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President Trump's "alternate facts"

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so here we are with two polar opposites of what is allegedly happening in sweden. and we have no idea which one is accurate


worlds going fkg mad. journalism has become virtually useless. its like some stupid scifi story but its actually happening. crazy



You know when you'll know which one is accurate?


































When your head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.

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Sweden's arms deals with Saudi Arabia




As an aside, I'm convinced that the acceptance by Western countries of mass Muslim refugees, is part of the money/arms deals (and "charitable donations") with the Saudi's, and other Muslim countries

Edited by HoF Watkins
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I'll take the genius insights of this board's word for the situation in Sweden instead of the actual Swedes.


Yes Jim, it's just a problem. The current headline problem in sweden. They will figure it out.


Just like we will weather Trump.


Ok. Resume the immigration freakout.


Is that what he did? He cast it as a suburb of Aleppo? Really?


Or, maybe, y'know, it's possible...maybe....you're embellishing out the piehole for the sake of falling into a media frenzy that pisses itself every time Trump misspeaks.



Glad you caught that I exaggerated. Bonus points for you today LA.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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I'll take the genius insights of this board's word for the situation in Sweden instead of the actual Swedes.

Yes Jim, it's just a problem. The current headline problem in sweden. They will figure it out.

Just like we will weather Trump.

Ok. Resume the immigration freakout.



They will figure it out by raising taxes and more "no go" zones ?


Silencio por favor.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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I'd accuse you of losing your ability to read just because your boy is taking it on the chin...but you already couldn't read.

Keep trying skippy.

My boy ? The guy who made more money in two weeks then you will in your lifetime over that Berkeley nonsense?


Clowns like you made him rich. I'll let you get back to loosening the standards of rape so refugees are painted in a better light. That's what's really important today no ?

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They will figure it out by raising taxes and more "no go" zones ?


Silencio por favor.

So I said it's a problem and the problem of the day for Sweden ...and you link to an article that talks about how it's a problem...to support your point? Well played sir well played.


No wonder this Milo stuff has you in such a state. You need a guy like that to give you your thoughts.


Since you were first into the fray to defend him, what are your thoughts on moving the pedo age limit? You with him?

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So I said it's a problem and the problem of the day for Sweden ...and you link to an article that talks about how it's a problem...to support your point? Well played sir well played.

No wonder this Milo stuff has you in such a state. You need a guy like that to give you your thoughts.

Since you were first into the fray to defend him, what are your thoughts on moving the pedo age limit? You with him?

Now it's a problem. Got it. You were downplaying it earlier. (Lefty handbook, all Muslims and Gays are deities)


I'm not married to the woman you worship. Pedo ain't my thing.


Milo explained it in the link already. You're not bright enough to understand it just like you're worried about Russia still


Enjoy the clown shoes and twist it how you want. CNN got sued today btw. Might wanna tighten up the nonsense a little.

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I think Sweden will need it's own thread. It is the far end of multiculting. And yes, they have always had high rape stats, because they have a broad definition of rape but the rise in crime is different, and the rise in rapes that have accompianed the rise in refugees throughout Europe is no coincidence....but then you knew that BJ.

So I said it's a problem and the problem of the day for Sweden ...and you link to an article that talks about how it's a problem...to support your point? Well played sir well played.

No wonder this Milo stuff has you in such a state. You need a guy like that to give you your thoughts.

Since you were first into the fray to defend him, what are your thoughts on moving the pedo age limit? You with him?


Let's see a link. As far as I know, he is fine with the current age of consent. I want to see the context, and the complete discussion.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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So I said it's a problem and the problem of the day for Sweden ...and you link to an article that talks about how it's a problem...to support your point? Well played sir well played.


No wonder this Milo stuff has you in such a state. You need a guy like that to give you your thoughts.


Since you were first into the fray to defend him, what are your thoughts on moving the pedo age limit? You with him?

rape in aweeden if I remember is not whatyoh think it is
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Swedish authorities say that everything is going swimmingly and the many thousands of refugees it has accepted are integrating well.

Right. There is a reason why Sweden’s immigration-skeptic party, Sweden Democrats, is currently first or second in polling.

