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Game Day Thread: Inauguration


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I still think he was trolling with that. Of course if being first lady is such a valuable qualification to be POTUS, Michelle, Laura, Barbara and Rosalynn must be in the all time top 10. Back it up John Adams!


But let's be honest here...Hillary inserted herself into the running of the Clinton Administration to a very significant degree. It was one of their campaign points in '92: America would basically get a two-fer, because Hillary was so smart and experienced and talented. And they handed health care off to her almost immediately. And even after the administration got their collective asses handed to them on that, she continued to be heavily involved behind-the-scenes - she's the one that brought Dick Morris in, she helped plan campaign strategy, she had an unfortunate hand in foreign policy.


The bottom line is that, while her "First Lady experience" as it relates to the Presidency is certainly open to debate, there was certainly some level of real experienced she gained during that time. What's not open to debate is that the Democratic party pitched her in '92 as "co-president," and doubled-down on it this past election cycle (to the point of portraying Bill as "co-president" in a Hillary administration.)


The real mendaciousness of that position is when Democrats would immediately turn around and dismiss any criticism of the Bill Clinton administration's policies with "But she wasn't the president."

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This board has been active for about 20 years, and over time PPP has developed a fairly good vetting system for calling out idiots.


Your foray here is just the latest incarnation of somebody jumping in to parrot somebody else's thoughts and then getting indignant when they're immediately laughed at.


Al newbies get one or two posts' of benefit of doubt. But fools aren't suffered easily. If you truly have been lurking here for as long as you have, you certainly would have picked that up.



Nah...this forum is pretty much a circle jerk of like minded people who enjoy the jerk

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I still think he was trolling with that. Of course if being first lady is such a valuable qualification to be POTUS, Michelle, Laura, Barbara and Rosalynn must be in the all time top 10. Back it up John Adams!

That makes Barbara Bush and Abigail Adams the most qualified people to never run

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i will say this once and hopefully ppl will remember so i dont have to say it again


if you are having a dialog exchange with someone who makes a mistake and admits it, either by just saying that or even apologizing for their error, the mature thing to do is accept the acknowledgement of that mistake and move on


the immature dick thing to do is keep cycling that mistake and use it to denigrate the validity or character of that mistake maker. look at your posts and decide which way you are being


now about hillarys experience as first lady. all first ladies count as teammates in the job of potus


- some simply provide valuable emotional support and reinforcement for their partner who has the toughest and most important job in the history of the world. as such that is an extremely important role and is the traditional one for most wives of the president so far. barbara bush would be the role model here


- a small minority, so far, bring the skills, knowledge, experience, and education to be bonafide administrators for their partners agenda. hillary is the only one that immediately comes to mind but presidential historians could come up with more. our historically patriarchal presidencies make that harder but im sure they are out there


people resisted hillary in that role bc she was too capable and they preferred she make cookies instead. in fact, she finally did relent and make the f***ing cookies. but it was a gross waste of her talent, as i said at the time, and she eventually moved to helping bubba substantially outside of the kitchen once the cave people forgot they were so pissed about it


so yeah to me that counts and i was looking forward to it hopefully helping her avoid hubris-ing herself to death in the job. no guarantees

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Nah...this forum is pretty much a circle jerk of like minded people who enjoy the jerk


That's just the loser talking.


While there are probably more right-leaning than left-leaning active posters on any given day, the truth is, a significant portion of the discussions by the right-leaning posters during the lead up to the election were genuine discussions about the GOP candidates.


The more Trump gained steam, the more diverse those discussions became among the right-leaning because you had genuinely different layers of support:


  • Love Trump
  • Like Trump, but prefer someone else
  • Hate Trump, but still preferable over Hillary
  • Hate Trump and Hillary, prefer Sweet Meteor of Death
  • Hate Both, But Trump will be entertaining and blow things up

Whereas while there are fewer left-leaning active posters, it was much closer to a circle jerk of like-minded people because there was only one layer of support:

  • Yessah, mastah! Whatever you say mastah! I pretend to like Bernie, but Hillary it is, mastah!


So I'd check yourself, but then, we both know you are nowhere near mature enough to even consider such a truth.

