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45 members have voted

  1. 1. How did Obama perform as president?

    • He was a good president
    • He was an average president
    • He was a poor president
  2. 2. How do you think Trump will perform as president?

    • He will be a good president
    • He will be an average president
    • He will be a poor president
  3. 3. Will Trump see a second term?

    • Yes, Trump will be re-elected for a second term
    • No, Trump will lose re-election for a second term
    • No, Trump will not seek a second term
    • No, Trump will not complete his first term

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Posted (edited)



When Barack Obama speaks, especially without a teleprompter, you can almost see the zzzzzzs rising over the heads of his audience. You can only listen to platitudes for so long. But then, suddenly, Obama will come out with a falsehood so other-worldly that you sit up and say, “WTF was that?”

This was one such moment in today’s press conference:

We are the only country in the advanced world that makes it harder to vote rather than easier.
And that dates back. There’s an ugly history to that that we should not be shy about talking about.


: Voting rights?


: Yes, I’m talking about voting rights.


The reason that we are the only country among advanced democracies that makes it harder to vote is — it traces directly back to Jim Crow and the legacy of slavery and it became sort of acceptable to restrict the franchise. And that’s not who we are. That shouldn’t be who we are. That’s not when America works best. So I hope that people pay a lot of attention to making sure that everybody has a chance to vote. Make it easier, not harder.


This whole notion of election — voting fraud, this is something that has constantly been disproved, this — this is fake news. The notion that there are a whole bunch of people out there who are going out there and are not eligible to vote and want to vote.




“Making it harder to vote” means requiring identification in order to prevent voter fraud. Is the U.S. really, as Obama says, “the only country in the advanced world” that imposes such a minimal requirement?

Of course not. In fact, we are pretty much the only country that doesn’t. John Fund provides useful background:

Almost all industrialized democracies — and most that are not — require voters to prove their identity before voting.


The vast majority of countries require voter ID — usually photo ID — to prevent fraud and duplicate votes at the polls. Our neighbors do.
requires voter ID.
“Credencial para Votar” has a hologram, a photo, and other information embedded in it, and it is impossible to effectively tamper with. Confidence in the integrity of elections has soared since its introduction in the 1990s.


At a 2012 conference in Washington at which election
officials from more than 60 countries met to observe the U.S. presidential election, most were astonished that so many U.S. states don’t require voter ID.



They were right to be astonished. Yet President Obama says the effort to ensure ballot integrity “traces directly back to Jim Crow and the legacy of slavery.” This is idiotic.

When Democrats imposed Jim Crow laws across the South in the wake of Reconstruction, they relied on poll taxes and ridiculously difficult or ambiguous tests–administered only, apparently, to African-Americans who hadn’t finished a certain grade level–to maintain Democratic Party control. Voter ID had nothing to do with it. But no one ever said that Barack Obama knows anything about history.

Obama repeats the Democratic Party talking point that there is no such thing as voter fraud. A person wise in the ways of the world probably wonders, if there isn’t any voter fraud going on, why are the Democrats so vehemently opposed to the ballot integrity measures that are used in virtually every other country? The answer, of course, is that voter fraud is no myth.

Edited by B-Man
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When Barack Obama speaks, especially without a teleprompter, you can almost see the zzzzzzs rising over the heads of his audience. You can only listen to platitudes for so long. But then, suddenly, Obama will come out with a falsehood so other-worldly that you sit up and say, “WTF was that?”


Barry's phrase "That's not who we are" has to be the most ridiculous phrase to come out of his mouth, and he uses it so often, it has all the force of callig someone a racist.


He's an affirmative action community organizer with the work ethic of a balloon. He has no freaking clue 'who we are' or what makes us work the way we do.


But we already know that. Which is why the very first thing he will do when he leaves office, is go to Palm Springs to play yet another round of golf.



He won because people's attention spans are less than 140 characters.


He won because Hillary is the least likable and most corrupt person in modern US political history.

  • Obama was obviously a poor President. /dev/null stated it perfectly above.
  • I'll say Trump will be good if he's able to cut spending, appoint a decent SC justice or two and not get us into any wars. Anything else is gravy.
  • He won't win re-election regardless of how he does. The left and their media have doubled down on their rhetoric and four more years of it will eventually wear down the voting public.

