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President Trump's "alternate facts"

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Get in the way back machine to summer of 2015 and read what people were saying.

Pretty sure I'm on record for saying if Bernie and Trump are our two choices, we're screwed.


Half screwed still feels like fully screwed.

Edited by Joe Miner
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Was it just you, me, and GG who saw this coming a mile away?


The real reason Trump was elected was that America collectively has a 30-second attention span. How do you forget that Trump was a WWE personality???


Nah , I thought it would happen, my wife thought I was nuts.

I had a trump sign I picked up at an Anti safe act rally he attended in Albany. To tease her I kept putting it up in the yard and she kept taking it down. I didn't want to vote for him but I couldn't vote for the C*nt.


I will say, he seemed to have learned a lot from the Obama camp.


Instead of spotlighting any of the executive orders he's signing, the news is busy talking about alternate facts about inauguration numbers, illegals voting, women marches, why Melania was frowning, Russian influences, will Hillary re-enter politics, and Ashley Judd.


He could light the Constitution on fire tomorrow and piss out the flames and launch nukes on China with his tiny fingers, and we'd never know because we'd be preoccupied with learning if Madonna was going to get arrested for her speech.


I just had this conversation with a couple of guys yesterday. He is playing the MSM like a fiddle.

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Was it just you, me, and GG who saw this coming a mile away?


The real reason Trump was elected was that America collectively has a 30-second attention span. How do you forget that Trump was a WWE personality???

I can throw my hat in that ring. It wasn't till much later in the campaign when the other sour sixteen Republicans began falling out that it began to look like he was in inevitable nominee. Then the unthinkable happened... thanks mostly to the media.

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You mean you predicted a Trump presidency?


I definitely didn't do that. I thought he'd lose every step of the way.


No, I said that anyone supporting trump better be ready for another four years of rule by an intellectual lightweight, thin skinned narcissist, who's had a spotty record of executive management, who has burned nearly every bridge he crossed and even has managed to alienate Wall Street bankers. The man's sole guiding star is his massive inferiority complex and that doesn't bode well in the long term. I also said that anytime he's faced people across the table who call his bluster, he loses badly.


So far so good on the economic front during his first week. But the man's mantle hasn't been truly tested yet.

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No, I said that anyone supporting trump better be ready for another four years of rule by an intellectual lightweight, thin skinned narcissist, who's had a spotty record of executive management, who has burned nearly every bridge he crossed and even has managed to alienate Wall Street bankers. The man's sole guiding star is his massive inferiority complex and that doesn't bode well in the long term. I also said that anytime he's faced people across the table who call his bluster, he loses badly.


So far so good on the economic front during his first week. But the man's mantle hasn't been truly tested yet.

I'm putting a filter on anything Trumps says and watching only what gets done. Makes the evaluation a lot easier.

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PRESS: The election was hacked....(no evidence)



TRUMP: There was a lot of voter fraud.



PRESS: That’s ridiculous. Where’s your evidence? I demand an investigation!



TRUMP: Okay, we’ll do an investigation: President Donald Trump Vows to Launch ‘Major Investigation’ Into Alleged Voter Fraud.







Edited by B-Man
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You mean you predicted a Trump presidency?


I definitely didn't do that. I thought he'd lose every step of the way.

Yep. Same here. Yeah they did. They actually voted him in to teach people a dirty lesson about authoritarianism!


The moral and philosophical power between them all is not enough to power a 4w bulb.


Don't under estimate the hate. Some would rather see the world burn.

PRESS: The election was hacked....(no evidence)



TRUMP: There was a lot of voter fraud.



PRESS: Thats ridiculous. Wheres your evidence? I demand an investigation!



TRUMP: Okay, well do an investigation: President Donald Trump Vows to Launch Major Investigation Into Alleged Voter Fraud.







Exhibit "A"... Get out the fiddle all you whiny azz beatches!

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No, I said that anyone supporting trump better be ready for another four years of rule by an intellectual lightweight, thin skinned narcissist, who's had a spotty record of executive management, who has burned nearly every bridge he crossed and even has managed to alienate Wall Street bankers. The man's sole guiding star is his massive inferiority complex and that doesn't bode well in the long term. I also said that anytime he's faced people across the table who call his bluster, he loses badly.


So far so good on the economic front during his first week. But the man's mantle hasn't been truly tested yet.

Who didn't know that was coming?


I hoped for unicorns and rainbows to come and for him to change. But I also want to play in the NBA.

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Who didn't know that was coming?


I hoped for unicorns and rainbows to come and for him to change. But I also want to play in the NBA.

Then why are you surprised at the kindergarten histrionics?

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Who didn't know that was coming?


I hoped for unicorns and rainbows to come and for him to change. But I also want to play in the NBA.



