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Doesn't Whaley have to retain Taylor?


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Rex brought Tyrod in and that is by far the most productive QB they've had.


How exactly did Rex bring in Hotrod totally independent of Whaley? Did Whaley have no involvement? ZERO?


Whaley also brought in Kyle Orton who was effective. Bills were 7-5 with Kyle under center. 2 of those wins came due to late QB heroics.

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While I agree with your conclusion that it makes great sense to keep TT I totally disagree with your premises. The idea that Whaley is on thin ice and that The Pegs are somehow incompetents is completely the creation of bottom feeding and burnt out local media dregs, amplified by lazy, poorly informed national media. This narrative has infected a substantial part of Bills followers as we easily see on these threads.


I see what's been going on with the Bills lately as signs that the dysfunction that's been the hallmark of the organization since Ralph started the franchise is actually being exorcised. I believe we are witnessing a new Bills identity being born. and as with any birth, there is pain, it is messy, it is stressful, and it takes awhile.

If the narrative has infected a substantial amount of Bills followers, true or not, it has an equal impact. Fan base pressure has an impact regardless if the pressure is rooted in reality or not. The reality is we have the longest playoff drought out of any major north american sports franchise with an owner starting his 3rd season who really shouldn't have the pressures of that put on him but he does. You can debate if Whaley is or isn't on thin ice. I would say 50% would say he is and 50% would say he is not. I would also say that number swings like a tidal wave against him if he makes a decision on TT that plays out poorly in 2017.

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I'd agree.

And some fans are in for a rude awakening next year if TT goes and you replace him with a rookie or FA QB not named Romo.

The offense will regress(it might anyway due to many coaches gone) and I'd bet anything turnovers will be substantially increased.

That's a certainty. Whaley isn't making a move like that without the OK from the owners with the understanding that any rookie is going to take a few years to mature. Maybe the Pegulas say sorry but no we have to win now. In which case he will go for a vet or keep TT. If he drafts someone he's already ensured that he is sticking around for a while to oversee the process
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Because it will take the QB a number of years to develop. If that QB ends up being the next Peyton Manning are they going to fire the GM that drafted him after his first year? Took Peyton about 3 years to be Peyton

Peyton looked the part in year one. You could tell he was going to be good. You could tell he was a sure-fire guy in college.


If the rook comes in and plays like EJ Manual or Jared Goff you can bet its bye bye Whaley - and deservedly so.

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Because it will take the QB a number of years to develop. If that QB ends up being the next Peyton Manning are they going to fire the GM that drafted him after his first year? Took Peyton about 3 years to be Peyton



Which QB in the draft is "Peyton Manning", one of the most hyped and highly considered QB draftees in decades?


Anyway, Whaley is the least likely GM in the league to spot "the next Peyton Manning".


Also, Whaley drafted EJ--how are those "three years" buying him more time?

Edited by Mr. WEO
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Peyton also had 26 TDs on the worst team in the NFL. Id be delighted if we drated a guy like that in May.


The real solution here for DW, and MCDermott too, is to retain TT AND draft a guy McDermott likes and can work with. That way they are covering all their bases.

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I think there's a real possibility that Whaley could be gone in May after the draft, believe front office contracts typically expire after the draft anyway. If he doesn't go then I agree with kdiggs, he's here for awhile. TP appears to be the kind of guy that doesn't like constant change so think he will give both McD and DW time to fix this. McD supposedly signed a 5 year deal, think he'll be here for at least the first 4. And think he'll give DW the time to get the players they feel they need. If the rumors are true that Rex was more a, TP choice than DW, again I think that gives DW a bit more rope.


It also typically gets messy when you have a coach in place and bring in a new GM, unless you happen to find a GM with a long history with the HC so baring some really terrible draft choices, think DW is here as long as HC which I think is 4 years.




In this climate, having a GM on thin ice, having a new owner being questioned for his competency in running a football operation, having a new head coach tasked with breaking the longest playoff drought in the big 4 N. American sports and fan base that hasn't grown anymore patient as a result.....


If you let Tyrod walk without a viable replacement you open yourself up to a beating. The type of beating people lose a job over. Terry isn't losing his job. Sean is 100% safe barring a 2-14 year. We can sit here and talk about what's smart for the long term or what is the most economically sound decision but for Whaley his job is on the line. If we enter 2017 and go 6-10 or worse with a different QB and Tyrod is in the playoffs Whaley would likely lose his job. Self preservation has to factor into this decision.


Whaley can land a trade (FA has no solution better than Tyrod) or Whaley/Terry etc can decide they need to blow the position up with a rookie and they likely accept 2017 is somewhat of a rebuilding year. Tricky part to the second scenario is this isn't a full rebuild roster and I don't know if the fan base is patient enough to let go of what appears to be a 2-3 year potential window if you keep Taylor.


I think the most likely scenario we see Taylor in a Bills uniform in 2017.



Huge cut there and the big whiffer
Whaley drafting a QB will not buy Whaley any more years.
Why wouldn't the Bills move on to a different GM if they draft a QB in 2017?