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i will say this once and hopefully ppl will remember so i dont have to say it again


if you are having a dialog exchange with someone who makes a mistake and admits it, either by just saying that or even apologizing for their error, the mature thing to do is accept the acknowledgement of that mistake and move on


the immature dick thing to do is keep cycling that mistake and use it to denigrate the validity or character of that mistake maker. look at your posts and decide which way you are being


now about hillarys experience as first lady. all first ladies count as teammates in the job of potus


- some simply provide valuable emotional support and reinforcement for their partner who has the toughest and most important job in the history of the world. as such that is an extremely important role and is the traditional one for most wives of the president so far. barbara bush would be the role model here


My wife provides me emotional support. Doesn't make her qualified to be a software developer. Kay Summersby was not qualified to command SHAEF (nor was Mamie Eisenhower, for that matter). Rosalynn Carter is not qualified to decontaminate a nuclear reactor. Pat Nixon was not qualified to orchestrate the Watergate break-in.



- a small minority, so far, bring the skills, knowledge, experience, and education to be bonafide administrators for their partners agenda. hillary is the only one that immediately comes to mind but presidential historians could come up with more. our historically patriarchal presidencies make that harder but im sure they are out there


Eleanor Roosevelt, Edith Wilson, Dolley Madison...hell, Hillary isn't even the most qualified former First Lady in history...

- a small minority, so far, bring the skills, knowledge, experience, and education to be bonafide administrators for their partners agenda. hillary is the only one that immediately comes to mind but presidential historians could come up with more. our historically patriarchal presidencies make that harder but im sure they are out there

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Nah...this forum is pretty much a circle jerk of like minded people who enjoy the jerk


it always is in these kinds of forums


thats why you have to mentally filter it out if you intend to try to actually accomplish something. lots and lots of ѕhit to filter, always

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That's just the loser talking.


While there are probably more right-leaning than left-leaning active posters on any given day, the truth is, a significant portion of the discussions by the right-leaning posters during the lead up to the election were genuine discussions about the GOP candidates.


The more Trump gained steam, the more diverse those discussions became among the right-leaning because you had genuinely different layers of support:


  • Love Trump
  • Like Trump, but prefer someone else
  • Hate Trump, but still preferable over Hillary
  • Hate Trump and Hillary, prefer Sweet Meteor of Death
  • Hate Both, But Trump will be entertaining and blow things up

Whereas while there are fewer left-leaning active posters, it was much closer to a circle jerk of like-minded people because there was only one layer of support:

  • Yessah, mastah! Whatever you say mastah! I pretend to like Bernie, but Hillary it is, mastah!


So I'd check yourself, but then, we both know you are nowhere near mature enough to even consider such a truth.


And let's not forget, the most rabidly neo-Nazi Trumpster divers took more **** for their **** than the leftists did for theirs.

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people resisted hillary in that role bc she was too capable and they preferred she make cookies instead. in fact, she finally did relent and make the f***ing cookies. but it was a gross waste of her talent, as i said at the time, and she eventually moved to helping bubba substantially outside of the kitchen once the cave people forgot they were so pissed about it


so yeah to me that counts and i was looking forward to it hopefully helping her avoid hubris-ing herself to death in the job. no guarantees


As Tom pointed out above, yes she was certainly heavily involved in Bill's administration and was even pumped as 'co-POTUS' as the kickoff to her decades long campaign for POTUS. But here's the thing: how is it that such a smart and capable woman could have learned so little from that experience?


How could she have failed so completely in not one, but two Presidential campaigns, despite having every conceivable advantage? 2008 was hers to lose; she had the money, the organization, the super-delegates lined up, a popular former POTUS on her team, etc. And she completely botches it and lets a political neophyte take it away from her.


Fast forward eight years and she again has all the money, organization, control of the media and party insiders, now TWO popular former Presidents on her team, and the lessons of THREE Presidential election cycles under her belt. First she nearly blows it in the primary and then in the general election she completely botches it and lets a political neophyte take it away from her (again).


Sorry, but the only thing she is 'most of' in history is overrated.

