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Dennis Thurman Interviewing for Washington's DC Job

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I don't know if Thurman and Hackett are bad coordinators.


At least here, Hackett was stuck running Marrone's offense. Some players said Hackett wanted to open things up but St. Doug wouldn't let him. Furthermore, Hackett wasn't truly ready to be a NFL OC at the time. But he's a smart young guy and probably learned a lot from the experience.


Thurman's is a similar situation. He's been running Rex's defense and calling plays (if he actually called plays) the way Rex wanted. To complicated things, some players say Rob Ryan was pretty much running the D. It was a toxic situation with 3 cooks in the kitchen and no one of them truly in charge. It's hard to know what Thurman could do if the was the de facto and de jure DC.

Agree. It is hard to tell what Thurman can really do as he was clearly under Ryan's thumb. That is what you figure out in the interview. What did he learn and what would he do differently. At least with Thurman, there is opportunity. Rob RYAN, not so much. Edited by MDFan
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