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Tim Graham article -T Pegs considers dysfunction an insult


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Yes, get over it!


How can anyone at this point question Pegula's ability and scheme for running a pro sports team in Buffalo?


If he says you don't need to know, then you don't need to know. Trust his process as his results speaks for themselves.


People shouldn't question any of this.

You, however, would be a great owner, and especially great at press conferences.


Reporter: Mr. WEO, who is going to be your GM?

MR. WEO: No one. They all suck. I will call the shots.

REporter: So who is going to be your QB?

MR. WEO: No one. They all suck.

Reporter: But don't you need a QB?

MR. WEO: Of course! What do you think I'm stupid?

Reporter: So, who is it going to be?

MR. WEO: No one. They all suck.

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He was asked some pretty basic questions about the recent firing, the qb situation (which, by the way, is a huge national story), and a couple of other pretty basic things. "None of your business" is not the best answer given the business he's in. Look - the Bills are not DynCorp or BoozAllenHamilton. They are a genuinely public-oriented company that (sadly) carries the hopes of literally hundreds of thousands of Western New Yorkers. Not all private businesses are the same. Fans are the reason teams are popular, and their only conduit to press-loathing multi-billionaires like the Pegulas is, ironically, the press -- like it or not.

would you prefer, we haven't come to those decisions yet because we were focused on hiring a head coach. Until he assembles his staff and we have had an opportunity to sit down and discuss our plan going forward I have no new information? Same thing, !@#$ off nunya!
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You, however, would be a great owner, and especially great at press conferences.


Reporter: Mr. WEO, who is going to be your GM?

MR. WEO: No one. They all suck. I will call the shots.

REporter: So who is going to be your QB?

MR. WEO: No one. They all suck.

Reporter: But don't you need a QB?

MR. WEO: Of course! What do you think I'm stupid?

Reporter: So, who is it going to be?

MR. WEO: No one. They all suck.


I wouldn't let my "speaking as one" GM go out there and lie (badly) about pretty simple subjects and embarrass me and the team.


I bet you wouldn't either.


But!, since I can't resist, as for QB (and you pretend not to know this because...narrative) I would say: "obviously we are going to do everything we can to keep TT as our QB. In fact, I, personally have brought this up as part of MY selection process for choosing this outstanding Irishman as our new HC".


See? That wasn't hard. Sorry if it didn't fit your cool story though...

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He was asked some pretty basic questions about the recent firing, the qb situation (which, by the way, is a huge national story), and a couple of other pretty basic things. "None of your business" is not the best answer given the business he's in. Look - the Bills are not DynCorp or BoozAllenHamilton. They are a genuinely public-oriented company that (sadly) carries the hopes of literally hundreds of thousands of Western New Yorkers. Not all private businesses are the same. Fans are the reason teams are popular, and their only conduit to press-loathing multi-billionaires like the Pegulas is, ironically, the press -- like it or not.

And at the same time they are also responsible for their employees and the players.


They shouldn't be answering questions like that about their employees and players in a public forum. It's that simple.


Why would you ask someone's boss to give them a public performance review? It's not going to make anyone look good. Especially at a time that the boss is fighting the perception of dysfunction in the organization.


I know I know. You want answers and fans deserve better. Interesting how the "adults" like you and WEO are the ones sitting around pouting.

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I wouldn't let my "speaking as one" GM go out there and lie (badly) about pretty simple subjects and embarrass me and the team.


I bet you wouldn't either.


But!, since I can't resist, as for QB (and you pretend not to know this because...narrative) I would say: "obviously we are going to do everything we can to keep TT as our QB. In fact, I, personally have brought this up as part of MY selection process for choosing this outstanding Irishman as our new HC".


See? That wasn't hard. Sorry if it didn't fit your cool story though...




Good to see you are no better owner than they are.

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He was asked some pretty basic questions about the recent firing, the qb situation (which, by the way, is a huge national story), and a couple of other pretty basic things. "None of your business" is not the best answer given the business he's in. Look - the Bills are not DynCorp or BoozAllenHamilton. They are a genuinely public-oriented company that (sadly) carries the hopes of literally hundreds of thousands of Western New Yorkers. Not all private businesses are the same. Fans are the reason teams are popular, and their only conduit to press-loathing multi-billionaires like the Pegulas is, ironically, the press -- like it or not.


Again, they're being pilloried over not being media savvy and not on the content of their non-answers. No one is discussing the possibility that he doesn't want to touch the Tyrod & Rex questions because of legal implications. Both cases are probably in the lawyers' hands right now, and it doesn't do the franchise any good to be blabbing about it to TBN.


From a fan's perspective, how much more information would we get if he answered about:


Rex, "The team was not moving in the direction we wanted it to, so the coach and we agreed to part ways" vs. "It's a personal thing"


Tyrod, "He is under contract right now. He had a procedure last week. We'll see how his recovery goes" vs. "It's a personal thing"



If I were in their position, I'd be tired of the amateur hour questions that always pop up.


From a fan's persp

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Why would you want him to make public ANY feelings on Tyrod when the matter isnt even resolved yet?

Why would you expect him to publicly throw Rex under the bus? The firing is proof enough he wanst happy with Rex's performance.


Entitled children.

Re: Rex, he freaking fired him less than two years into a five-year contract! No comment on that? Please. Feel free to keep on defending that sort of tone-deaf response to questions, however. And he does come across as completely tone deaf (not Kim though). Don't get me wrong - I don't dislike TP and I love that he bought the Bills. But man, does he a) need some media training and b) need to wake up and realize that he's actually a public figure who owns a franchise that a million-plus people are abnormally invested in emotionally. Yes, he owes something to the fans. Pretending that a garden variety issue is some sort of state secret is laughable. Expressing a moderately worded opinion about the QB isn't going to start a nuclear war or -- more relevantly -- undermine anyone.

