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Say Goodbye to The Greatest Show on Earth


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I'm amazed they lasted this long. My wife and I would see the advertisements every year they came around and we'd ask each other "Who still goes to a circus??" Elephants or no elephants there were really enough people who found that entertaining to keep it profitable into 2017?


circus needed to progress with the times and it did in some aspects like Cirque du Soleil but these traveling carnivals were destined to fail.

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Sad end to an era. I won't argue the animal treatment, but I lived in Sarasota, FL for 18 years (home to it all) and i can tell you the circus is built into the fabric of a great town. I wish I still lived there!

can you speak carney?

They figured they couldn't compete with the incoming Trump circus.

wrong place, snowflake.
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to some degree i agree with you. i spent time thinking about it today as i was going through my minutia of every day life.


what i appreciate about zoos is that they allow for education on the animals. i had a conference at the NC Zoo, one of the best in the country. i went during lunch and sat by the mountain lion exhibit. it was a semi chilly Tuesday. No one was there. For about an 30 minutes i just sat against the glass and enjoyed the day. After 5 minutes they came over and sat on the opposite side of me and just seemed to hang out with me.


as i was going to return to my conference the zoo keeper over the lions came out to check on them and i spoke with him. all domesticated cats in the zoos across the country are made sterile due to over population. many of the cats across the country are seized by individuals who think owning them means they are awesome. wolves, bears, pandas, gators, etc are the same. zoos get the animals some times from these idiots who couldn't take care of them and should not have had them.


these animals could never make it in the real world. these animals educational devices, exploited to some degree, yes. as the zoo keeper told me many of these animals are euthanizaed when they do not get placed in to zoo care. (if you didn't know, the US Gov's BLM kills thousands of wild horses a year and ships them to Mexico to enter their food chain; in the US there are no current horse slaughter plants).


It's a grey area to debate because of the slippery slope but it is difficult to say that all zoos, circus' and all animal performances.


You could even say that owning cats, dogs, birds and fish is cruel. PETA would be glade to endorse this thought.

Don't know about birds. Cats and dogs pretty much love living with people. And small tropical fish rarely leave their small reefs in the wild anyway. So a decent size fish tank is about as much as they operate in the wild.

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can you speak carney?

One of my son's friends was from a carney family. (About 5'8" and well over 300 pounds but quick enough to play a little college football - freakishly strong!) I was not terribly surprised when he pulled a bag from the back of his pickup and brought out the baby alligator he had "adopted". Who else has their own baby alligator? Drive around certain parts of town and see huge trapezes and nets in back yards. Interesting crowd!



He was in front of me at a Taco Bell one time with his dad ordering....I thought there must be a tour bus in the parking lot and they were ordering for everyone. I was wrong.

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