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McDermott New HC per JLaCan - new jw tweets re: Whaley & TT


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Whaley is quitting now because they won't interview his Steelers guys? Monos for GM and TT stays #sourcesdeepwithin


That would be an interesting shift. Monos is highly regarded, so I've heard. #norealsources

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Can someone put these DW COncerns questions araised in a nut shell. is this carrying over from the PC or did i miss something new?

Wants to know how much of his porn is publicly accessible on the bills cloud.

Edited by The Wiz
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Why the laugh? You'd think a Bills fan would want good things to happen to this team. This just confirms you'd rather revel in failure and point fingers than have things go well for us.


It's entertainment.


If they aren't going to be in contention I'd just assume they combust so we can try the coaching search again.


And McDermott and a couple Billsy coordinator hires combined with a tear down of a good offense = McDoormat and fired in one or two years.......... then we can try to get it right next time.


I can't control the Bills decisions I can only control how I perceive them. :thumbsup:

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Can someone put these DW COncerns questions araised in a nut shell. is this carrying over from the PC or did i miss something new?


Basically it was that the Pegs wanted one guy (seems to be McD) and Whaley wanted another (dunno who). So Pegs overrulled Whaley

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It's entertainment.


If they aren't going to be in contention I'd just assume they combust so we can try the coaching search again.


And McDermott and a couple Billsy coordinator hires combined with a tear down of a good offense = McDoormat and fired in one or two years.......... then we can try to get it right next time.


I can't control the Bills decisions I can only control how I perceive them. :thumbsup:


Yeah I know, I was just busting chops

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It's entertainment.


If they aren't going to be in contention I'd just assume they combust so we can try the coaching search again.


And McDermott and a couple Billsy coordinator hires combined with a tear down of a good offense = McDoormat and fired in one or two years.......... then we can try to get it right next time.


I can't control the Bills decisions I can only control how I perceive them. :thumbsup:

Well I doubt McDermott brings in an unknown as OC but enjoy!

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