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Good to see you are no better owner than they are.



I would keep him. Step closer to the screen.


I'm betting the new HC said he wouldn't put up with the owner pulling the starting QB in week 17 and Pegula rolled on that.

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And at the same time they are also responsible for their employees and the players.


They shouldn't be answering questions like that about their employees and players in a public forum. It's that simple.


Why would you ask someone's boss to give them a public performance review? It's not going to make anyone look good. Especially at a time that the boss is fighting the perception of dysfunction in the organization.


I know I know. You want answers and fans deserve better. Interesting how the "adults" like you and WEO are the ones sitting around pouting.

You're making a false comparison. Big time pro sports isn't the same as a normal business.

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I wouldn't let my "speaking as one" GM go out there and lie (badly) about pretty simple subjects and embarrass me and the team.


I bet you wouldn't either.


But!, since I can't resist, as for QB (and you pretend not to know this because...narrative) I would say: "obviously we are going to do everything we can to keep TT as our QB. In fact, I, personally have brought this up as part of MY selection process for choosing this outstanding Irishman as our new HC".


See? That wasn't hard. Sorry if it didn't fit your cool story though...

Yeah. That sounds JUST like you. Unless you have a personal practice of after every 19,000 bitchy negative barely coherent inconsistent remarks you provide one fairly cogent one. Thanks for the laugh.
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Re: Rex, he freaking fired him less than two years into a five-year contract! No comment on that? Please. Feel free to keep on defending that sort of tone-deaf response to questions, however. And he does come across as completely tone deaf (not Kim though). Don't get me wrong - I don't dislike TP and I love that he bought the Bills. But man, does he a) need some media training and b) need to wake up and realize that he's actually a public figure who owns a franchise that a million-plus people are abnormally invested in emotionally. Yes, he owes something to the fans. Pretending that a garden variety issue is some sort of state secret is laughable. Expressing a moderately worded opinion about the QB isn't going to start a nuclear war or -- more relevantly -- undermine anyone.

Perhaps you need management training instead.

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Re: Rex, he freaking fired him less than two years into a five-year contract! No comment on that? Please. Feel free to keep on defending that sort of tone-deaf response to questions, however. And he does come across as completely tone deaf (not Kim though). Don't get me wrong - I don't dislike TP and I love that he bought the Bills. But man, does he a) need some media training and b) need to wake up and realize that he's actually a public figure who owns a franchise that a million-plus people are abnormally invested in emotionally. Yes, he owes something to the fans. Pretending that a garden variety issue is some sort of state secret is laughable. Expressing a moderately worded opinion about the QB isn't going to start a nuclear war or -- more relevantly -- undermine anyone.


I think firing him 2 years into a 5 year contract, and everything us fans saw on Sundays, says everything we need to know about Rex.


Moderately worded opinions, instead of flat out stonewalls, is exactly what allowed the media to create the controversy.

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And at the same time they are also responsible for their employees and the players.


They shouldn't be answering questions like that about their employees and players in a public forum. It's that simple.


Why would you ask someone's boss to give them a public performance review? It's not going to make anyone look good. Especially at a time that the boss is fighting the perception of dysfunction in the organization.


I know I know. You want answers and fans deserve better. Interesting how the "adults" like you and WEO are the ones sitting around pouting.



Nothing "fights" that perception like "none of your business"!


Another well argued point.

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I think firing him 2 years into a 5 year contract, and everything us fans saw on Sundays, says everything we need to know about Rex.


Moderately worded opinions, instead of flat out stonewalls, is exactly what allowed the media to create the controversy.

Yeah, why was there any question whatsoever about why he fired Rex? It was blatantly clear to virtually everyone including everyone that is asking why did you fire Rex.
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Smart move by the Pegulas in advance of todays PC. Now the media is on full advance notice the Pegulas won't be answering questions, and they have a variety of answers to the questions they were whining about since Whaley's dubious PC.


Now, hopefully, the focus can be on McDermott and what he plans to bring to the table -- not "can you work with Doug Whaley?" or any of that nonsense.



Agreed. Smart to go with Tim Graham too, now TBN can't be salty about a lack of access and if the criticize the Pegula's statements they're also criticizing their colleague who interviewed them.



I wouldn't let my "speaking as one" GM go out there and lie (badly) about pretty simple subjects and embarrass me and the team.


I bet you wouldn't either.


But!, since I can't resist, as for QB (and you pretend not to know this because...narrative) I would say: "obviously we are going to do everything we can to keep TT as our QB. In fact, I, personally have brought this up as part of MY selection process for choosing this outstanding Irishman as our new HC".


See? That wasn't hard. Sorry if it didn't fit your cool story though...


Curious as to why a Pats fan spends half of their work day trolling Bills fans on a Bills board? What's the story here?

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I think firing him 2 years into a 5 year contract, and everything us fans saw on Sundays, says everything we need to know about Rex.


Moderately worded opinions, instead of flat out stonewalls, is exactly what allowed the media to create the controversy.


Exaccccctly. It's really not that hard to understand, though for some reason people want to hear the owner trash the former coach. It's not going to happen (and quite frankly it doesn't need to - he trashed himself with his performance on the field).

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Yeah. That sounds JUST like you. Unless you have a personal practice of after every 19,000 bitchy negative barely coherent inconsistent remarks you provide one fairly cogent one. Thanks for the laugh.



My thoughts on TT are well documented. Not sure why you would say otherwise--Oh wait, I do know (was having a Whaley moment). You haven't been reading me closely--because it would spoil your fun.


I'm on board with the new guy. He doesn't seem like the disaster that Rex would be to some of us (not you, of course).

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