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it always is in these kinds of forums


thats why you have to mentally filter it out if you intend to try to actually accomplish something. lots and lots of ѕhit to filter, always


Many in this forum were shifted by either hatred of Hillary, or Trump's campaign. I was one of them, and prior to that I never felt this board was weighted in any extreme, to either side or the other.

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The Democrats' Rise Is Far From Inevitable

by Megan McCardle


Why are the left's public demonstrations more impressive than its voter turnout? Because there are a whole lot of Democrats in the large population centers where such demonstrations are generally held. People can join a protest simply by getting on the subway; it's an easy show of force.


But there are a lot of small towns in America, and as Sean Trende and David Byler recently demonstrated, those small towns are redder than ever. Effectively, the Democratic coalition has self-gerrymandered into a small number of places where they can turn out an impressive number of feet on the ground, but not enough votes to win the House. Certainly not enough to win the Senate or the Electoral College, which both favor sparsely populated states and discount the increasingly dense parts of the nation.


The Senate map in 2018 is brutal for Democrats. If Democrats want to get their mojo back, they’re going to need to do more than get a small minority of voters to turn out for a march. They’re going to need to get back some of those rural votes.


To do that, they’re probably going to have to let go of the most soul-satisfying, brain-melting political theory of the last two decades: that Democrats are inevitably the Party of the Future, guaranteed ownership of the future by an emerging Democratic majority in minority-white America.


This theory underlay a lot of Obama’s presidency, and Clinton’s campaign. With President Trump's inauguration on Friday, we saw the results.


Why was this such a bad theory? Let me count the ways:


More at the link: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-01-24/the-democrats-rise-is-far-from-inevitable

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thanks for your reasonable reply, but wow are you kidding


only jesus himself stood any chance against the first percieved black president to a predominantly white electorate that had finally internalized their brutal string of historical race issue mistakes. the only reason he didnt absolutely crush it was due to his obvious bright green experience level. thats certainly why i didnt vote for him the first time


this second time, yeah she definitely blew it. the devestating mistake was the deplorables comment. i literally stood up and screamed at the tv the first time i heard her say that. why not just endorse trump you stupid ass B word, i think were my words. her second biggest mistake was having the moral infortitude to cheat with the dnc ... and then get caught. and then of course allowing the russians to steal that info in the first place so that they could help install their stooge


the benghazi, the email, and the clinton foundation were at a bare minimum 90% trumped up fake charges executed by a republicanism that has shown thats literally the very best thing they are good at. the karl rove school of brilliant and brutally effective bullѕhit politics. but she could have overcome that if the other things didnt happen


but they did


and we got the stooge

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the benghazi, the email, and the clinton foundation were at a bare minimum 90% trumped up fake charges


But you're no partisan!! :lol:


Are you now going to tell us that Benghazi WAS caused by a YouTube video?


Are you now going to tell us she was okay as SoS with having ONLY a private server?


Are you now going to tell us the Clinton Foundation was not a money-laundering operation for foreign countries that support terrorists? Is this NYT story fake news?

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Why are the left's public demonstrations more impressive than its voter turnout? Because there are a whole lot of Democrats in the large population centers where such demonstrations are generally held. People can join a protest simply by getting on the subway; it's an easy show of force.


And I'm sure there was a lot of "Hey, let's go to the protest, it looks like fun!" If I had been in NYC with friends, I probably would have gone too. Fun people watching outdoors on a nice sunny day, then out for dinner. Sounds like a good time.

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It was only a year ago that I would have sided with Baskin. I had been Left all my life, but things have just gotten ridiculous. The demographics are altering fast.

what things?


My wife provides me emotional support. Doesn't make her qualified to be a software developer. Kay Summersby was not qualified to command SHAEF (nor was Mamie Eisenhower, for that matter). Rosalynn Carter is not qualified to decontaminate a nuclear reactor. Pat Nixon was not qualified to orchestrate the Watergate break-in.




Eleanor Roosevelt, Edith Wilson, Dolley Madison...hell, Hillary isn't even the most qualified former First Lady in history...

Robert e lee's wife was head over heels better qualified
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