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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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sure, tell me about the invasions of Hungary and Poland.


Where did I make that claim?


BTW, the only equivocation that's happening here is from the usual Russia apologists. Tell me exactly how they've given more countries their independence?

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I was wrong on the election. Will never say otherwise and what I'm about to say next isn't an attempt to explain away that error BUT it is certainly connected to this thread:


Clinton was expected to win, by the media and most people paying attention, because her chosen faction of the DS has been at the controls for so long, they have a history of getting what they want. She had the media in her pocket, the CIA, NSA, and the entire establishment which has a history of subverting the people's will. What was unexpected by many, including me, was another faction of the DS making such a strong power play behind the scenes in such a short period of time.


However they accomplished it, the victory shook a lot of folks in power who are now (clearly) desperate to hold onto their jobs and status.


That's what makes this such an interesting time, we're seeing a power struggle between parties that reside in the shadows -- the kind of struggle that hasn't happened in any of our lifetimes. The chaos is evident in just how much of a glimpse we're getting at how these parties operate and function. That's not the norm and it has the possibility of helping restore our democratic republic if enough people start realizing what's happening (and they seem to be).


But I have NO idea what it's going to look like when the dust settles. We'll either have a return to the old guard or something new... but I'm not sure if that something new will be a net positive... I just know it'll be the end of regime change wars which, to me is a positive.


Speaking of dust settling. Just watched The Crown's episode about the Big Smoke/Great Fog of '52. According to them, a DS operative tried to subvert and topple Churchill's government by burying the warning about the pending air inversion. The subsequent deaths (I've seen from 4k to 12k estimates) would cause such a scandal that The Queen E2 would call for his resignation.


There's nothing new under the sun. :ph34r:

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Where did I make that claim?


BTW, the only equivocation that's happening here is from the usual Russia apologists. Tell me exactly how they've given more countries their independence?

Your list:. "Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Afghanistan, Georgia, Ukraine are all within the last 50 years."

The break up of the USSR (and withdrawal of Russian troops).

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Your list:. "Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Afghanistan, Georgia, Ukraine are all within the last 50 years."

The break up of the USSR (and withdrawal of Russian troops).

Calling the involuntary dissolution of an empire "granting countries independence" is a rather bizarre redefinition of the word.

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Calling the involuntary dissolution of an empire "granting countries independence" is a rather bizarre redefinition of the word.

Sure it is. There certainly was no bloody battle for independence. Most became part of the "independent commonwealth" that Russia signed, and Russian troops withdrawn soon after. Would you say they were "independent" prior to 1989?

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Sure it is. There certainly was no bloody battle for independence. Most became part of the "independent commonwealth" that Russia signed, and Russian troops withdrawn soon after. Would you say they were "independent" prior to 1989?




That's like a kidnapper releasing their prisoners because they get arrested and calling the kidnapper a liberator.


Oh you crazy lefties.


Actually, apparently I'm one too now.

Edited by meazza
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Your list:. "Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Afghanistan, Georgia, Ukraine are all within the last 50 years."

The break up of the USSR (and withdrawal of Russian troops).

They are a thugocracy that actively interferes with democracies in an evil way. We do have a vested interest in promoting democracy and they have an interest is screwing over democracies, including their own. The reason, so as I understand it, of why Putin hates Hillary is because she highlighted the fraud and corruption of a stolen election in Russia.


There is a cold war still going on

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They are a thugocracy that actively interferes with democracies in an evil way. We do have a vested interest in promoting democracy and they have an interest is screwing over democracies, including their own. The reason, so as I understand it, of why Putin hates Hillary is because she highlighted the fraud and corruption of a stolen election in Russia.


There is a cold war still going on


The 80's called.

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Sure it is. There certainly was no bloody battle for independence. Most became part of the "independent commonwealth" that Russia signed, and Russian troops withdrawn soon after.

So by the same argument, Japan granted Korea independence in 1945...

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BTW, the only equivocation that's happening here is from the usual Russia apologists.


Today I learned that GG considers himself a Russian apologist. :lol:


Which country has a demonstrated history of invading neighboring sovereigns in the last 50 yrs?


Because this is the text book definition of equivocation, complete with disingenuous qualifiers.


How bout we look at the last 15 years:


Russia has invaded two countries: Ukraine (controversial) and Georgia.

The US has invaded and or toppled: Afghanistan (controversial), Iraq, Syria, and Libya while sustaining long bombing campaigns in Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan.


In 15 years Russia has retaken the swath of land where every invading European army since the beginning of time has crossed to invade Russia while the US has fought wars of convenience across the ME -- not to protect our own borders (which are an ocean away) but to protect the corporate interests of our plutocracy.


You might take pointing out reality as being a Russian apologist, I know you love to use your neocon talking points on this subject, but all it is in actuality is honesty.

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