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Rivers not interested in LA - nevermind he is


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exactly stop gap short term QB who would be a better mentor for a young drafted QB and Cardale


and we all know TT is not clutch anyways



I would prefer a passing QB to mentor our young QB's.. I also want to see a passing game, I am not a fan of TT's passing game and the running game is obviously not enough


OK so San Diego had no running game and crappy defense yet Rivers still managed 4000 yds and 31 TD's why didn't teams just tee off on Rivers in SD cause those numbers are still way better than TT's. The guy gets sacked alot but still puts up numbers.. Obviously Rivers can stand in there and still deliver a pass


Why do people continue to say that the Chargers have no running game? Melvin Gordon and Danny Woodhead are good RB's. They have no running game b/c SD is a pass-first team for the most part, just like the Bills don't have a passing game b/c they're a run-first team.


All those lovely passing stats, and San Diego, since the start of 2015, has scored less points than Buffalo:


Buffalo: 778 points.


SD: 730 points.


But look at those passing yards, surely San Diego must be making it to the playoffs every year.


2010: 9-7

2011: 8-8

2012: 7-9

2013: 9-7

2014: 9-7

2015: 4-12

2016: 5-11


Super Bowl

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how much better does the 9th ranked offense need to be? you want clutch? show me a defense that keeps the team in the game to win it. russel wilson is considered a clutch guy. look at his comebacks from being down 12-7 in the 4th and wins 14-12. defense keeps him in games and he wins em. he regularly has games like tennessee last year or balt this year where he does nothing all game then scores once in the 4th quarter to win.

"How much better does the 9th ranked offense need to be?" Enough better to make the playoffs! Or maybe to win a game in the playoffs. This is the kind of thinking that limits a team's prospects. The idea is to get better overall, not to say "the offense is fine, now let's just try to improve a bit on defense." As they say in baseball, a run avoided = a run scored.
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"How much better does the 9th ranked offense need to be?" Enough better to make the playoffs! Or maybe to win a game in the playoffs. This is the kind of thinking that limits a team's prospects. The idea is to get better overall, not to say "the offense is fine, now let's just try to improve a bit on defense." As they say in baseball, a run avoided = a run scored.

Flawed thinking imo. Getting better overall means continuing to improve on a top 10 offense by keeping the system in place, the QB in place, giving the QB an actual off season with the coordinator, having a healthy WR corps, adding a small piece to the offensive side to maybe help imrove it even more, all while addressing the real issue: a very below average defense. Thats getting better overall imo.


Losing the OC and replacing the QB isnt getting better overall, its blowing it up and hoping for the best.

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how much better does the 9th ranked offense need to be? you want clutch? show me a defense that keeps the team in the game to win it. russel wilson is considered a clutch guy. look at his comebacks from being down 12-7 in the 4th and wins 14-12. defense keeps him in games and he wins em. he regularly has games like tennessee last year or balt this year where he does nothing all game then scores once in the 4th quarter to win.





Think of how a #9 offense can be so much better with an actual passing attack to compliment it run game.



Age means nothing because TT won't be here in 2 or 3 years and neither will Rivers .. TT is not going to get that much better and Rivers is still capable of passing for 4000 yds and 30 TD'd


This fantasy that we keep TT and we don't need a replacement QB in the short term is ludicrous. TT's value is less than Rivers IMO mostly because of his inabil;ity to be a passing QB.. Rivers knows passing and any QB we draft and Cardale will need a passing mentor not a scramble mentor

Edited by ddaryl
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All from a very different era with very different rules involving the passing game.

Yeah, point being? An int is an int.


FYI Farve retired in 2010

Manning last year and 18th and 21st on the career list are Brees and E Manning, there still going.

Edited by old school
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If I were Rivers, with all the money and a new home, I'd just retire.


The guy has 6 children, why bother to uproot them just to keep playing.

