelligence chairman Devin Nunes told reporters, wow. Nunes said, so that means I’m right, Nunes said the surveillance appears to have been … incidental collection, that does not appear to have been related to concerns over Russia.” Nunes cited one anonymous source and didn’t provide any details. Still, the same Politico storyTrump quotes says Nunes disputed that the information Nunes obtained vindicated Trump: “The White House and Trump’s allies immediately seized on the statement as vindication of the president’s much-maligned claim that former president Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower phones — even though Nunes himself said that’s not what his new information shows. “Why do you say that I have to apologize? I’m just quoting the newspaper, just like I quoted the judge the other day, Judge Napolitano, I quoted Judge Napolitano, just like I quoted Bret Baier, I mean Bret Baier mentioned the word wiretap. Now he can now deny it, or whatever he is doing, you know. But I watched Bret Baier, and he used that term. I have a lot of respect for Judge Napolitano, and he said that three sources have told him things that would make me right. I don’t know where he has gone with it since then. But I’m quoting highly respected people from highly respected television networks.” Fox News said it has no evidence to back up claims by Andrew Napolitano, a judicial analyst and commentator on Fox News. Bret Baier said on his show: “We love the judge, we love him here at Fox, but the Fox News division was never able to back up those claims and was never reported on this show.” As for Baier, Trump is apparently referring to a March 3 interview with House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.). Baier referred to an unconfirmed report that there was a “wiretap at Trump Tower with some computer and Russian banks.” Ryan responded: “I am saying I have seen nothing of that. I have seen nothing come of that.” “And then TIME magazine, which treats me horribly, but obviously I sell, I assume this is going to be a cover too, have I set the record? I guess, right? Covers, nobody’s had more covers.” Trump is well behind any sort of record for Time covers. Trump has been on the cover of Time magazine about a dozen times. Richard Nixon holds the record: 55. “I inherited a mess with jobs, despite the statistics, you know, my statistics are even better, but they are not the real statistics because you have millions of people that can’t get a job, okay.” The economy was not a mess when Trump became president. The stock market was booming and the unemployment rate was below 5 percent. Trump has falsely claimed that 94 million Americans cannot get a job but most of them do not want a job, as they are retired, in school, taking care of young children or are disabled. Trump consistently astounds us with his inability to acknowledge that he repeatedly gets facts wrong and consistently misleads the American public with inaccurate, dubious claims. He earns Four Pinocchios for this interview.
boyst Posted March 23, 2017 Posted March 23, 2017 President Trump had a remarkable interview with Time magazine on March 22 about falsehoods, in which he repeated many false claims that have repeatedly been debunked. Heres a round-up of his key misstatements. Sweden. I make the statement, everyone goes crazy. The next day they have a massive riot, and death, and problems. A day later they had a horrible, horrible riot in Sweden, and you saw what happened. This is false. Trump at a rally on Feb. 11 made a reference to whats happening last night in Sweden, confusing people in that country since nothing had happened. Trump then clarified in a tweet that his statement was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants& Sweden. Then two days later, riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood in the northern suburbs of the countrys capital, Stockholm. But no one died. NATO, obsolete, because it doesnt cover terrorism. They fixed that, and I said that the allies must pay. Nobody knew that they werent paying. I did. I figured it. What I said about NATO was true, people arent paying their bills. False on several levels. NATO has been involved in counterterrorism since 1980, and especially since the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. As for NATOs financing, Trump apparently still does not understand how it works. NATOs guideline, established in 2006, is that defense expenditures should amount to 2 percent of each countrys gross domestic product by 2024. In 2016, only four countries besides the United States met that standard, but NATO documents also show that defense spending has increased about 3 percent from 2015 to 2016. In any case, the money would not be going to the United States or even necessarily to NATO; this is money that countries would spend to bolster their own military. Trumps timeline is off. Trump said in March 2016, three months before the June 23 vote on whether Britain should remain part of the European Union, that he thinks Britain will separate from the EU. I think that maybe its time, especially in light of whats happened with the craziness that is going on with immigration, with people pouring in all over the place I think that Britain will end up separating from the EU. Now remember this. When I said wiretapping, it was in quotes. Because a wiretapping is, you know today it is different than wire tapping. It is just a good description. But wiretapping was in quotes. What Im talking about is surveillance. Trump has invented a convenient excuse to cover up the fact that he accused the Obama administration of spying on him. In some tweets, he used quotes. But this is the key tweet: How low has President Obama gone to tapp phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy! Here, headline, for the front page of the New York Times, Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides. Thats a headline. Now