Obama was meh

Trump will be terrible for everyone except comedians, they'll have a field day

I still expect Trump to resign by the end of 2017 possibly at the urging of the Republican party


Obama was meh

Trump will be terrible for everyone except comedians, they'll have a field day

I still expect Trump to resign by the end of 2017 possibly at the urging of the Republican party


I'll take that bet. (and this isn't coming from a Trump supporter)





He won because Hillary is the least likable and most corrupt person in modern US political history.

  • Obama was obviously a poor President. /dev/null stated it perfectly above.
  • I'll say Trump will be good if he's able to cut spending, appoint a decent SC justice or two and not get us into any wars. Anything else is gravy.
  • He won't win re-election regardless of how he does. The left and their media have doubled down on their rhetoric and four more years of it will eventually wear down the voting public.
succinct and to the point of exactly what will happen that we can hope to happen.


I will consider trump a success if he can appoint 3 justices. RBG can't have too much longer and I'd not surprised if someone like Clarence Thomas steps down to enable a Right sided pick. If he can merely get us 2 that are fair then I'm still happy.


The lower courts are a very big concern and Obamas has very much been active there putting in more judges than anyone, that's where the important aspects lie.


As far as a war, I don't see anything specific happening. I can't. Not in a traditional way. But if I am the pathetic goat &#33;@#&#036;ing cowards of ISIS you'd bet sure as **** I line up my attack on anything I can to provoke trump in to something. Any press is good press and both trump and those goat &#33;@#&#036;ers love attention. Being that he wants to go around NATO and the UN, which will likely be reasonable because by then they'll be so completely European influenced liberally retarded anti trump mongers they'll oppose anything. So trump will go it alone and be left alone


Come 2020 the GOP will almost undoubtedly retain control where it matters - 2018's mid terms will be interesting - while a Democrat takes the election. It will be exactly like Mccrory in NC. He didn't do anything to destroy the state but he was forced to react to protect it and that did him in by the political games that Trump will endure.


Clinton-Second Term was a terrible President.


Bush was a terrible President.


Obama was a terrible President.


I have hopes for Trump.


I don't think he will run for another term, regardless of his poll ratings at the time.


Trump will do well.


Not because he's particularly capable. But because he'll surround himself with competent people. I like his staff already.


BHO surrounded himself with not very competent flunkies. He filled the White House with "community organizer" types, and got the expected result.



The Trump-impeachment talk is getting tiresome. Do people not know that Trump actually has to commit a crime to get impeached, and that being an orange dumbass isn't a crime? Let's talk about impeachment after that happens - then we can worry about hyper-partisanship.


(And have no doubt that, if it comes down to it, Congressional Republicans will turn on faux-Republican Trump on a dime when it suits their purposes.)


oh Tom, you know most Americans have no idea what or how impeachment works.... most of the "impeachment" talkers started paying attention only after it was clear Hillary was nuked in the Electoral math. Now they're out for blood after being completely oblivious for 8 years.


Trump is going to blow a gasket the first time responsible conservatives say no to something he thinks they should fall in line unilaterally on. he will **** when "you're fired" doesn't work.


Obama had an average Presidency.

Trump will have a poor Presidency.


Obama inherited an economy that was hemoragging 800,000 jobs a month and would continue to do so for the first 9 months of his Presidency. He did what he could do to stabilize the economy passing a small infrastructure bill, and continuing Bush's bailout.


He struck out on healthcare reform, acquisiecing to the conservative Blue Dog Democrat wing and took out the public option to the ACA. Obama's foreign policy was an utter disaster. His best call was Bin Laden, his worse call helping to topple Libya. His Syrian involvement was a violatation of the Geneva conventions, and the Iraq War was handled well as far as the troop drawback Bush W agreed too. I wasn't a big fan of the McCain warmonger "surge" in Afghanistan.


I feel we will never leave Afghanistan. We have now spent $3 trillion on those wars and accounting for long term veterans healthcare are on the hook for another $4 trillion more.


Obama failed on any real financial reform. He appointed the same Goldman Sachs bankers to run the Treasury and the Federal Reserve that McCain or Romney would have, and now we see 6 Goldman Sachs with Trump. The economy was artificially resisitatated thru central bank Federal Reserve QE and interest rate policy.


