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President Trump's "alternate facts"

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I have often wondered why the outrageous behavior that we see so often from Democrats doesn’t repel more voters. Now it seems that some, at least, are catching on, as voters have been trending Republican since the election.


Gallup’s party affiliation survey finds that on the eve of the election, 31% self-identified as Democrats and 27% as Republicans (36% said they were independents). With leaners, it was 46%-43%, Democrats.

By early January, shortly before President Trump’s inauguration, that had flipped to 28%-25%, Republicans. With leaners, it was 44%-43%, favoring the GOP.

The numbers for February should be out soon. It will be interesting to see whether the GOP tide continues.

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"Four weeks into his presidency, Trump returns to campaign mode"


Of course, B.O. never left his "campaign mode" for a full eight years. Alternate facts indeed. :lol:


if only Governing was slinging one liners to people who would walk into a burning building for you. A campaign rally, a bizarre substance free press conference and 30 days fighting with reporters is quite a start. Oh yes, and recovering those voting results of 90 days ago. Important stuff.

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It looks like the majority of American Citizens feel differently


Lets take another look at that Georgie Girl.....


DON SURBER: Historians Sense Obama Failed.

Only 12th best?


Gee, you would think in light of the last eight years of hosannas from the press, Barack Obama would rank with Washington and Lincoln among America’s academics.
But nope, he was only 12th. . . .


The rankings by category show a distinctly affirmative action grading curve.


For example, he ranks
third in “Pursued Equal Justice For All

ahead of
(reconstruction and the Civil Rights Act of 1875),

(gave Indians citizenship),

(sent the 101st to enforce school desegregation and the Civil Rights Act of 1957),

(desegregated the military).


Frankly, I can find nothing in Obama’s portfolio that speaks to equal justice for all. The court legalized gay marriage without him.


A gentleman’s C puts him at 22nd rank of alltime



Eighth in economic management? He added $9 trillion to the national debt and we never recovered from the recession he inherited. Bottom 10 in that category.


Twenty-fourth in international relations? He bombed countries without provocation, armed the Islamic State, and let Iran develop nuclear weapons. Bottom 10 in that category.


His domestic policy consisted of Obamacare, which elected a Republican House in 2010, a Republican Senate in 2014, and a Republican president in 2016.


Obama leaves the White House having achieved nothing positive on the economic front, nothing positive on the international front, and nothing positive on the

domestic front.





He’s the best black president, though, and given the way he poisoned the racial well, he’s likely to hold that status for quite a while.


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if only Governing was slinging one liners to people who would walk into a burning building for you. A campaign rally, a bizarre substance free press conference and 30 days fighting with reporters is quite a start. Oh yes, and recovering those voting results of 90 days ago. Important stuff.

It worked wonderfully well for B. O. for eight years.

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I'm just so shaken by the Swedish massacre the media never reported on. If it wasn't for trump no one would know about Sweden!



This guy wants us to get attacked so bad he's make no up attacks

Maybe he meant the one in Norway. What's the difference other than a few red candy fish?

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Lincoln suspended habeus corpus, posse comitatus, and maintained the institution of slavery in the North while declaring freed Southern slaves wartime contraband (i.e. property).


But he's one of the top three presidents according to historians.


That right there tells you how full of **** they are.

And he is rightfully 1, or no lower than 2. He had to walk a political electrictrified barbed wire through a war. Only Washington compares in his lasting influence.

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To be fair, Trump has made a few good decisions up to this point politically; #1 fulfilling his campaign promise to kill TPP, #2 signing an executive order to build a wall between Mexico and US, #3 his quote on quote "Muslim Ban" executive order.


All 3 issues were what got him elected and he would have been stupid to ignore these.

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sweden, norway, all those people look the same to me





Throw in Finland too, if that is even still a country.


Sweden does get a slight edge in food because there are no Norwegian Metaballs, Finnish Fish, or Norwegian Miss Hot Chocolate.

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again, yet another joke that if it were on the other side it would be perceived as maximum racist. yet on this side it doesnt even register the slightest of blips. that imbalance is extremely poisonous to us and our vital relationships


we have enough data and experience that truthfully it has become a mind bottlingly overt double standard. its just flat out destroying the b/w relationship, in fact all our interracial societal relationships. it creates resentment and hostility where it simply does not have to be. WE make it that way and WE can change it

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again, yet another joke that if it were on the other side it would be perceived as maximum racist. yet on this side it doesnt even register the slightest of blips. that imbalance is extremely poisonous to us and our vital relationships


we have enough data and experience that truthfully it has become a mind bottlingly overt double standard. its just flat out destroying the b/w relationship, in fact all our interracial societal relationships. it creates resentment and hostility where it simply does not have to be. WE make it that way and WE can change it



Links may be helpful because it otherwise seems like rambling. Nobody knows what the quoted post is even about. Did Trump make a racist joke?


Not everyone is watching the channel you're watching. An EII is watching a completely different channel.

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And he is rightfully 1, or no lower than 2. He had to walk a political electrictrified barbed wire through a war. Only Washington compares in his lasting influence.

But if liberals weren't hypocrites, they would rank him much, much lower. George W. Bush had a better record on civil rights.

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But if liberals weren't hypocrites, they would rank him much, much lower. George W. Bush had a better record on civil rights.

Remind us of the state of the country Jan 2009....

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