The team moving to LA is like the Bills moving to Batavia. Rivers doesn't have to uproot his family. He can literally commute to work for the 2-4 years that he has left.

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Rivers = Playoffs for Bills

Rivers > Taylor, every year of their careers.


Context: Rivers carried the Chargers on his back in 2016. The S.D. Chargers were missing their top 2 WR's the whole season with Johnson not making it to the season and Allen out in game week 1, Rivers turned Tyrell Williams (Who?) and Dontrell Inman (Who?) into productive NFL receivers, neither of which were even drafted that I can recall. The Chargers were 4-2 in games in which Melvin Gordon balanced the offense with 20 or more carries (1-6 in games with <20 carries), he also lost his 3rd down back in week 2. PFF had the Chargers with the 4th worst OL heading into the season and 2nd worst at the end, they could not run or pass block anyone, yet Rivers and Chargers managed 5 wins and to only lose 5 more games by less than a score. Defensively they lost Verrett in week 4, Teo their defensive playcaller and co captain in week 3 and had nothing at Safety having Weddle leaving in FA. They had 20 guys on IR to end the season losing most in the first 4 weeks of the season. He has as many 4th quarter comebacks in his career as Jim Kelly, 22, which historically puts him in the top 21 of all time. He's a competitor who played on a torn ACL if I remember correctly.


Buffalo would be lucky to have him even if only for 2-3 years, especially with this team, even at his "advanced" age (Rivers just turned 35, playoff QB's: Brady - 39, Big Ben - 34, Rodgers - 33, Ryan - 31). He's one of the 10 best QB's in the league.

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Yeah, point being? An int is an int.


FYI Farve retired in 2010

Manning last year and 18th and 21st on the career list are Brees and E Manning, there still going.

Where do those guys rank on career pass attempts? High: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/pass_att_career.htm


Obviously guys with a lot of pass attempts will have a lot of interceptions. Int % and Td to INT ratio are the better indicators. They are indicative of how often you make plays vs. mistakes and what percentage of throws do you turn over. They normalize the stats. You wont like this but Tyrod Taylor ranks top 10 in both areas (that is without factoring in his 6 rushing TDs too).

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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but at least Rivers throws the ball over the middle, right?

wow as if going three n out 4 times in a row in about 5 different losses doesnt matter? Yes the middle matters and tyrod started using it in his best games last year, seattle, miami part 2, end of miami part 1. rivers throws a ton more first downs and tds than tyrod. Id love to have them both.

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It help keep these conversations on track if we acknowledged that the "9th ranked offense" mattered for precisely diddly poo. The ranking is being tossed around as if it were the equivalent of being the "9th best offense." We were not. The offense was not good enough last year. Tyrod was not good enough. Let's not lose these facts in the rearview.



what is their factual rank?

Edited by Mr. WEO
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the same people that complain about Tyrod's accuracy want a guy that threw 21 interceptions this season



but but 300 yd games and ble ble blah!

Did any of them throw bubble screens or quick hitters WEO? Because Alpha is mighty worried about having a Quarterback who can throw those. Hey after watching EJ and then TT fail to throw screens accurately for 4 years he is obviously conditioned to an offense that fails to include those plays.


Funny 'cos when I watch the NFL the bubble screen and the quick hitter feature in almost every successful passing attack.



As for Rivers..... I do not see him in Buffalo sadly.

Those quick hitters did the cowboys in on that INT on Sunday too, which would eventually cost them the game by losing all that time on the clock.

So logically he would be interested in Buffalo.



If Rivers comes here he improves the team but its a pipe deam. He is not uprooting his family in 70 degree winters to come to buffalo and live through negative degree weather

Edited by Marty McFly
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Are there honestly people here saying they'd rather Tyrod Taylor were their Quarterback than Rivers?



That is insane.



Couldnt agree more.


Edit: If there was more than one (the one who signed/signs him) GM who said he would take TT over PR, I would be shocked.

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