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Doesn't Whaley have to retain Taylor?


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If they fall back to the bottom, I agree. I just don't see that drop. Worst case is being a little below .500 in the first year (again). I wish we weren't starting over on offense, that was NOT what needed fixing!



The fall from 7-8 wins to 4-5 wins is pretty short drop.

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I pay a lot of attention to the games, and very little to the press conferences. Rex had us as SB contenders. I'll wait until the fall to see how it goes. If Doug fails, he fails. I hope not.

If we get rid of TT and don't get a clear top 10-15 guy like Brees or Rivers ( not that I think we get either) we could easily be a 6 win team.

That's why it makes no sense to get rid of Tyrod. If there's no better option, and you still ditch him, you're tanking. That's an option I haven't really considered.

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If Whaley drafts a QB he buys himself 3 years while that QB develops. So you are wrong. It would not be to his benefit to keep Tyrod

I think that is a big "If". With marginal talent in this draft at the QB position, Whaley will not be given the opportunity to pick a QB at the top of the draft. Whaley has too many holes to fill and will not get a 3-year cushion to develop a QB that he drafts.

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I'm assuming we have a much better defense and a terrible offense. The reverse of this year.


Why assume we have a much better defense? We could have Kyle Williams gone, we changed scheme for linebackers and secondary, and now need to add players for the new defensive scheme. Aaron Williams can claim he's coming back, he's injured every year. Gilmore could be gone.


The defensive coordinator in his last two stints finished with some of the worst defenses of all time.

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He gambled on Sammy and I think it was a good move. I'd do it again. He's a star.

Why on earth would you do it again, knowing that the team continues to flounder? You can't, especially in retrospect, think of dozens of better uses for 2 1 firsts and a 4th?


Whaley is an awful GM. He had great draft picks and gave them away. He had a ton of Pegula's cash and squandered it. He is every bit as undisciplined as Rex.


He does however have great tastes in clothes.

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Where are people getting the idea that Whaley is on "thin ice"? Have the Pegulas, who happen to be the ones that would need to fire him, made some kind of a public statement that I am unaware of? The Pegulas seem to have no problem taking their sweet time with the Sabres, and fired Regier only after it was crystal clear to them that he sucked ass as a GM. My expectation is they will fire Whaley only if it becomes crystal clear to them that he sucks ass as well. If that's next year, 3 years from now, or tomorrow I have no idea. The Bills are making money, I see nothing that tells me they won't be as patient with the Bills as they have been with the Sabres.

It's been 17 years and counting for Bills fans, but only a couple of years for the Pegulas.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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Where are people getting the idea that Whaley is on "thin ice"? Have the Pegulas, who happen to be the ones that would need to fire him, made some kind of a public statement that I am unaware of? The Pegulas seem to have no problem taking their sweet time with the Sabres, and fired Regier only after it was crystal clear to them that he sucked ass as a GM. My expectation is they will fire Whaley only if it becomes crystal clear to them that he sucks ass as well. If that's next year, 3 years from now, or tomorrow I have no idea. The Bills are making money, I see nothing that tells me they won't be as patient with the Bills as they have been with the Sabres.


It's been 17 years and counting for Bills fans, but only a couple of years for the Pegulas.

People don't understand how Pegulas made their money. They have way more patience than the average person.

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Doug's fine handling of the media pretty much ASSURES that the media will be fanning the flames for his dismissal all next season as well.


Prior to the PC disaster when he "declined" to address the Rex firing for a week and then came out and acted like a complete idiot trying to further stone the media.........the fan dislike was just for his body of work.


Now people think he's a f*cking idiot too boot.


Going to be a very interesting year coming up for Doug.

Yep. Public Enemy #1. He had better start hitting it out of the park because every misstep and any signs of dysfunction are going to be beaten to death. No more hiding in the weight room, the target is clearly on him now.
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People don't understand how Pegulas made their money. They have way more patience than the average person.

