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She lost because lots of people hate her. I grant that. But lots of people, maybe more, hate Trump. Ugly election. Then the FBI came along and very much influenced the election with the email bull **** that lots of people do not understand at all. Turns out it was nothing, but people saw FBI and thought, "oh, that must be bad." But it wasn't. Comey gave Trump the election


I'll take The Left STILL Doesn't Know Why Hillary Lost for $500 Alex.

Posted (edited)

She lost because lots of people hate her. I grant that. But lots of people, maybe more, hate Trump. Ugly election. Then the FBI came along and very much influenced the election with the email bull **** that lots of people do not understand at all. Turns out it was nothing, but people saw FBI and thought, "oh, that must be bad." But it wasn't. Comey gave Trump the election


He pulled from behind her blue collar firewall... Guys & gals like myself, my neighbors... Ones feeling that they may have been left out of the new economy/society/culture. "Their side" against the new dem elites won.


Myself, I agree w/Chomsky:




"...There are two issues, he said. One is a kind of moral issue: do you vote against the greater evil if you dont happen to like the other candidate? The answer to that is yes. If you have any moral understanding, you want to keep the greater evil out..."


Myself? I was a millimeter away from making that "protest vote"... I am a New Deal Dem to the core. Then, like Chomsky the Commie, my moral understanding kicked in. It isn't about me, it should be about what is the lesser of two evils. I will always be fine. My parents raised me simply @ any cost to not carry the bitter workman's torch, grudge out of selfishness. Sure my vote for for Hillary coupled w/her win may have hurt me personally. I would have risen above it, adapted and have been better for it... Just like under Obama... Who froze our pay for most of his second term. I will adapt under Trump and be even stronger.


I stand to win personally with a Trump presidency,he pandered to blue collar guys like myself. If he screws everybody, he is bound to be a one termer.



FWIW... Many know me as a Fed worker... But I am not a GS employee, I am a WG employee. Out of the group I am with, out in the field, I can't think of anybody who was not sympathetic to Trump's demagoguery. Strange, because you would think Trump as our boss, federal employees would have a target on their heads. Yet, there was an exact opposite feeling amongst my WG co-workers, all the way up through management (WY-WA).


Trump did catch lightening in a bottle amongst us hourly, non-salary folks... Even the one's among us that choose to be in the Union.


Hillary simply failed to understand this blue collar demographic through her "blue firewall" from PA, through Michigan, and into WI. She held it together in the market center of Chicago & Northeastern Illinois (also MN) while out in the country she was losing badly with the folks she alienated. States like IA, WI, MI, PA, etc... Couldn't muster her traditional blue collar base... Those states too burned by the Dems and more rural centric. Iowa, Indiana, classic farm states that ate the Trump demagoguery up from breakfast to dinner.


In conclusion, it will be interesting to see how he treats these northern blue collars. Will his Carrier rescues in places like Indiana be enough to outweigh the others getting burned?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

if you can fully retire @ 50 from working a federal or gubment job for your entire life than the system is broke.


System solvent and self-funded. I fund my pension, still have to cover my 40% of healthcare. Few years is about 7.5, which I consider a "few"... Earliest (56.5 years old) and not full, but I/we covered the rest. I got almost 30 years in. You want me to go later and take more from the system or go earlier and fund more myself? That sure sounds more broken if I go later and don't give a younger worker a chance... Its basically a retirement home/job anyway!

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