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The Trump Economy


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If moving away from the dollar isn't the story, why are you linking an article about Japan moving away from the dollar?


Because it's part of a larger story.



Or... it's a report on a very large crack in the US system of alliances in the pacific. Japan is slowly but very deliberately taking steps away from American dominance.


You know, like I said in the first response. :lol:

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Because it's part of a larger story.



You know, like I said in the first response. :lol:

Shall we recap Greggy's logic?


In Obama's Foreign Policy thread, for two years we were treated to the evils of neocon policies, as Obama totally ignored China's encroachment. Then we were warned about the dangers of TPP, even though the deal would bring more Asian countries closer to the US.


Now the orange turnip is threatening to blow up longstanding US allies and agreements, and Greggy is warning us that more countries are distancing themselves from the US?


Does that pretty much sum it up?


Probably not, since you never offer up a concrete position, which is why your conspiracy theories are always evolving.

Edited by GG
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And which larger story is that?


The larger story that countries are trying to move away from US influence but getting away from the US dollar as a reserve currency even though the same discussions were had 10 years ago with laughable results.

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Yes, you done did. :lol:


Oh wait, I forgot. Facts don't matter to you. Like all the time you spent trying to tell us how the IC functions and that the DNI speaks for the entire IC.

Illuminati vs your conspiracy group of choice. We all know your theory is that she was pre-ordained. Until she wasn't and you changed your conspiracy theory to suit the facts.


Sort of like when the end of world guys revise their calculations the day after Armageddon.


Please link to where I explained how the IC functions. Or you can link to where I quoted it. And your 800 pages of responses about how you know the inner workings of our intel community.

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Illuminati vs your conspiracy group of choice. We all know your theory is that she was pre-ordained. Until she wasn't and you changed your conspiracy theory to suit the facts.



Incorrect. My prediction, which was wrong and shared by most of the country, had nothing to do with conspiracy. It had everything to do with this country's slide from a true democratic republic into a plutocracy/oligarchy where the interests of the people were put into second position behind the big moneyed donors. And, it was based on fact:




My belief Clinton was going to be elected was proven wrong. The theory did not change.


You're bad at this whole fact thing.


Please link to where I explained how the IC functions. Or you can link to where I quoted it. And your 800 pages of responses about how you know the inner workings of our intel community.


You were on here immediately after the election crowing the entire IC had decided Trump and the election were influenced by Russia. This was a false statement that betrayed how little you understand about how the IC works or what the DNI actually does. That happened. If you want to continue to double down on that, by all means.


What's hilarious about your sudden infatuation with me is that I literally have given you pages of material you could rightfully pick on me for. And yet instead of making fun of me for things I actually said or positions I actually hold, you invent things or inflate them to the extreme to the point of being false.


That's just shows how dishonest you actually are. It's a shame.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Given the tenor of your posts of late, I submit you don't actually believe in that.


The orange turnip's twitter eruptions don't have a permanent effect on the predictability of the dollar's moves.


Now, if he were to gut the Federal Reserve and put monetary policy solely in the hands of KellyAnn Conway, then I would change my mind.

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