Inconveniently, preliminary crime statistics for 2016 have just come out.

With regard to the just-released 2016 numbers, you have to wade through some spin to get to the facts:

[T]he number of rapes reported in Sweden increased by
13 percen
t in 2016 to 6,560.


According to Brå’s figures, 10,500 incidents of
sexual molestation were reported in the country in 2016 – a striking increase of 20 percent on 2015
(when 8,840 were reported).




The Swedish government’s response to the increased crime attendant upon mass Islamic immigration is along the lines of, Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?

The bottom line is that when it comes to Sweden and immigration, Trump was right.

or are we done pretending he was talking about a Swedish massacre ?.....it's hard to keep up with the Left's make-believe stories


Edited by B-Man
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You know Sweden has had the highest rape rate in Europe since before they took immigrants I'm sure. And as you also know, the reason for that is because they report as rape more acts than other countries.


Of course you knew that.


And this has what to do with what's been happening (or not happening) there today?


Nothing. Of course you knew that.

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CHARLIE MARTIN: ‘Trump Trance’? Media Sure It ‘Heard’ Sweden Comment Trump Never Said.



This article starts with some homework. I want you to watch this video:

If you have been a devoted reader of my Buddhism pieces, you have already seen this, so don't give the punchline away to the rest of the class.


Most all of you seeing this naively -- not aware of what is going to happen -- will have seen the little basketball exercise, and very few of you will have seen the moonwalking bear. Hell, I know what is happening and without consciously doing the Zen thing I still get sucked in. The point is that perception is altered by our thinking. One of the goals of Buddhist meditation is to make us aware of this -- not stop it, because we can't, that's the way we're built, but to be aware of it.

The furor about the Trump presidency has gotten to the point that people are literally (and I don't mean figuratively literally, I mean literally literally) seeing and hearing things that aren't there, just as in the video.

The truly glaring example this week was the succession of articles about Trump "lying" about a terrorist attack in Sweden. It's been widely reported, even on the one paragon of truth in American politics, PJ Media.

There's only one problem..............It didn't happen.


Oddly, to most of the press, that doesn't even seem to matter.


Now, I certainly am not claiming that Trump was a paragon of clarity -- which he hardly ever is, once he gets rolling -- but these, and dozens of other pieces, flat-out say Trump made up a "terror attack."

It's easy to dismiss this as another example of "fake news," the phrase that went from novel to cliché in about 22 minutes, but that's not what happened here. This was an entirely different phenomenon: people's perceptions are actually being altered, first by their attitudes toward Trump, and then by the reinforcement from various outlets that share their attitudes toward Trump.

The media is in a trance. They are concentrating on seeing "Trump the idiot" or "Trump the liar," and no one sees the dancing bear. Anyone concerned with understanding what's actually going on needs to be aware of this.


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That was interesting until it said "Look out for cyclists". As if I need to look for a douche bag in brightly colored spandex.


Ok after reading this I had to actually watch it. Sure it's easy to miss something you're not looking for however it's really easy to see something if you're on purpose driving right for it!!

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The media is in a trance. They are concentrating on seeing "Trump the idiot" or "Trump the liar," and no one sees the dancing bear. Anyone concerned with understanding what's actually going on needs to be aware of this.



i agree. and its not just the media, its everybody, around the world. each time he opens his mouth they are interpreting everything based on their preconceived ideas about him and adjusting their perception accordingly. we saw it with the sweden comment, and weve seen it with his 'racist' comments on the mexican judge and extremist islam. in those examples, he actually had a valid point, ie. there really IS more crime around the mexican border, there really IS a problem in islam with too many supporting extremist violence, and there really WOULD be a concern with the impartiality of a mexican judge presiding your court case if you were perceived as being racist against mexicans


however, don doesnt do himself any favors, either. hes an epic dick of a human being who brings a ton of this upon himself. its not fair that ppl attribute to him stuff that he didnt say or believe just bc hes a dick. but hes definitely a dick and would be much better off if he tried for the first time in his life to look inside himself and find some grace and humility. haahahahahahhahahahahhahaaaaaa. hey it could happen

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