The bailout proved that the bond holders aka the 1% would be first in line while the sellers of CDO, MBS and other toxic debt instruments went off scot free. During the 87 Savings and Loan crisis Reagan actually prosecuted the fraudsters the banksters that crashed the market and put hundreds in jail. Obama prosecuted no one.


His attorney general Eric Holder even said "we'd have to prosecute too many". So the Dept of Justice and the financial regulators made deals with the Wall Street banks and imposed fines that were akin to mere slaps on the wrist. "Cut it out", is not a good financial regulatory policy.


Had Obama truly been the change candidate he promised he would be we would have universal healthcare, and the largest banks would have been smaller in 2017 than they were in 2009.


The Ponzi scheme continues, the inequality is now greater than ever, and for the first time, their is a sense of defeatism from the reality that our economic system is built on fictions. $7.25 minimum wage is unsustainable, the top .01, gained 90% of all new income as Thomas Pickitty pointed out, and neoliberalism the economic dogma of Republcians and Democrats the past 40 years is over. Trumpism is more of a symptom of this economic decline. I find it quite tragic.


Trump comes to power at a time of decline for the American empire and the funny thing is Trump knows it. America cannot sustain herself when so few have so much and so many have so few. An entire generation is wasted. Rightfully so you don't invest in 20-40 year olds that have no real skills.


Our society as a whole can longer operate as it did 30 years ago. There are no more factories left for the hedge fund managers to buy and move to poorer southern states or abroad. The tariffs imposed by Trump will only result in a higher cost of goods of all products made in China consumed by the impoverished masses. Did I mention 50% of all workers earn less than $30,000 a year? When half the country is poor they cannot cover a 30% tariff on that microwave or vacuum cleaner.


A great con has been perpuated on the American people. And that is the choice was between Trump or Hillary. They are both the same elite's that are malleable to the desires of the ruling class. Goldman Sachs runs this country. The rent seekers like Trump run this country. They will find a way to cut taxes, yet somehow convince us that our neighbor is too blame. She's a teacher, has a nice union job. Will get a pension. She's too blame for your economic reality. And therein lies the problem with Republican and Democrat ideology. There is always someone else to blame. Could it be that greed is the reason we are in the position we are today?


Obama had an average Presidency.

Trump will have a poor Presidency.


Obama inherited an economy that was hemoragging 800,000 jobs a month and would continue to do so for the first 9 months of his Presidency. He did what he could do to stabilize the economy passing a small infrastructure bill, and continuing Bush's bailout.


He struck out on healthcare reform, acquisiecing to the conservative Blue Dog Democrat wing and took out the public option to the ACA. Obama's foreign policy was an utter disaster. His best call was Bin Laden, his worse call helping to topple Libya. His Syrian involvement was a violatation of the Geneva conventions, and the Iraq War was handled well as far as the troop drawback Bush W agreed too. I wasn't a big fan of the McCain warmonger "surge" in Afghanistan.


I feel we will never leave Afghanistan. We have now spent $3 trillion on those wars and accounting for long term veterans healthcare are on the hook for another $4 trillion more.


Obama failed on any real financial reform. He appointed the same Goldman Sachs bankers to run the Treasury and the Federal Reserve that McCain or Romney would have, and now we see 6 Goldman Sachs with Trump. The economy was artificially resisitatated thru central bank Federal Reserve QE and interest rate policy.


The bailout proved that the bond holders aka the 1% would be first in line while the sellers of CDO, MBS and other toxic debt instruments went off scot free. During the 87 Savings and Loan crisis Reagan actually prosecuted the fraudsters the banksters that crashed the market and put hundreds in jail. Obama prosecuted no one.


His attorney general Eric Holder even said "we'd have to prosecute too many". So the Dept of Justice and the financial regulators made deals with the Wall Street banks and imposed fines that were akin to mere slaps on the wrist. "Cut it out", is not a good financial regulatory policy.


Had Obama truly been the change candidate he promised he would be we would have universal healthcare, and the largest banks would have been smaller in 2017 than they were in 2009.


The Ponzi scheme continues, the inequality is now greater than ever, and for the first time, their is a sense of defeatism from the reality that our economic system is built on fictions. $7.25 minimum wage is unsustainable, the top .01, gained 90% of all new income as Thomas Pickitty pointed out, and neoliberalism the economic dogma of Republcians and Democrats the past 40 years is over. Trumpism is more of a symptom of this economic decline. I find it quite tragic.


