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Those GI's behind him moving around?? WTF?

[This is an automated response.]


You're an idiot.


Created by DC Tom-bot, beta version 0.5.



So now we can't even use Republicans own words? That's the common rhetoric we're hearing from Trump supporters; forget everything we said or did in the past that is now hypocritical and move on. A majority of Americans disapprove of Trump, and he doesn't even have a plurality with 40% approving of his transition. That is all a part of the inauguration story.


You have the power to delete my posts, but if you're going to just allow one side to express their opinions then you should change the forum name to Conservative Politics, Polls, and Pundits.

even ribs was polite so I have hope for you.


Its n9t one sided. Just 3njoy the day. In this thread keep it civil


even ribs was polite so I have hope for you.


Its n9t one sided. Just 3njoy the day. In this thread keep it civil

Understandable. But, when "no quarter asked, none given" is the tone set... Why must you beg for civility?


We went scorch earth. The Rubicon has been crossed. Isn't anything fair game now?


Not a very inspirational or unifying speech. It sounds like an election stump speech.

I'd be inclined to give credence to your take if you didn't just go off on a partisan hackery rant.


Funny how that happens.


I'd be inclined to give credence to your take if you didn't just go off on a partisan hackery rant.


Funny how that happens.


You have to excuse him. He's got his head so far up Hillary's ass that he can see Huma's clitoris.



I do like this one. :lol:

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