Sounds like you're assuming DW is on thin ice. The only people who've stated that to be true is the media and many posters here.


That's with the assumption that Pegula agrees with what you're saying. If so, that means Pegula doesn't mind paying a hefty price on a roster built more to compete than rebuild and is also patient enough to withstand 2-3 years of our current fan base in a rebuild. That is a big stretch. I don't see drafting a QB as buying Whaley time, in fact if that rookie has a poor showing in 2017 as most rookies do, it would likely be the nail in the coffin. This isn't a patient environment.

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Peyton looked the part in year one. You could tell he was going to be good. You could tell he was a sure-fire guy in college.


If the rook comes in and plays like EJ Manual or Jared Goff you can bet its bye bye Whaley - and deservedly so.

Peyton had 28 int his first year. The board would have crucified him


Yep! Could you imagine? If we have a QB that does that this year they would be calling for Whaley to be fired, Russ, the janitor, Pegula's dog. No GM in their right mind would sign up for that unless they had an understanding that it takes a few years for the QB to develop so let's sit back and see what happens

Which QB in the draft is "Peyton Manning", one of the most hyped and highly considered QB draftees in decades?


Anyway, Whaley is the least likely GM in the league to spot "the next Peyton Manning".


Also, Whaley drafted EJ--how are those "three years" buying him more time?

Peyton was an example that even the best QB's take time. If they like someone they have to feel like they will have the time to groom them otherwise they won't take someone.


And Buddy Nix drafted EJ as a going away present. They didn't trust Whaley enough at that point. It also seems they didn't trust him enough to choose Rex. This time they are putting it all on him and saying OK these are your guys let's see if you sink or swim

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How exactly did Rex bring in Hotrod totally independent of Whaley? Did Whaley have no involvement? ZERO?


Whaley also brought in Kyle Orton who was effective. Bills were 7-5 with Kyle under center. 2 of those wins came due to late QB heroics.


Yes Tyrod was a Rex call.


And no, Orton didn't resemble a franchise QB.

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Makes him just as likely to spot the next Peyton as the GM in NE. If they were so smart, they'd have drafted Brady before the 6th round. There's many things you can blame DW for, but not finding the next Peyton is just an excuse by many here that want to blame him for everything. If it were so easy every team in the league minus the Bills would have a franchise QB, but they don't. Excluding falling into an Andrew Luck (and Peyton) and probably can also say Cam Newton, in two or three years may be able to add Philly and LA to the list and Denver if Paxton Lynch works out, the rest of the GM's in the league who do have good solid QB's were more lucky than good. Everyone's praising Dallas for picking up Prescott, but that was only due to Denver already selecting Lynch.


What could be said is "Doug Whaley is just as lucky as every other GM in the league to spot the next Peyton"




Which QB in the draft is "Peyton Manning", one of the most hyped and highly considered QB draftees in decades?


Anyway, Whaley is the least likely GM in the league to spot "the next Peyton Manning".


Also, Whaley drafted EJ--how are those "three years" buying him more time?

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I agree that some people think Whaley should be on thin ice and are projecting that onto the Pegulas. I see no evidence that he is.



The media consensus at this point last year was that Rex was done if he didn't make the playoffs.


Did you see it that way too?


I think there is plenty of smoke to the Whaley situation.

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Yep! Could you imagine? If we have a QB that does that this year they would be calling for Whaley to be fired, Russ, the janitor, Pegula's dog. No GM in their right mind would sign up for that unless they had an understanding that it takes a few years for the QB to develop so let's sit back and see what happens

Peyton was an example that even the best QB's take time. If they like someone they have to feel like they will have the time to groom them otherwise they won't take someone.


And Buddy Nix drafted EJ as a going away present. They didn't trust Whaley enough at that point. It also seems they didn't trust him enough to choose Rex. This time they are putting it all on him and saying OK these are your guys let's see if you sink or swim

Thats my point. IF IF IF Whakey drafts a GOOD rookie QB, he stays.


IF IF IF he drafts a guy like EJ Manual or Jared Goff, I could see him being fired. And I would 100% agree that he earned it. (what, 6 or 7 years in the front office and no QB after two failed draft picks AND letting the best QB you have had in over a decade walk, sorry but thats a fireable resume)

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Drafting a QB won't buy him more time. He's on thin ice.

If the Pegula's agreed on chopping Rex and letting TT walk that is an indication they bought whatever Whaley was selling them during this season. Whaley is stronger now than ever and he will not be canned after next season.


Rex was a clown and he opened this door for Whaley. "Rex isn't coaching these guys right" "Tyrod can't utilize the guys I brought in, man Terry I feel bad that your paying these guys to run around wide open"


Yeah let me find a real coach and QB and show you how this is done! Oh BTW Terry it's going to take time for Cardale to develop and I'm going to draft and even better QB this year!!! Hang with me here!! If you and Kim didn't love Rex so much we could have had a real QB by now!!


Something like that....

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