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President Trump's "alternate facts"

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And this has what to do with what's been happening (or not happening) there today?


Nothing. Of course you knew that.

Looks like you need a lesson in the difference between weather and climate. Or anecdote and trend.


Never denied immigration wasn't going swimmingly. It's the national debate in Sweden right now. But they will get through it.


Sorry to interrupt operation immigration spazout. Please resume.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Looks like you need a lesson in the difference between weather and climate. Or anecdote and trend.


Never denied immigration wasn't going swimmingly. It's the national debate in Sweden right now. But they will get through it.


Sorry to interrupt operation immigration spazout. Please resume.


Oh I know the difference between trends and anecdotes. In a conversation on trends you throw out an anecdote. :rolleyes:

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Looks like you need a lesson in the difference between weather and climate. Or anecdote and trend.


Never denied immigration wasn't going swimmingly. It's the national debate in Sweden right now. But they will get through it.


Sorry to interrupt operation immigration spazout. Please resume.

The goal of securing our border and getting the bad apple illegal immigrants out and making efforts to keep other potential bad apples out is the biggest no-brainer going.

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i agree. and its not just the media, its everybody, around the world. each time he opens his mouth they are interpreting everything based on their preconceived ideas about him and adjusting their perception accordingly. we saw it with the sweden comment, and weve seen it with his 'racist' comments on the mexican judge and extremist islam. in those examples, he actually had a valid point, ie. there really IS more crime around the mexican border, there really IS a problem in islam with too many supporting extremist violence, and there really WOULD be a concern with the impartiality of a mexican judge presiding your court case if you were perceived as being racist against mexicans


however, don doesnt do himself any favors, either. hes an epic dick of a human being who brings a ton of this upon himself. its not fair that ppl attribute to him stuff that he didnt say or believe just bc hes a dick. but hes definitely a dick and would be much better off if he tried for the first time in his life to look inside himself and find some grace and humility. haahahahahahhahahahahhahaaaaaa. hey it could happen

meatball, you either have money, or you don't

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The goal of securing our border and getting the bad apple illegal immigrants out and making efforts to keep other potential bad apples out is the biggest no-brainer going.

No. Keeping the economy strong. Free trade. No wars. Lower taxes while maintaining infrastructure. And 10 other things before a 25+ billion dollar boondoggle are no brainers ahead of border. Illegal immigrants are not what plagues the US.

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No. Keeping the economy strong. Free trade. No wars. Lower taxes while maintaining infrastructure. And 10 other things before a 25+ billion dollar boondoggle are no brainers ahead of border. Illegal immigrants are not what plagues the US.

Lol. Tell that to the teacher who has 15 extra students that all get free lunches paid by me and you.

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Priorities. Illegal Immigration is down the list.


The current president of the United States spent a year telling the country that he will build a wall along the border of Mexico and shut down any and all illegal immigration. He went from coast to coast with this seemingly exclusive campaign promise.


"We're gonna build a wall!" Over and over and over he yelled this at the top of his lungs while the media yelled about it being a ridiculous promise because nobody cared about illegal immigration.


He then beat the snotschitt out of a woman who was globally predicted and believed to be winning the race in a landslide by pretty much every person who could spell the world 'poll.'


But yeah...illegal immigration is down the list on American priorities.



And Chef Jim on Jeopardy says...

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The current president of the United States spent a year telling the country that he will build a wall along the border of Mexico and shut down any and all illegal immigration. He went from coast to coast with this seemingly exclusive campaign promise.


"We're gonna build a wall!" Over and over and over he yelled this at the top of his lungs while the media yelled about it being a ridiculous promise because nobody cared about illegal immigration.


He then beat the snotschitt out of a woman who was globally predicted and believed to be winning the race in a landslide by pretty much every person who could spell the world 'poll.'


But yeah...illegal immigration is down the list on American priorities.



And Chef Jim on Jeopardy says...


In BF's defense, he's probably referring to priorities that would actually matter. It's not a question on whether the wall is a priority for Trump. It's just a misplaced priority in the grand scheme of things. To me, if he prioritizes the wall over getting Congress over the hump on tax reform then it will be a massive waste of time.

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In BF's defense, he's probably referring to priorities that would actually matter. It's not a question on whether the wall is a priority for Trump. It's just a misplaced priority in the grand scheme of things. To me, if he prioritizes the wall over getting Congress over the hump on tax reform then it will be a massive waste of time.


