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i dont even know who that is but let me try to swami it out here


ozy is your resident 'racist'. he may or may not really be, but the point here is that you have previously mobbed up with other of what i call the "neo" or "new racists" to label ozy as your virulent racist so that you can discredit anything he says and do the same to others you choose to lump in with him


Ok, so in addition to being a racist, you're also no swami.


Go find some of Ozy's art work posted on the board.

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What are you blathering about?


What's hard to understand that despite Trump's obvious flaws, the electorate preferred him to HRC.

HRC was worse in who's eyes? Yours? Yes or no please. I know she was seen as worse in the eyes of the deplorables. From what I grasped through the years here, you are anything but what represents the electorate that put Trump over the top in victory.


Sorry. I am trying to come to grips with possibly your's & (I know) other's lack of moral understanding with regard to the two.


sorry dude. im going to do a dc tom here and just admit im too tired of having this convo to do it right now


you will hate this but im just too far past you on some of this, especially the race stuff. im not sure ive done this here yet, maybe i dont remember, but im gonna say this once and hopefully not have to repeat it


my qualifications for speaking on race issues are


- lifelong civil rights activist, or whatever you want to call it

- hired more ppl of color in my business units of hundreds of ppl than all three of the other divisions put together in my group

- twice served on rochester mayor johnsons councils for racial harmony

- volunteered to help black folks read, get off drugs, and develop bidness plans

- married a black woman

- frequent visitor to black churches, revival concerts, chicken dinners, and bible studies

- just flat out love black folks, and all ppl of any color, always have, always will


so yeah, i get to say whatever the fk i want. and its good ѕhit too, if you are offended than its you that has the problem here brother. so you should sit up and listen


You're way beyond everyone here on race...yet in a discussion that has been exclusively about presidential policy w/r/t the opposition party, you're the first one to bring up race?



You're way beyond everyone here on race...yet in a discussion that has been exclusively about presidential policy w/r/t the opposition party, you're the first one to bring up race?

Isn't it obvious? He's so far advanced that he can insult blacks (bidness?) Yet thinks that every GOP member of both legislative chambers opposed Obama simply because he is black.


i will make this open offer that nobody every takes me up on


i live in niagara falls. i routinely go to the ghetto to visit. come with me sometime, come see what i do. we could go to a black church, a black bible study, a black concert, a black weed dealers house. i can point out the places niggas got shot and died in the last few weeks. i can tell you the stories of their untimely deaths


better yet, i can sit back and let my ghetto brothers tell you. your world will change. you will see i am on the side of right, the side of light, the side or real when it comes to our whiteness, our blackness, and the state of that vital relationship


but you never do


youd rather mob up and paint the life long civil right worker as racist


what could possibly go wrong???


lmao! dude i love you! you are out of your freakin mind. funny as ѕhit. dont make a lot of sense but just flat out fun somehow

the point many here are making does not seem to make sense to you.


your experiences in niagara falls communities are not a representation of neighborhoods around the country. neighborhoods in High Point would get you shunned. neighborhoods in burlington would get you stabbed. neighborhoods in south toledo would get you run over. your experiences of being robin hood, mother tersea and ghandi are not applicable in the world because they're only small moments in time and opportunity.


conversely, idiots who argue that old southern white men are racist because some communities do not welcome certain people does not stand true for all old southern men even when your neighbor's brothers sisters hair dresser came for a visit and was called a few names by a guy with rebel flag tattoo and yosemite sam mud flaps.



and a black church is not a black church. it is a church. god/allah/purple flying spaghetti monster doesn't care if you're black, brown, purple, pink...


PRESS: The election was hacked....(no evidence)



TRUMP: There was a lot of voter fraud.



PRESS: That’s ridiculous. Where’s your evidence? I demand an investigation!



TRUMP: Okay, we’ll do an investigation: President Donald Trump Vows to Launch ‘Major Investigation’ Into Alleged Voter Fraud.








PRESS: There's no voter fraud.


TRUMP: We'll do an investigation.


PRESS: Hey, look! Voter fraud!



This is going to be an extraordinarily entertaining four years.


It is. I'm surprised no one mentioned here today that the head of Border Patrol quit, and "all the senior diplomats" at State quit...or were fired. No one's really sure, it seems.


The truly weird thing about that last is that the diplomats are claiming they walked out, while the White House is claiming they were fired. Which is completely backwards from how it usually is...



It is. I'm surprised no one mentioned here today that the head of Border Patrol quit, and "all the senior diplomats" at State quit...or were fired. No one's really sure, it seems.


The truly weird thing about that last is that the diplomats are claiming they walked out, while the White House is claiming they were fired. Which is completely backwards from how it usually is...

The head of the Border Patrol was fired.


News media bad!



They have demonstratively gone crazy with Trump's election.


Example from today.................CBS White House correspondent breathlessly 'reported' this gem this morning.



Pres Trump boards Air Force One, but doesn't turn around to wave - as presidents have done for decades.




What the F__k !!




They have demonstratively gone crazy with Trump's election.


Example from today.................CBS White House correspondent breathlessly 'reported' this gem this morning.





What the F__k !!


So the media is surprised he doesn't wave to them? He could just flip them the bird.




They have demonstratively gone crazy with Trump's election.


Example from today.................CBS White House correspondent breathlessly 'reported' this gem this morning.







What the F__k !!

I don't see it as them whining, just reporting what douche and dick Trump is. Nothing wrong with that. Matter of civility that even Trump is bellyaching for.


The good examples always start at the top.



As were the people at the State Dept.


But apparently the news media didn't wait to verify the story and just ran with "Everyone Just Walked Out!"

And now I see reports that these were appointees who resigned already but chose today to walk out the door.




Meathead, Ozy isn't someone labeled a racist. He's an honest to god neo Nazi who posts here. And your "I love brown people" post is absurdly out of place and had nothing to do with the topic. Which is why you're being mocked. That, and "here's my resume, bow before me" posts don't further an argument.


That, and "here's my resume, bow before me" posts don't further an argument.

But bragging about driving a BMW is totally fine.


But bragging about driving a BMW is totally fine.



I drive two Toyotas and don't remember using the cars I drive to boost credibility in an argument. I put no weight in where you went to school, the car you drive, or your SAT scores.




I drive two Toyotas and don't remember using the cars I drive to boost credibility in an argument. I put no weight in where you went to school, the car you drive, or your SAT scores.


Clearly went over your head, Scooby.

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