I am an idiot I know (courtesy TheTomBot Beta .5)... And you and I don't agree on a bunch of things... But your moral compass isn't broken, that I respect.


For the record, I was almost hooked... Yes, again, I am an idiot.


GG nailed it, how some could still vote for him, I dont know... I am waiting for further clarification. Faith in the American people? To see ills of their ways? Faith in our democracy? Are those the answers?


I'm 6'3"... Can I play point guard? DISCLAIMER: I can't "jump."

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GG nailed it, how some could still vote for him, I dont know... I am waiting for further clarification. Faith in the American people? To see ills of their ways? Faith in our democracy? Are those the answers?


I'm 6'3"... Can I play point guard? DISCLAIMER: I can't "jump."

That's easy. HRC was worse

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Why not? It's exactly the kind of thing we've been doing to other countries for decades. It's how the game is played in the real world.


A big part of being successful is being able to keep your sensitive information a secret. Your "most qualified candidate ever" is literally the worst leader of an information security organization in the history of the world.

and the part that happens once it is outed is as classicly famous as anything. Blame drugs alcohol or run to Jesus.


When those don't work you own it. You embrace it and come out stronger than ever telling everyone it was a mistake. To kiss your ass if theyre going to judge you as perfect, etc. You gain a lot more going offensive than defensive in the public eye. When you go defense you simply allow any accusation to hold weight. And once Hillary was unable to defend herself for countless errors in leadership and judgement you could blame her for anything and people would believe it

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GG nailed it, how some could still vote for him, I dont know... I am waiting for further clarification. Faith in the American people? To see ills of their ways? Faith in our democracy? Are those the answers?


An abject lesson in the need for checks and balances.


Democrats want an authoritarian executive. Now they have one. Just not the one they want. Guess it sucks to be them...not that that's anything new...

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An abject lesson in the need for checks and balances.


Democrats want an authoritarian executive. Now they have one. Just not the one they want. Guess it sucks to be them...not that that's anything new...

Really? How so, how did you reach this conclusion?

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That's easy. HRC was worse

This makes no sense coming from what you posted above.


Hate on. After 8 years, we aren't dead (excuse that that The Basket of Deplorables are dead on the inside), nuked, or speaking Russian. Okay, maybe you like writing in Cyrillic Russian. I guess that is better than my non-English jabberwocky. At least I am sorta free. All hail Putin and the authoritarian besties! Keep hope alive that Americans will see the error of their ways in 2020, past the Hillary "near miss."


An abject lesson in the need for checks and balances.


Democrats want an authoritarian executive. Now they have one. Just not the one they want. Guess it sucks to be them...not that that's anything new...

Nice spin counsel.

Really? How so, how did you reach this conclusion?

He's keeping hope alive that .5 bot will be decommissioned in 2020. AND they call us dreamers! /wallbash


I guess it sucks to be everybody... Not me so much, Tom's right, I can thrive in any authoritative enviro... The way my life path, has been set up. Other's not so much.


Tibs... This really is about "hooray for our side" with many!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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You can't really say that until we know if the other side was hacked as well. Perhaps they were but their info was not released. We do know that the NSA was hacked, CIA was hacked and many, many other organizations with high security were hacked, so just picking on Hillary for that is myopic.

You're an idiot.

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Really? How so, how did you reach this conclusion?


Eight years of slavish support for Obama's "If Congress won't rubber-stamp everything I demand, I'll just act without 'em."


Shoe's on the other foot now, pumpkin. You're getting an abject lesson in why the process of government is more important that policy or people. Good luck with that.

Nice spin counsel.


How is that spin? How is that any different from anything I've said for the past year?

PRESS: The election was hacked....(no evidence)



TRUMP: There was a lot of voter fraud.



PRESS: That’s ridiculous. Where’s your evidence? I demand an investigation!



TRUMP: Okay, we’ll do an investigation: President Donald Trump Vows to Launch ‘Major Investigation’ Into Alleged Voter Fraud.



PRESS: You can't do an investigation! There's no evidence!

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Eight years of slavish support for Obama's "If Congress won't rubber-stamp everything I demand, I'll just act without 'em."


Shoe's on the other foot now, pumpkin. You're getting an abject lesson in why the process of government is more important that policy or people. Good luck with that.



How is that spin? How is that any different from anything I've said for the past year?



PRESS: You can't do an investigation! There's no evidence!

Unless I am wrong... You voted for the idiot for the sole purpose of teaching this lesson. But just like launching nuclear waste to the sun, be careful when it spits back at you.


You're the destructive idiot. YOU of all people should know better. The other ignorant idiots, can't blame... They are ignorant. But the truly stupid, like yourself, who claim to be smarter than the rest... Not so excusable.


Basically: A pedantic, supercilious, anal orifice in a nutshell.


And those are using the kind words.

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