Good point and one that us fans will need to get used to. It was a very un Pegula like reaction to jettison Rex after just two years. He talked about stability and the recycling of coaches when he bought the team. Shows just how big of a mistake TP realized the Ryan hire was. I don't think McDermott gets less than 4 years barring consecutive 4 win seasons .

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People don't understand how Pegulas made their money. They have way more patience than the average person.



Can you enlighten us?


My assumption has always been that TP was a geologist with inside knowledge about the potential of fracking who had ALSO worked for a large energy company at a time when energy companies viewed fracking as something of a long shot venture at best.......thereby leaving a void he could easily recognize.


Once TP realized the process was going to work he invested in the process and bought up otherwise cheap land that fit the geological profile.


That's just a case where hard work and interest in what others saw as an unlucrative field turned into a huge niche opportunity that exploded into macro money.


His expertise in that field does not necessarily reflect a much larger scale of general brilliance.........and I don't get the patience take at all.


I think the patient thing to do would have been to play it conservative...........which is not the impression I got.


Perhaps you can clarify your patience take.

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Can you enlighten us?


My assumption has always been that TP was a geologist with inside knowledge about the potential of fracking who had ALSO worked for a large energy company at a time when energy companies viewed fracking as something of a long shot venture at best.......thereby leaving a void he could easily recognize.


Once TP realized the process was going to work he invested in the process and bought up otherwise cheap land that fit the geological profile.


That's just a case where hard work and interest in what others saw as an unlucrative field turned into a huge niche opportunity that exploded into macro money.


His expertise in that field does not necessarily reflect a much larger scale of general brilliance.........and I don't get the patience take at all.


I think the patient thing to do would have been to play it conservative...........which is not the impression I got.


Perhaps you can clarify your patience take.


Yes and none of this happens overnight. It is a long process to cash in and make money. Fans who just think of how entertained will I be by the product next year are not thinking on timelines that people like Terry operate on.


Self made billionaires might be short with small things but they can wait out as long as they need to make their plans happen.


Most people are just treading water and can't plan more than a few months ahead. Especially a football fan base that hasn't made the playoffs in 17 years.

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If Whaley drafts a QB he buys himself 3 years while that QB develops. So you are wrong. It would not be to his benefit to keep Tyrod


You don't know that, that is 100% pure speculation. Not only is it speculation but it's nonsensical.

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You don't know that, that is 100% pure speculation. Not only is it speculation but it's nonsensical.


I don't find it nonsensical. Tyrod was "okay" in his first year as a starter. He was "less than okay" in his second year as a starter. I think Whaley's nuts to keep Tyrod, personally. Of course, he better have a better plan in place than Cardale Jones. I think in order to get rid of Tyrod, he needs to replace him with a starter who has proven - at the NFL level - that he's better.

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Yes and none of this happens overnight. It is a long process to cash in and make money. Fans who just think of how entertained will I be by the product next year are not thinking on timelines that people like Terry operate on.


Self made billionaires might be short with small things but they can wait out as long as they need to make their plans happen.


Most people are just treading water and can't plan more than a few months ahead. Especially a football fan base that hasn't made the playoffs in 17 years.


I don't think patience is much of a factor at all in making millions.


Haste is much more important.


But that has nothing to do with pro sports, IMO.


I think the Pegula's are just fans who now own their favorite teams and are learning just how much they didn't know......and getting by on instinct and advice from people who....frankly....have personal agendas that don't run congruent with an owner's objectives of long term success.


And they were just CASUAL football fans too boot. They lived in OP all during the SB years and never went to a game........so we aren't talking about students of the game.


The decision to tank in the NHL is very easy.......the teams at the top are usually stocked with very early draft picks.


There is no QB in the NHL........you basically just stack cheese and get results or you don't.


The NFL is different.......everyone is thisclose to winning and when it doesn't happen over the course of a few years you know you are doing something wrong.

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