I agree there 100% that there are things that need to be on the top of the list but our immigration challenges have been ignored for a very long time. That doesn't mean it comes to the top it just needs to be addressed. We are so fearful of upsetting people in this country we've become paralyzed. First step is not the wall. I don't even think that's a step. Step one is reducing the incentive which is the issue with companies hiring illegals. I saw a FB post about one of Trump's sons filing for HB-2 visas to hire immigrants to work the vineyards of a winery they own. People went bat **** crazy. "OMG!!! LOOK!!! Trump's son is hiring illegals!!" No you dumbass he's following a system that has been in place to legally hire migrant agricultural workers for a long time. It's there. Use it!!

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I saw a FB post about one of Trump's sons filing for HB-2 visas to hire immigrants to work the vineyards of a winery they own. People went bat **** crazy. "OMG!!! LOOK!!! Trump's son is hiring illegals!!" No you dumbass he's following a system that has been in place to legally hire migrant agricultural workers for a long time. It's there. Use it!!


And again...In one month, Trump's stupidity has done more to confuse immigration and illegal immigration in people's minds than all the Democrats have managed in 20 years.


He could not have gifted them a better gift on this issue.

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I agree there 100% that there are things that need to be on the top of the list but our immigration challenges have been ignored for a very long time. That doesn't mean it comes to the top it just needs to be addressed. We are so fearful of upsetting people in this country we've become paralyzed. First step is not the wall. I don't even think that's a step. Step one is reducing the incentive which is the issue with companies hiring illegals. I saw a FB post about one of Trump's sons filing for HB-2 visas to hire immigrants to work the vineyards of a winery they own. People went bat **** crazy. "OMG!!! LOOK!!! Trump's son is hiring illegals!!" No you dumbass he's following a system that has been in place to legally hire migrant agricultural workers for a long time. It's there. Use it!!


And we've been going around in circles about this one for well over a decade. If GOP had the balls to pass comprehensive reform back in '07, this wouldn't be an issue.


Trump kids are being hypocrites about using HB-2 workers, because a big plank of Trump's campaign attacked companies for using H1 and H2 visas to hire lower wage foreign workers, not because that's where the true labor pool is.

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And we've been going around in circles about this one for well over a decade. If GOP had the balls to pass comprehensive reform back in '07, this wouldn't be an issue.


Trump kids are being hypocrites about using HB-2 workers, because a big plank of Trump's campaign attacked companies for using H1 and H2 visas to hire lower wage foreign workers, not because that's where the true labor pool is.


According to what I've seen is they've hired the migrant workers because they could not find enough locals to hire to do the work. Winter is probably the second most labor intensive part of a vineyard after harvest. So they've filed to hire 6 migrant workers. The whole purpose of the program.

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And we've been going around in circles about this one for well over a decade. If GOP had the balls to pass comprehensive reform back in '07, this wouldn't be an issue.


Trump kids are being hypocrites about using HB-2 workers, because a big plank of Trump's campaign attacked companies for using H1 and H2 visas to hire lower wage foreign workers, not because that's where the true labor pool is.


Call me crazy, but I personally believe that Trump's kids can do whatever the !@#$ they want without reference to Daddy Trump. It's not his responsibility to keep the Trumpsicles adhering to his campaign blather.

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According to what I've seen is they've hired the migrant workers because they could not find enough locals to hire to do the work. Winter is probably the second most labor intensive part of a vineyard after harvest. So they've filed to hire 6 migrant workers. The whole purpose of the program.


Again. Not disagreeing with the program. Disagreeing with the message that Daddy Trump hits out at companies that hire foreigners and yet it's perfectly fine for him and his kids to hire foreigners on temp visas.


And yes, his kids are part of the deal too. Otherwise don't f'ng bring them along on official trips. Because you know it won't be long until Ivanka asks to borrow the Navy.

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In BF's defense, he's probably referring to priorities that would actually matter. It's not a question on whether the wall is a priority for Trump. It's just a misplaced priority in the grand scheme of things. To me, if he prioritizes the wall over getting Congress over the hump on tax reform then it will be a massive waste of time.

Ding ding ding.


It matters but how about we spend energy on more worthwhile things.


And I agree that Trump made it a rallying cry. It doesn't make it a worthwhile thing to spend so much energy on.


This is ahead of the angry oil pipe Indians but below a lot of other things.

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