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Rick Dennison new O Coord


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Groy is a must keep for back up C/G. I would be fine with him starting Center if we need to free up cap space by cutting Wood.

I was expecting a disaster when we plugged Groy in, and things just kept clicking along. Whaley and crew did up some real surprises. This offseason will be a serious test, though. NAIL IT!

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Other than Vic saying there was nothing to the AVP rumors.


Honestly.......why are so many knuckleheads like 26ButterFace(aka 26ButHisTakes) so obsessed about reporters breaking stories?


If the Bills do a halfway decent job of keeping it a secret then why is it the media's responsibility to break the story?


I mean hell let's start blaming fellow posters for the 17 year playoff drought while we are at it?


Why didn't 26ButterFace find a link to this hiring sooner? He must suck at the one thing he does here! :lol::rolleyes:


If they break stories that turn out to be true, it's fine. When they claim so-and-so is interviewing for X position or so-and-so has already been hired and interviewing is just a formality, with the subtext that the Bills are dysfunctional and won't be able to hire a competent coaching staff, they're either lying or running with bad info. Neither of which is a good look for them.

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Groy is a must keep for back up C/G. I would be fine with him starting Center if we need to free up cap space by cutting Wood.

If Wood finished the season healthy I would most definitely trade him for quality 2tech DT/NT type.

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If they break stories that turn out to be true, it's fine. When they claim so-and-so is interviewing for X position or so-and-so has already been hired and interviewing is just a formality, with the subtext that the Bills are dysfunctional and won't be able to hire a competent coaching staff, they're either lying or running with bad info. Neither of which is a good look for them.


Don't worry about anything that #MIDOL has to say. She likes to bleed all of the time.

Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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I think tht the Bills need to keep Tyrod to be competitive. I think Dennison will absolutely keep Tyrod. I am good with the hire (and I was nervous that it was going to be Olson).

Agreed. We now have an MA in civil engineering facing off against a BA in aeronautical engineering (Patricia). Being an engineer doesn't assure good coaching skills by any means, but in my book it's a good sign (Girardi). Engineering draws in analytical problem solvers (five of my brothers are engineers!).

Edited by dave mcbride
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I feel SO much better about this whole crew than the Rex hire. I tried to get on board, but while he'd be fun to have a beer with, or great on TV, he's not my style of coach. These seem like serious football guys. Time will tell how it turns out, but I'm encouraged.

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I'm so impressed with how prescient the most common posters on this board are. So, tell me again which of our players are being retained, and which one's are getting released?

We're keeping the good ones, and the others can go. We will replace them with future Pro Bowlers who are currently unemployed. It's not really that hard..... :)

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What happened to this? You said this just a few days ago.

Easy. I was talking about production and stats and credit for it. It's Kubiak's system, his offense and game plans and he did the play-calling. Guys like Kubiak and McCarthy and Andy Reid that run the whole offensive show and call the plays are on the 80% end. So sure, guys Dennison did the smaller percentage of the offense that Kubiak ran. But he never ran an offense, had a system of his own, so he doesn't get the credit for it and shouldn't take the blame either.

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We're keeping the good ones, and the others can go. We will replace them with future Pro Bowlers who are currently unemployed. It's not really that hard..... :)


Finally someone that gets it!



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If they break stories that turn out to be true, it's fine. When they claim so-and-so is interviewing for X position or so-and-so has already been hired and interviewing is just a formality, with the subtext that the Bills are dysfunctional and won't be able to hire a competent coaching staff, they're either lying or running with bad info. Neither of which is a good look for them.




OK I gotcha........if it wasn't for the local media CREATING a sinister subtext........fans, national media and people in and around the NFL would have no good reason to speculate that the Bills organization is dysfunctional?


That makes sense........if you discount how every NFL team is judged by their local media, fans, national media and people in and around the NFL.


Losers get scorned.


If you think the local media can change that narrartive by cheerleading for the team you are wrong but what else is new with you? :flirt:

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