Trump comes to power at a time of decline for the American empire and the funny thing is Trump knows it. America cannot sustain herself when so few have so much and so many have so few. An entire generation is wasted. Rightfully so you don't invest in 20-40 year olds that have no real skills.


Our society as a whole can longer operate as it did 30 years ago. There are no more factories left for the hedge fund managers to buy and move to poorer southern states or abroad. The tariffs imposed by Trump will only result in a higher cost of goods of all products made in China consumed by the impoverished masses. Did I mention 50% of all workers earn less than $30,000 a year? When half the country is poor they cannot cover a 30% tariff on that microwave or vacuum cleaner.


A great con has been perpuated on the American people. And that is the choice was between Trump or Hillary. They are both the same elite's that are malleable to the desires of the ruling class. Goldman Sachs runs this country. The rent seekers like Trump run this country. They will find a way to cut taxes, yet somehow convince us that our neighbor is too blame. She's a teacher, has a nice union job. Will get a pension. She's too blame for your economic reality. And therein lies the problem with Republican and Democrat ideology. There is always someone else to blame. Could it be that greed is the reason we are in the position we are today?

You proclaim obama average then give examples of his every stance being weakened by inefficetive leadership, policy or lack of understanding of government. Yet, hes average. Obama stood in this own way to make him a terrible president which csrried in to his final years when he had all the power and no one to stop him when he enacted rules, regs and laws completely escaping the freedom of this country known as the Constitution. Through this he took marginalized issues to divide partisan politics even more and the result being Trump.


Yet, with no said basis of thought worth a ****, which likely you'd be able to do, proclaim trump to be a poor President without one bit of reason. To get those reasons you'll need to wait until the media tells you what he did and didn't do. Youll need 140 characters or less of thought to base your every belief. Youll snap to judgement based upon reactionary quips without at all being able to tell anyone what's coming


Conversely those opposed to Obama knew exactly what he would do and spoke out well against it even before he began. They did the same for Bush. But no one has done that to Trump


You're feeble minded and weak; a sheep to the herder.


You proclaim obama average then give examples of his every stance being weakened by inefficetive leadership, policy or lack of understanding of government. Yet, hes average. Obama stood in this own way to make him a terrible president which csrried in to his final years when he had all the power and no one to stop him when he enacted rules, regs and laws completely escaping the freedom of this country known as the Constitution. Through this he took marginalized issues to divide partisan politics even more and the result being Trump.


Yet, with no said basis of thought worth a ****, which likely you'd be able to do, proclaim trump to be a poor President without one bit of reason. To get those reasons you'll need to wait until the media tells you what he did and didn't do. Youll need 140 characters or less of thought to base your every belief. Youll snap to judgement based upon reactionary quips without at all being able to tell anyone what's coming


Conversely those opposed to Obama knew exactly what he would do and spoke out well against it even before he began. They did the same for Bush. But no one has done that to Trump


You're feeble minded and weak; a sheep to the herder.

We don't know what will happen but we know how Trump will govern. He's aloof and often shows lack of attention to detail. Think of Sal Cappacio's report on Rex Ryan being last on in, first one out. Trump was reported to have asked potential VPs to basically be the President doing all the hard grunt work. Does Trump who has no understanding of government have the time or the energy to learn the job?


To me it seems akin to asking Terry Pegula to be the head coach. Of course Pegula would ask an assistant to act as coach, while he would reserve himself to more overall policy direction.


There are structural problems that Trump is walking into. Capitalism and countries that are capitalist have usually gone 4-8 years between market downturns. There hasn't been a downturn in 8 years.


The probability is Trump will have to endure a financial downturn. As far as foreign policy we don't know about what Trump intends to do with our longest war Afghanistan or Syria. We don't know if he will continue the bombing of 7 different interventions. Our military is certainly bleeding our economy. In some ways Trump knows he can slow defense spending pull back and reallocate those savings to rebuild infrastructure or simply use to pay down the debt.


Time will reveal how he fares, but I'm not optimistic that a confirmed con artist with no governing experience will do well. Maybe he will phone it in and let Pence do the job things go well; and he'll take all the credit.

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