they then dropped that headline, I never saw this until this morning. They then dropped that headline, and they used another headline without the word wiretap, but they did mean wiretap. Wiretapped data used in inquiry. Then changed after that, they probably didnt like it. And they changed the title. They took the wiretap word out. Front page, January 20th. Now in their second editions, they took it all down under the internet. They took that out. Ok? But thats the way it is. Trump is mixing up different headlines for the print and Internet editions. In print, the headline was: Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides. Online, the headline read: Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates. The headlines were not changed as part of any stealth editing. In any case, the text of the New York Times article did not support in any way the claims made by Trump about Obama. Q: The claim that Muslims celebrated 9/11 in New Jersey A: Well if you look at the reporter, he wrote the story in The Washington Post. This is yet another Four-Pinocchio claim that we have checked over and over. Trump claimed he saw on television thousands of Muslims cheer the collapse of the World Trade Center during the Sept. 11 attacks. There is no TV footage, no newspaper coverage, just scattered, unconfirmed reports of five or six people not necessarily Muslim, probably teenagers celebrating. There was a small reference buried deep in an article in The Post. When the reporter said it did not support Trumps claim, Trump mocked his disability. Well, now if you take a look at the votes, when I say that, I mean mostly they register wrong, in other words, for the votes, they register incorrectly, and/or illegally. And they then vote. You have tremendous numbers of people. In fact Im forming a committee on it. Weve repeatedly debunked this. There are instances of people illegally voting, but they are rare. The National Association of Secretaries of State said it did not know of any evidence backing up Trumps claims. .This just came out. This is a Politico story: Members of the Donald Trump Transition team possibly including Trump himself were under surveillance during the Obama administration following Novembers election. House intelligence chairman Devin Nunes told reporters, wow. Nunes said, so that means Im right, Nunes said the surveillance appears to have been incidental collection, that does not appear to have been related to concerns over Russia. Nunes cited one anonymous source and didnt provide any details. Still, the same Politico storyTrump quotes says Nunes disputed that the information Nunes obtained vindicated Trump: The White House and Trumps allies immediately seized on the statement as vindication of the presidents much-maligned claim that former president Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower phones even though Nunes himself said thats not what his new information shows. Why do you say that I have to apologize? Im just quoting the newspaper, just like I quoted the judge the other day, Judge Napolitano, I quoted Judge Napolitano, just like I quoted Bret Baier, I mean Bret Baier mentioned the word wiretap. Now he can now deny it, or whatever he is doing, you know. But I watched Bret Baier, and he used that term. I have a lot of respect for Judge Napolitano, and he said that three sources have told him things that would make me right. I dont know where he has gone with it since then. But Im quoting highly respected people from highly respected television networks. Fox News said it has no evidence to back up claims by Andrew Napolitano, a judicial analyst and commentator on Fox News. Bret Baier said on his show: We love the judge, we love him here at Fox, but the Fox News division was never able to back up those claims and was never reported on this show. As for Baier, Trump is apparently referring to a March 3 interview with House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.). Baier referred to an unconfirmed report that there was a wiretap at Trump Tower with some computer and Russian banks. Ryan responded: I am saying I have seen nothing of that. I have seen nothing come of that. And then TIME magazine, which treats me horribly, but obviously I sell, I assume this is going to be a cover too, have I set the record? I guess, right? Covers, nobodys had more covers. Trump is well behind any sort of record for Time covers. Trump has been on the cover of Time magazine about a dozen times. Richard Nixon holds the record: 55. I inherited a mess with jobs, despite the statistics, you know, my statistics are even better, but they are not the real statistics because you have millions of people that cant get a job, okay. The economy was not a mess when Trump became president. The stock market was booming and the unemployment rate was below 5 percent. Trump has falsely claimed that 94 million Americans cannot get a job but most of them do not want a job, as they are retired, in school, taking care of young children or are disabled. Trump consistently astounds us with his inability to acknowledge that he repeatedly gets facts wrong and consistently misleads the American public with inaccurate, dubious claims. He earns Four Pinocchios for this interview. Steve martin is a banjo player. Steve buschemi is an actor. Idiot
IDBillzFan Posted March 23, 2017 Posted March 23, 2017 President Trump had a remarkable interview with Time magazine on March 22 about falsehoods, in which he repeated many false claims that have repeatedly been debunked. Here’s a round-up of his key misstatements. NOW you care about a president lying? NOW?
ExiledInIllinois Posted March 23, 2017 Posted March 23, 2017 NOW you care about a president lying? NOW? This is beyond stupid. Prior presidents lied, so now nobody should say anything. Again, beyond stupid and an extreme part of the problem. Yay! My side won!
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